What are basic corp rules?

Out of scope if you can’t call yourself part of a coalition that musters a couple thousand people over all timezones. Out of scope if you don’t have a cyno-network prepared to import multiple jumpfreigther loads of goods per week. Out of scope if you are not on friendly terms with the alliance owning all the space and will come to defend when someone declares war on you.

It’s nullsec entities that own the highsec trade-hub in Perimeter. They are the ones that can bring the numbers to defend it when they get challenged. Some have tried. The only thing that’s left of these attempts are killmails.

It’s easier to join a group and become a valuable part of it than to build everything your own. There are organizations and relationships that have been built over years. You can try to carve your own path, but it will be a hard one.
And keep in mind that not everyone that will join your corp will do so with honorable intent.