What disgusts you?

Hope rifters chase you in your dreams …


ess mechanics dps the mauraders online and the industry patch that ■■■■■■ up the market aand can not use the ships i like

I read my old thread from 2017 where i had been alpha for 1 year by then, these days I am still alpha mainly because buying a month of omega time is unjustifiable in an environment where I work for 3 or 4 weeks in remote locations that I cannot play EVE from. It’s not a matter of money, it’s a question of ROI. If EVE subs could be granulated in to hours eg 500 plex for 15x12 hours of play time then I’d go omega again because at least then I can get some use out of the PLEX i spent instead of throwing it away.

Yeah it’s no surprise most players are getting a low ROI for their PLEX your average player maybe only drops 40 hours a month on the game for $18 thats a sweet deal for CCP… super low overheads.


Correct me if I’m wrong but ROI stand for Return of Investment where in this case Investment is the money you spend with Eve.

Just checking.


On, Return On Investment. He uses it in the sense that he pays an amount of $$$ for entertainment and how much of it he receives in return for his money. If he pays much more than he gets back out of it then he doesn’t feel the expenditure was warranted, regardless if it is only a small amount it is still wasted money. This is how I understood what he wrote.


ok…Should I post more rhetorical question for you to respond?

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You asked if you are right and that you are just checking, you got an answer and now you are dissatisfied by the fact you got an answer to your question and call it rhetorical instead? Unless you don’t know what a rhetorical question is. Or dunno what you really wanted to express there tbh but either way I’ve answered your request for confirmation so probably nothing else to see here I guess. :thinking:


What?! Apparently it turn out that I was right at it being, if only in a limited sense, about money all along. Which I can only call “satisfactory”. Why do you think I’m dissatisfied?

Also, why is that “being disgusted” thing so difficult for me? 2nd time I failed just in this thread!

Maybe it’s my failure, am not a native English speaker so might not understood your intentions properly. Don’t take it personally just a usual day on the interwebz. :slight_smile: It just didn’t seem like a rhetorical question to me and was confused why you later ask like if it was but doesn’t really matter as either if it was or not you got the confirmation so probably got a useful response, which was my intention.

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Oh. Its really something to see a man that is willing to accept that he may fail and not make a drama out of it. But I can guaranty that you showed to be more than able to satisfy a woman.

…maybe doing it in public have something to do with it?

Not sure if you mean it literally and in that case as a reference to virtue signalling or instead as a double entendre as a joke, but if the first then no I don’t care of other people’s opinion of me and as such not doing things for fame nor approval nor personal benefit nor not do things in fear of losing out on those and if the second then that’s a good one. :wink:


Get a room


There’s a difference between paying money for something you use that gives nothing back and paying money for a service that circumstantially you cannot access so therefore its not worth the money by default.

As said earlier, $18 a month or whatever isn’t going to kill me (spend that much on beer every friday) it is the way that time is charged with offers no ROI to me. Access is paid for but not in a manner I can agree with. This is what you see with all subscription services, it is exactly why they are structured that way, it is a biased system that benefits the provider and encourages FOMO for the customer.

Take a break, then.

Go play something else for a while, and then come back when you feel the call.
EvE scratches a few particular itches that other games just cannot do.

Sometimes I’ll take a small break and end up playing a game where the boneheads in the game are the players on your own side/team, and you can’t do anything about them except maybe whine.
Here, I can just blap them to keep my allies honest… :slight_smile:

You never quit EvE, you just cloak up for extended periods.
We’ll see ya when you decloak.

–Gadget will still be here


That’s what I’m doing, I downloaded Warframe and M&B Bannerlord. I’ll just jump between those two and see if they scratch any itch. I like the big battles in Bannerlord so far and Warframe is nicely done.

Thank you, Gadget.

Quinoa… oh, in EVE?


“EvE scratches a few particular itches that other games just cannot do.”

QFT. EVE is like that super-hot GF that cheats on you and treats you badly, so you leave her. But then a few months later she calls you up drunk and horny and you tell her to come right over, because you can’t say no.

Yeah. That pretty much sums it up. It even has a girl’s name.

Whenever you think you’re doing ok in the relationship, she changes the goal posts. You thought she liked for you to bring carriers? Naw. Now she hates them. Mining Rorquals? They were ok for a while, but like everything else before, she got tired of it.

She’s never satisfied for long.

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Absolutely - I’m strong willed enough to resist ever investing in the game again (unless there are substantial changes and commitments to those changes) but I can’t turn off the itches.

If they rolled out a “classic” server which was the ~2014 game, with a few tweaks, permanently set in time I’d be right back in there.

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EVE classic would be pre-2008. 2014 is smack darn in the middle of Mists of Pandaria, both in real time as how terrible it was.

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