What disgusts you?

Nope. I’m reasonably sure that you already know what I mean, but for the sake of accuracy I’ll spell it out. I believe they’re putting a mask on their avatar because it’s not enough for them to wear a mask, the important thing to them is to make sure others know that they wear a mask.


Why should you care what anyone thinks of what you do?

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I never said that I do. I was describing what I believe to be the motivation of those who virtue signal and zeroing in on what action I was referring to as virtue signaling. In this case putting a mask on a game avatar.

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I don’t mine. I want everyone to know it.


I’m very happy there are plenty of other people who mine. I sure as hell don’t want to do it.

Oh you were building a strawman based on a weakness you perceived in a fictional “other”, in order to make yourself feel better about some perceived character flaw of your own.


Its ok, youre not all bad.

Wait, so by calling people out for virtue signalling…

…Obed was actually virtue signalling himself?

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Yeah but only to himself

He was vice signalling to us, but these days a vice is socially preferrable to a virtue.

I never white knight. Lol. I’m a space bully. I’m grief signalling.


I think you may have mistaken me for one of the other people here. I didn’t call anyone out. Someone else asked why some people mask their avatars, and I gave what I believe to be a reason for it. Then you’re response to my answer led me to believe that I needed to clarify my answer.

I don’t see any strawman there, especially since there was no original argument I was trying to distract from our claim to beat using a different and weaker argument.

Its true.

I troll signal yet people still respond to my rants and gibberings



Who are they? If its not a person but someone that you are conceptualising, then attacking, then that is literally a strawman.

:popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:

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For that to work, I’d actually have to be attacking, which I was not. There would also have to have been an argument made already that I wastrying to defeat using a weaker argument.

"Why do people do this? "
Me: “Because they’re virtue signalling.”
Also me: "This is what virtue signaling is, and here is the action that I’m saying is virtue signaling in this conversation. "

No attack. I don’t think I even constructed an argument. I definitely didn’t try to distract from anything. Anyway, I’m out for now. I can’t run 2 accounts and type on my phone at the same time. I shall return at a later time.

You are AFK mining??


So you are saying virtue signaling isnt a negative thing?

Generally if I accuse someone of something I consider negative thats an attack on their character (small c).

Hes doing it twice while being a from 2 ks AND a phone!

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I might do that. I’m thinking about a jheri curl for my back hair.

10/10 for candor

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