If it’s from a guide or training plan, then it’s probably for the Stratios, since all the carebears recommend that ship for doing PvE since it’s griefer-immune.
With how long the skills takes to train and because they are trained automatically and because you can go on a long break and return year later, then yes. Having a note why you were training something for is a good idea.
Skills (Alt + X) → Skill Plans → Personal Plans → Create Plan → Drag and drop items from the “Show Info” window into the “milestones” circle in the top-right window
I just wanna pipe in and say that I too support Altara Zemara in whatever issues she is working through! <3
Hope you get well soon!
Never felt better.
Given that the fittings system shows the requisite skills for a fitting…what is conceivably wrong or suggestive of going batty to suggest the skills system do the inverse ? It’s the responses to this thread that are more indicative of people posting from a padded room. But then that’s par for the course on the Eve forums.
This right here. Normally you’re not so stuck in cognitive dissonance.
That’s why we are asking.
Well, no…there is nothing even remotely unreasonable about what I put forward. It would be useful. Seriously, I think those responding need to look at their own level of narkiness and general toxicity. Maybe it has become so prevalent that people can no longer see the wood for the trees.
So you expect the game to know, “hey im training this skill for this ship in particular, remember this”.
Just make a ■■■■■■■ note. Wishlist. This particular ship.
It already knows. Those are the ‘missing’ skills listed on your ship fitting. Thus it would be a doddle to inverse that and have the skill queue display the name of the fitting related to the skill. This would be no different to the way the skill queue already highlights benefits opened up by each skill, when you hold the cursor over each item. One could simply add a sort of ’ by the way…this skill is linked to this fitting in your list of fittings’. Simples. How could that not be useful ?
Kinda like, when you go to the store, and you have a list of items on your smartphone and one of those items is eggs. And you’re all like, “why the hell did I put eggs on that list?” And Siri responds with, “You were going to bake a cake, dumbass. You should probably lay off the weed. That ■■■■ is frying your brain. And no, adding it to your bake doesn’t mitigate the deleterious effects, you dolt.
Oh, and make sure its the grade AA cage free organic kind that has the most minimal carbon footprint. Remember, your trying to be environmentally friendly.”
Kinda thing?
I could see how that could be helpful.
Not that I do any baking as a 12 year old locked up in a federal penitentiary serving multiple consecutive lifetime sentences for blowing up pixilated spaceships in a video game.
Close…though in Eve you may have a 150 item shopping list covering a cake that will take 537 days to bake.
Or longer.
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