What do if quit the game?

Log out right now. LIKE…RIGHT…FORKING…NOW!!

Uninstall everything and start playing something you find fun. The sooner you cut the cord, the funner it will be for you.

^^^ This.

Dont faff around. Dont over-think it. Just do it.

(With co-benefit that it is all still there when you come back.)

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Do nothing, just stop playing

You might want to come in two years.

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Just biomass it all and watch it burn.

You can send all the isk to James 315, and he will feature you on www.minerbumping.com as a hero of high sec! You will also receive 1 share per million isk, which you can gift to newbros or retain in case you decide to return.

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Just take a break. Yer stuff will still be there when you get back.


As a new charcter interested in paving the road to ythe NEW New Eden, I’ll take any donations.
I will attempt to make your return to that of a space utopia where everyone has simulated nerf bats for offfense+perhaps bubble-wrap suits for tanking?
It’ll work…Fund me?

It really depends on your gaming habits what you should do with your assets. I’ve quit this game, and many others, only to come back later and see how things have changed. I’m a very fickle gamer that way, and if you are like me then don’t do anything that can’t be undone.

As far as having fun with it, I really don’t think that’s possible. I just assume you are quitting the game because it isn’t fun anymore.

Final thought, OP probably quit entirely before reading the responses to this thread. Whatever happened to him is a mystery.


When I quit I’m planing on buying 150bil in injectors putting into a jump freighter and auto piloting into Null from a hub

PS - Not this toon I have 4 toons all 2003 to 2007 :stuck_out_tongue:
PSS - and it will happen sooooon eve is becoming boring.

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Send me a few bil! I can always use more.

In the old language of Eve players, there was a mantra for this kind of situation. People successively added a line addressed to the departing player, for the mantra to run it’s full cycle. If you would donate your unneeded possessions to the player who teaches you the mantra, that would be nice. The mantra is:
Can I haz your stuff?
can i haz your stuff?
Your stuff, can I haz?
Can I haz yer stuff?


I vote for this suggestion!

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Try isk doubling - live a little!

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