I wanned a spacey game, tryd dat SW ting, quit in haf hower, playd STO for a yeer, den foun eve
reely bord ov eve atm, waiden to pack factio stns, [yawnsies] ./
I wanned a spacey game, tryd dat SW ting, quit in haf hower, playd STO for a yeer, den foun eve
reely bord ov eve atm, waiden to pack factio stns, [yawnsies] ./
I was beta testing Space Above and Beyond… yeah I got the t-shirt from the broken server stress test. And I was hunting for my next beta test. I saw a game in development called Eve Online. I checked it out. Looked like what I wanted.
I applied didn’t get in, but didn’t mind because it was a VERY busy period in my life. Ended up playing for a bit at launch, lost the character info, never bothered to get it back. Came back in 07 when they had a free trial popup. Tried it, didnt like a lot of things at the time. Gave it a break for a while and only came back for the free trials each year till they released the Alpha clones. Finally played a few months in a row, and now I am back. It finally is what I am looking for in a space game. Yeah I would like to actually be able to walk around in a station and do things out side the ship but meh… I have other games for that.
Greeting’s pilots of EVE!!I have played couple space game’s in past ,and ended up in this game for years,played couple mod’s,like WTS World CCN,NightstalkerUniverse,Void,Hamburg,Discovery etc.Somehow i always missed EVE,and since my game is more/ less dead i come here to try it.First impression’s,well…character creation is absolutely amusing(not figured out yet why is there,cus i see only avatars in game) ,ships and space beautiful.I don’t rly like controls,for me is very complicated,i have lost Merlin in tutorial because i got confused with them,now am afraid to fly out from station to not loose miner.Currently watching and reading tutorials,and idk yet do i stay or go!
Sry for my English,good game and fly safe all!!
Watched a friend at school play it so I subbed too. I stayed for the harsh non consensual small gang & solo PVP, harsh player story driven universe & non grindy play style. I left because the game nerfed PVP over the years in all forms paticularaly in high sec where it was once easy to hunt bling whale ratters & miners, CCP enforced the grind and closed alternative & creative wealth generation where ever discovered.
The box art, a long time ago. ( think it was the first “box” in the shop )
Wanted a game like Elite ( but, never owned a pc/amiga that could do Elite … at that time… )
Remember kids, this was pre internet and affordable pc’s…
At that time my pc could not handle it… when i noticed the box-art of EVE in the shop.
A deployment later, and at that time, high end game pc extra…
The box was gone out of the shop
Found out with a lot of searching the “name of that space game” … and installed…
Well, still here…
Oh forgot, at that time i was playing Navyfield 2 ( ye, that one ) , and in that game a “corp member”
was playing EVE…
So when flying a ibis… he showed me a “awsome” T2 cruiser… and set that as my goal
-Space sim.
-Persistent world.
-One shard.
-Permanent loss.
-Be whatever you want to be.
Been looking for a good 4X, multiplayer, persistent world game for years. EVE is the closest I’ve been able to find. I tried it twice with the free trials but wasn’t convinced, then the Alpha clones became a thing and so here I am, still not sure about it but making progress on my goals slowly, (mostly market trading) while I play strategy games like Civ and EU4.
Daddy needed “me time”.
Space station walking brought me to EVE… wait, ah crap
Fools in Space brought me to EVE…
I’d played Escape Velocity several times, which was basically a dinosaur version of Eve. I’d been away for a while and decided to play EV again, when I went to check out some info on the net, I found out about Eve. Followed blogs and forums for almost a year longer before I finally jumped in.
I never got around to trying this one, but TradeWars was a game that stuck with me from my HS days, and I didn’t even have a computer at the time.
Two of my friends, one’s now a programmer and the other a financial consultant, would spend hours talking about it and would step away from our table-top RPG’s to check on something in the game, so I was always interested in what they were doing.
I still remember the game play, though (I did get to try it out), and that style of play morphed into Traveller campaigns. This combined with really old-school, Star Fleet Battles, sowed the kernels of what I enjoy about multiplayer games.
–Old School Gadget
I bought into the your decisions matter part of Eve. But alts mean your decisions don’t…
An odd combination of events brought me back to EVE (I played once before a long time ago in a galaxy far far away but not for very long).
I had been having a phase of playing games on my XBOX One (For Honor and Witcher 3 most recently) instead of my aging dinosaur of a PC (bought in 2008 and still rocking an Intel Core 2 Duo in 2017). The friends part of XBOX Live kept showing me that one of my friends was playing EVE. I wasn’t aware at that point that you could see what PC games your friends are playing (I thought it was limited to XBOX games).
So I Googled EVE for XBOX, thinking somehow it had been ported to console (I know, I know, but I last played EVE a decade ago and had no idea what might have changed to make that possible). Of course it turned out to be only available for PC, as always.
While Googling I encountered several ‘play free’ adverts and mentally tucked that info away but at the time didn’t give it a lot more thought.
Then the dinosaur died (well the hard drive did). I’d promised myself the next time something in that PC died, I wouldn’t just replace the part like all the other times, I’d get a new PC.
So new PC … needed to justify the cost of that and actually play something on it, remembered the friend and the ‘free’ and decided to give EVE a second chance.
All those years ago I didn’t make it much further than flying a Catalyst as protection for a friend while they mined (CODE didn’t even exist back then, not sure what I was protecting them against). Quite funny when you think how the average encounter between a Catalyst and a mining ship ends these days.
Still, I had vague memories that EVE was pretty and might be a good use for my fancy new PC and so here I am, 8 months and counting.
I can’t remember exactly but back in 2001 or 2002 I found a article online somewhere about Eve. It told about CCP and what they wanted Eve to be. I remember I actually printed out the article at work and read it on the subway from Manhattan to Brooklyn.
I thought what they were attempting sounded amazing and followed the game over the next couple years. It wasn’t until 2004 until I actually started to play on a regular basis.
Though I don’t really play anymore, Eve will always hold a special place in my heart :)
I always been a fan of sci-fi ever sense I watched Robotech when I was around 7. Then I played games like my number one favorite freelancer and later on wing commander and so on. One day in 2007 I had my super expensive gaming laptop and was at my friends place and we had a lan me and him. He asked me if I ever heard about eve which I did not, so I looked the game up then decided to try it and ever sense then I been playing eve on and off.
And this is what I feel about eve now
I hate it but still love it.
Traveller, the slick red and black booklet covers.
Starfleet battles, Lyran catamaran hulls ftw.
Forgotton Memories that shed lightyears back for my predisposition towards EVE.
Story forthcoming.
PCGAMER article in 2003, back when you actually bought the magazine for the demo disk that came with it.
Cat revolutionaries… With Gatling phasers. Win-win-win
Oh, and I had a soft spot for the fictional simulated ( in a fictional space simulation) FRAX. Some times we played with miniatures, and I could put my Space Yamamoto and Macross figures on the board.
–Nostalgic Gadget
Character creation
Eve have the best useless character customiziation