What Actually Is Eve Online?

It’s just such a shame as you two would hate each other forever, yet you are so kind to me and I’m glad that had reached out today.

Princess If it cost frosty just a few billion last month for you to be done with your nagging then we feel it was isk how worth spent.

So you may please stop asking for more as we need to now focus on our Dreads

Oh, look who just got blocked!



RIP @Felix_Frostpacker though I wonder if a new alt will arise trying to circumvent the block that way.


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“What actually is EvE Online” ?

Davy Jones, in a pensive mood, answers the rookie with a question.

do you fear death

If the answer is “Yes”, it’s game over.
If not, then …

our business


So just to be fully clear.

We had officially broken up!

No more roleplay!

Apparently according to the above post EVE Online actually is this:




I’m not going to settle for half.

/actually we have a stack of fitted catalyst and nowhere to send.


You can always send them to @Mike_Azariah and by doing so you would also show Aiko who’s the (new) boss (in town). :smiling_imp: :smirk: :popcorn:

So basically a pyramid scheme.

It used to be. Now its just players CC.

You do not have permission to speak

You decided to stick to mining then?

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That was from April?

We lost another one back in May

/actually that was the one that survived Tama

/we are planning to make another one

The definition of insanity ( as demonstrated by the Frostpackers ) is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

if you got too much money to burn, give it to AIKO.


Why? Exactly?

Because he wants to. :innocent:

No really. Self-admittedly as proclaimed in several of his posts. He just tries to resist the urge for brief periods and fails in the end and the cycle repeats.

So it makes sense really as it would eliminate the painful periods of struggle if he simply continually donated instead of withholding his ISK every now and then then donating even more than he would without pausing his tithe payments.

:face_with_hand_over_mouth: :smirk: :popcorn:


I deserve nice things.


Maybe you can ask @Naomie_Pennilez to bum an AT ship after the tournament prizes have been given out.

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We just need the right motivation to log in.