What considerations has CCP made for PvE after Resist nerf?

Nerfs are evidence of Developers who are not thinking. It’s far easier to destroy than create. Lots of former SOE Devs must be working for CCP now.


I don’t understand how CCP logic works.

They say the intention is to Nerf Logistic and Capitals.
What would be expected is that they would just lower the bonuses of Logistic and Capitals Ships, or decrease the efficiency of Logistics Modules.

But instead CCP Nerf all Resistant Modules by 20% basically decreasing the defense of all ships in the game.

It doesn’t make sense !!! Nonsense !!!



That’s one of the many reasons they are making sweeping changes. Not the only reason. You probably don’t understand CCP logic because you haven’t read the rest of the dev blog where it says:

Surgical Strike will bring Capital survivability more in line with the rest of New Eden, reduce the overwhelming power of logistics, make adjustments to some long-standing powerhouses in the Subcapital meta, and begin to establish more payoff for getting up close and personal with your enemies.


CCP: :neutral_face: not enough capitals are dying and resulting in nothing happening.
CCP: when Fax come on the grid things quit dying. :pensive:
Also CCP: :crazy_face: lets nerfs the resistance modules every one uses instead of individual ships! :crazy_face:


Rattlesnake is currently my ship for level 4 missions and I am interested in how it plays out as not every mission can share the same long range simple fit.

How many resistance modules do you have fitted on your Rattlesnake? The math is pretty easy.

currently only thermal but at times I had fitted 3

Fitted 3 what?

Ever since I lost a rattlesnake for a long time I had fitted 3 the extra being EM or Exp depending on eve.survival notes.

… I’m gonna be honest. You lost that Rattlesnake because your fit was bad.

This upcoming patch will not affect your Rattlesnake in a significant way because your poor fit will contribute to more problems than the patch will.

It was bad due to not having 3 x dmg shields types along with a jump bridge thingy and also I didn’t take drugs and my cap was not stable. My new fit though only uses one and it also allows me to pew pew from 172kms

There’s a lot more wrong with the fit than just those, tbh.

Here’s the thing though.
If you’re shooting at NPCs from 170km away, this patch is not going to matter to you, at all. Your resistances only really matter if you’re actively getting shot at. If you’re 170km away from your targets, the chance that they’ll hit you are VERY slim.

And if you’re not getting hit, your resistances don’t really matter.

As a result, you will barely notice this patch on your ability to kill npcs in your rattlesnake.

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I agree and support the patch and feel that it would effect my lower level missions like how I am still working on the rep for those. I do try to sit in on Hateless_gamming twitch when ever i can and follow most if not all of his advise with fitting.

The beauty about eve though is there is not really a bad fit to my understanding.

Speed tank, Range tank DPS Tank and Resistance tank are the possibilities and I sometimes try to mix and match those typers together to fit my ship to how i want to play out the mission.

On the contrary. It takes balls to nerf something like this or the mineral supply and to try out a black out.

The easy option is to just keep giving people what they want, which is how we got into such a state that big nerfs are necessary.

You also lose drakes in level3’s…

I don’t know what you’re doing, but you die a lot. 5bil every year is a lot, but i take it that’s not just missions.

(Edited-see below)

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Now as I already told you, try to do a few missions like the L3 cut-throat competition, or the L4 guristas blockade in what you consider a “normal” drake - without eve-survival to tell you what are the trigger and what will actually happen if you kill that one ship.


Hi Thayden, every change may seems like a problem from the beginning, but you need to adapt. Thats what the eco system is about, and at the end of the day you will find a way which fits you best. You may need to train new ships, change fitting, focus more on what you are doing in pve and you will be fine as long as you adapt…like in real life.

I’ve explained in a previous post in this very thread how you may easily calculate the increase in damage taken that you’ll have to face after the changes.

Take some time to read it, even if you don’t fully understand it all at first, and you’ll see that it’s pretty easy to calculate once you get to the examples, even more so if you only have 1 hardener affecting a given damage type, as the fit you posted would seem to indicate.

Alternatively, you may use pyfa to simulate your fit after the changes and compare that with your current stats, but you may still want to read that post to better understand how the change will affect tanking.

I cannot choose the missions i get, but literally all of them barely scratched the drake (That’s with low skills and 2 LSE’s instead of 3) and were even doable in a cane with half the tank.

I cannot replicate the struggle you’re having on the test server. I’m trying to get aggro and be inefficient but the missions barely scratch a drake. Like i said, i don’t know what you’re doing but i can’t even feed this drake to npc’s if i try.

Do missions for caldaris. use /booststandings to have access to any agents. Then you can loop decline.

Also last time I lost a drake (or even flew one for PVE), jamming made you unable to lock any target at all, and the elite cruisers have a very high jam chance.

You can have comments here about how people struggled with that mission.

Now you can definitely do it and not die ; but claiming “PVE is easy you need to be bad to die” is pretty stupid.

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If you want to find NPC kills of drakes in HS, you can find them here

You can find several that are not “bad” , or at least not stupid.

They are bad if you consider that dying implies it was bad, but that a post-choice judgement and that actually means you are stupid. Judging people choice based on post event and without the knowledge of the circumstances is just that : a proof of stupidity.

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