What Actually Is Eve Online?

Post 406

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Or kill us all :smirk:

Well are permits something new?


Replace us all!

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Pfff :roll_eyes:

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Do you also follow 1X-tech?


I knew that, just felt it would suit sticking in the jab!

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Hello World

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I hold stock in Brainchip

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early days

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Better not say too much.

Doubtful. ChatGPT can’t even compete with @Zaera_Keena as my therapist.

Yes! Yes!

I hope he gets that brainchip soon.

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Wait? Could it be possible that your therapist is not qualified enough compared with the range of subjects that ChatGPT offers?

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Possibly, but the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Doctor Zaera has a PhD in Gankotherpay, which reminds me, you have yet to undergo your impudence training Frostpacker.

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Just some thoughts on this.

“At work,” Why would anyone need to work at this point when AI should be doing that for you? (If it didn’t kill us all 1st :rofl: )

“Drama and conflict are rare.” You would need a new species of humans to pull that off, lol.

If the future is so “civilized”, why do I see warships?

At 5800 yrs, we should be able to make that much energy fairly easily?

A Dyson Sphere. Thats gotta have a jump gate (choke point) that can be exploited somehow. :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :laughing: And we better have come up with a way to keep the sun from dying.

Type 3 civilization sounds like us already, just a virus on a larger scale? Although I can easily understand time manipulation as we already know gravity affects time. Yet still no clue how it works. With that much power, maybe a gravity drive?

Boy, did I get stuck in the wrong parallel universe! :rofl:

Type 7. What about birth rate? Would even time/space/multiple parallel universes get crowded?

Immortality. Do you really want me here on the forums for a billion yrs? :rage:

“While terrestrial life” has been on earth a long time, not with self-awareness.

Traces of our existence. :roll_eyes: Look at all the nuclear accidents or storage. Pretty easy to tell these are not natural.

If an advanced cavillation “graced” our planet with humans. They didn’t do us any favors! :rofl: Correct me if I’m wrong but we seem to have only a .2 PH deviance from cosmic material?

“Cloak their presence.” Cloaky campers? Or simply chose to stay hidden from younger players? Can’t blame them.

May the heavens help us.

Great vid!

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May I bring a friend?

/response by friend, “thx it sounds like fun”

Pls keep the evemail with the contact private.

Thank you Dr Z…

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Ai can almost inform which stock to purchase and when to sell!

At least that’s what I hope the future holds.

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