What are the actual ISK/h rates in Highsec?

or you just don’t know what you don’t know

Including travel times, I’ve linked this I don’t know how many times already.

(Edit:) A link to the spread sheet: RESO MISSIONS AMARR SHARED - Google Sheets

And my char is only 5 months old with 22mil sp my trade alt has 10mil sp I’m sure you guys can do better. 500mil/h seems posible.

And will get covert ops 5 in 2 days so this will go up.


I did something similar, blitzing L4s and burner missions 5 or 6 years ago and was making around 250M ISK/hour. The rewards look to have increased since then, so I’d agree that 500M seems achievable.

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Still the same, its just boosted from low sec 0.2 sec status. I think people running at -0.4 are milking it.

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2-3 billion per hour, easy.
1 character.

Edit: Doing hauling in high-sec in haulers channel and investing all the profit into isogen.

Bought billions of units of isogen for 7-12 isk each.
Maybe im one of the biggest isogen investors in the game? :slight_smile:

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No not afk. Ready to dock at a moments notice, but you know I already said that.

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Last time i tested it waa on average 420mil per hour. So not that attractive that I would leave 1 bil per hour 0 sec

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17k lp doesnt seem like a high sec rate. 0.5 systems consistently offer about 12k for all burners. What gives?

I said multiple times that It was low sec, my original post was 250 for high.

Gocha, thank you.

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if you’re not making over 1b/hr then you’re doing something wrong

And how would you go about doing it right?

Interesting what would your advice be?

are the anomic times include travelling?

Yea, its not including rolling missions thou, or transporting tags/s loot. So probably a bit less.
Luckily the very short one’s like recon are always same system.

you should be faster with a polarized garmur for teams.

Yea I will try it out thanks, was still upping my sp but should be able to use a garmur properly now.

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That isk per hour does not include buying for the lp hauling it and selling it right? And any losses doing so.

It does. for the standard LP-store order I take, for ~1.4m LP in ~6b invested ~8b come out.

It does not. But hauling time can be minimized, and I use an alt to handle my Jita activity (you are speaking to her).

Remember that you can exchange your LP at any station of the corp you are flying for, not only the one where your agent(s) are located at. And if your corp has a station close to Jita, hauling is a breeze. Except the sheer terrior when your client becomes unresponsive for half a minute on Jita undock while you have more than 5b ISK in your blockade runners cargo and there are Tornadoes on grid.

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