What considerations has CCP made for PvE after Resist nerf?

Andersen, dumbass.


I wonder if CCP has increased resists “just to shaken things up” people would have complained so much. Weird how that goes.


I can still do lvl 4 missions in my battle orca. I see very little difference.

Maybe they made the change to make people a little more engaged with what they are doing ?
Managing your shield or armor to make it through the mission is a little more exciting than sleepwalking your way through it.

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Every game brings changes every once in a while that force us to change the way we fight or what we fit on our ships.
If it’s a change that fundamentally negatively impacts the game then possibly it will be rethought and rebalanced. (Yes I’m aware this is CCP we are talking about)

Adapt and overcome

And then what ? Then nothing will have changed.
So the effect was just to annoy some people.

I take it as a sarcasm, since there are no super high rewards, especially for a new, few months old player, since those players are lacking the skill to finish these missions in a reasonable time. If it wasn’t, then you are just being an idiot.

No, it only shakes up wallets, not fits. You’ll be using the same for with more blue or with more expensive blue in our.

So instead of adapting to changes we must do what? Chest beat on the forums until they change it back?

Most people I’ve spoken to have only had to make small changes to how they fit or style of fighting.
Most people that have complained are the ones that semi afk their way through missions and now they can’t, they need to be focused on eve.

Some have found it more difficult but still can comfortably without risking losing a ship.



Of course you must adapt to changes.

It’s a huge nerf for some parts of PVE, of course people will complain.

I don’t say what you must or not do. What I say is : your argument that there is no reason to complain is complete BS.

{citation needed}

Also that “semi AFK” is complete BS. Your hands are ATK but your head is in another room ?

The semi afk crowd. The ones that watch TV or movies or alt tabbed doing other computer related stuff.
Now they have to be more focused on the game.

The ones that work on one computer while eve is running on another

Those don’t exist. If they are alt tabbed to watch netflix, then they are ATK by definition.

Also you don’t need two computers, two screens is much better.

Please stop making BS definitions to prove your point. It just makes your point BS.

How about instead of just saying “BS” why don’t you make a valid reason as to why I’m wrong. You can try pick at what I say all you like.

Ok maybe my terminology is incorrect by saying they are afk or semi afk. But they sure ain’t focusing on eve while they are running missions or mining ect

Do I need to point out all the different ways there are to run multiple eve accounts? Kinda thought it was obvious.

Jesus wept.


How about instead of claiming you are right, you prove me that what wrote actually makes sense ?

Sure term is incorrect. If you remove that incorrect terms, there remains nothing, so it completely invalidates your point.

WHO ? You claim that people who said this nerf hurt them were the people who were making missions in a relaxed mode.
That’s complete BS. People who want to do it in a relaxed mode use sniper fits, with MJD they don’t rely on tank.
MJD, AB, RAH, LAR, targeting rig, your domnix can MJD , drop sentries, and then it’s good.

The people who were the most hurt by this nerf are the people who rely on resist to tank, so those who don’t range tank nor speed tank. So brawler fits.


i being losing a lot , yesterday i died like 10 times , that being said topics like that are the perfect moment to show one FACT

Thats + - 1.4 BILION isk worth of LP , i did it in a t1 frigate that cost 10 million isk fitted and requires very low skill to run

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I never claimed I was right. Just wanted someone with a genuine reason as to how they cannot do now what they once did before this change. I don’t see any yet in here

Low skill is not a valid reason
Being an Alfa is not a valid reason

I really like the idea of giving Marauders tier 2 resists (Same as T3 cruisers and destroyers).

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Yes ships like that take alot of time and isk to be able to fly effectively it’s a shame they got hit by the change but T1 battleships got a buff.
Not sure what that’s about unless it’s to cater to the Alfa crowd.