What Actually Is Eve Online?

We are mining in these safer hours

How are prices these days?

I just sold some ore 1/2 hour ago

Last I looked, the graph seemed to be all over the place. But I don’t mine and would have to look close at long term price drop.

Basically it’s better to sell than hold ore

In the short term, yes. I had so much that I followed Arrendis’s advice and held onto some stuff for a yr till the price went up.

Right now I would consider converting to plex unless you pay your omega via dollars as it’s going to 6+

I could plex to play, but frankly, why bother. On to other games while I hope the lights go out and EVE reverts to its roots. Meh. Never gonna happen.

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Don’t bother. I do recommend spending your dosh on Star Citizen though. Got a stealth bomber, waited till some guy I just met loaded up his cargo ship then blew it up with a torpedo, it was glorious. For some reason he was not happy, no idea why.


Only New Eden has a princess. Star Citizen is a taboo topic

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How do you know? She might gank there too

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Pls don’t send me there!

How about Eve Galaxy Conquest that is coming October 29th on Mobile

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Thought about upgrading my 350R to the Eclipse. Too many ships are released every year for me to commit. Would like the Vanguard with all the LTI BUK’s.

Off topic reply to; @Felix_Frostpacker and @Uriel_the_Flame
Recently I was looking at the NES ( PLEX store ) for clothes and saw this yellow catsuit. My grand daughter called it a Kill Bill suit… why a girl that age is watching Kill Bill, I will never understand. Seems like My Little Pony was her thing. I found this Women’s ‘Eternity’ Suit in the ISK market for about 6 or 7 million ISK in total for all 3 parts;
Sleeves / Boots / Suit otherwise the PLEX price is way too high for this and other outfits. Over in the Black Desert, I have very little choice but to pay cash for my clothes there. The way the silver market works, I have to post a blind bid for such an item, and hope it gets filled over the course of time. The competitive nature of the ISK market here players are allowed to enter higher bids or find those selling it dirt cheap.

From left to right: Princess Rosalie Coma, Princess Rose Ivory, Princess Rosie Ember

Back on topic, yes according to Eve lore as I understand, there is no princess just an Amarrian Empress but taking a quick look at my biographies about these 3 princesses and you will know how they came to be Princesses of the Galaxy in both game lore and real life. Eve Online is whatever you make it within the limits of your imagination.

Imagination is more important that knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. – Albert Einstein


The plex price was high when it first came out and can recall purchasing many for my Princess.

I do appreciate that you are wearing what your family member had suggested for you to wear and thank you for your comment here on this thread.

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Different times, nowadays little girls watch Kill Bill and old neckbeards watch MLP. Though I advise you not to look further into the subject if you want to keep your sanity intact.

:eyes: :thinking: :face_with_monocle:

There are local planetary governments, space owners and unofficial self-appointed rulers, some of which are monarchies so it can easily fit into the lore if properly explained.

Though not really sure about Princesses of the Galaxy as it seems a bit far fetched, maybe Princess of New Eden, there is a self-proclaimed Princess of Hisec so anyone can put any title on themselves so can’t say it is impossible either, even from a lore perspective.

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Much more fun. 2 torps max and big ships go BOOM. Waiting for my Polaris and it’s hunting grounds, Pyro. The Polaris of Doom will carry a tackler like the Scorpius Antares or the upcoming Sabre.


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I am a princess of the galaxy!


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You either have to duel it out with @Princess_Rose_Ivory or pay her 1 bil ISK for using her title.

:blush: :innocent: :popcorn: