What Actually Is Eve Online?


There ya go


Where is the yellow space suit?


Objectifying women is the act of treating a woman as an object, rather than a person, focusing excessively on their appearance and what color of spacesuit they wear. It can be harmful to women in many ways, and can lead to psychological problems such as the need to gank excessively and punish objectifiers unless payment is made in advance.


You literally posted an image/avatar of the subject.

*Women don’t play Eve, so i doubt anyone is offended.

You need to get out more, touch some grass.

You might even get a girlfriend .

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Has anyone learned the role of accountant in their on-line corporation or alliance?

How many success stories are there in-game of players simply coming to play and learning different in-game corporation skills?


Success stories? I give you Aiko.

As a new player, she tried ganking and enjoyed ganking so much, she created an alliance to do exactly that. She became the Supreme Protectorate of High Sec and by her modest admission, has won the game.

I do believe that you have made the acquaintance of her hugely successful alliance.

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It looks like that role was self appointed at this…



You don’t have to post as an Alt to praise yourself, miss Danuja. It’s tacky and cringe.


The expression “take it on the chin” is an idiom that means to accept something difficult or unpleasant without complaining or making a fuss. For example, you might say “James really took it on the chin today when he got fired for missing a deadline”.

That pretty much sums Eve up…

How long will it take a certain group of alts to flag this?

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We’ll never know, that’s how convenient the rule of not discussing moderation is for the trolls.
But if your posts are getting flagged it means you’re saying something right :+1:

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Do you see anything suspicious about my previous post?

I don’t.

I don’t see your previous post, which is very convenient, so I will say no, I don’t see anything suspicious about it

Any post can be edited to be shown again. As a post is flagged if its deemed inappropriate the ISD will explain which rule was broken. Free speech doesnt exist in private spaces.

All too familiar with that concept. At least they don’t pretend it does, it’s very gracious of them.

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It does, you are free to speak as long as you are allowed to. :wink:



Zaera has permission to say my name.

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That’s why we respect her wishes and only refer to Princess as Witch of Highsec

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