What did people do before skill injectors?

ahh the learning skills; their removal was simultaneously one of the best and one of the worst things to happen to new players.


Learning skills seemed to have weeded out the weak and short term players to a degree. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

What did people do before skill injectors?

Why, they whined for a way to buy SP so it didn’t take so long to train stuff. And like every other game that caves and then caters to that type of player, people realized how boring it made the game and then bailed in even higher numbers than before injectors were a thing.

And so here we are. Six people regularly posting on the forums and maybe a thousand players in the game.

I’m not normally one to get maudlin, but damn it all, I wish for the old days back.


Not sure why some people insist on blaming players for bad management on CCP’s part, or what evidence they think they have that CCP listens to players at all.

Let’s try re=phrasing this:

"In 2016, with subscriptions falling like a rock, income down, their investors revolting and directing the company be put up for sale, CCP has desperately implemented the fastest, easiest, cheapest thing they could do to quickly boost sales. When asked if this makes the game even more P2W than it already was, CCP replied: “So? Paying us is the point. You pay us, we win. I don’t understand why this is even a question. This is a business you know, not some bloody game!”

Seriously? I didn’t blame the players. I blamed CCP for listening to the players.

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Well, kid… ** takes long drag on cigarette ** we waited.

Hey look. cake day.


They also whined for a way to remove skills they didnt use anymore because there are some people out there, so irrational that they could not bare having skills trained that they no longer used.

‘2birds with one stone!’ thought ccp.

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I miss those days honestly.


You sound like a snake oil salesman…8.5 bil in 2 days?? Yeah ok…maybe on SP farming alts but not on one character

Answering the “What did people do before skill injectors?” question: I mainly quit for extended periods of time, being totally put off by the ridiculously long skill training times, which caused being bored with any activity long before I trained all skills required to perform said activity with maximum efficiency.

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I had no real issue with the “Old Way” of skill training.

I work out of town lots and can not play every day.

The training continues when you are off - line, so it was/is, a non-issue, for me.

When ever I get time to play, i have new skills trained up.

The change I did like, was the open training que. No more having to log in every couple days just to add new skills to train.


We just played the game. No one was stupid enough to think that he needs to wait until he can play the game “he wants”. No one believed that there is only one way to play this game and that it needs to be done in a certain ship etc. We weren’t stupid. We played an MMORPG with a different character progression than most other games and we loved it for that and had no issue playing the game while skilling for what we wanted to reach eventually.

What a bunch of hogwash! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Before injectors we all had these super funky sets of skills that resulted for changing our minds or changes to the game :crazy_face:

You forgot to add… “Hey you kids. Get off my lawn !!”


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