What do players want?




Yeah HS should be redone:

  • missions more like abyssal space which means random spawns and cool environment
  • HS sec status should value more, missions in 0.5 space should be far more difficult than those in for example 0.8, they should be “end game” content for HS PVE so there would be use for marauders. More progression feel
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More could have been done with Planetary interaction,

  • Operating on planets, base building, planetary mission agents, First person shooter, planetary vehicles.

All part of a great sci-fi experience.


Addition of human resource and combat to Planetary Industry in EVE?
Its already an RTS like thing, but without the fighting.
What if people could raid other players PI instalations on planet using the resource like soldiers with weapons created in a military camp? New building peeps could add to the instalations? And give the base some defence capability upgrades?

Throw some RNG into it, an UI for showing combat numbers and results of raids, and you would have some immersive level of gameplay. Assets from DUST 514 could even be used as renders for Images.

Something like OGame have ben build just around that concept. With minimal dev resources utilization.


Thank you

that’s an idea with merit

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That thing was actually done also in game called Crying Suns.

Expeditions were taking part on the planets, you could send small raid of commandos with one officer to planetary instalation to raid it. Officers would have special skillset, varied from each other. The result was kind of RNG, kind of setup specific, depending on the site raided. Small, but good game part you always wanted to do and see what the results would be.

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Such a shame Dust514 was a huge mess. I still can’t believe they never released it on PC. It was the perfect opportunity for CCP to get into the FPS market the concept of planetary operations mixed with Ships in space would have been Epic. oh well.

I’m really looking forward to Elite Dangerous and their planetary operations update which has been delayed.


Me too

I think Elite dangerous has developed some great new content
If CCP want Eve to be more than just a spaceships game it’s a shame they aren’t staying ahead of the curve

If I’m honest they should be the curve :sunglasses::facepunch:t3:

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I can’t wait, I can just imagine accepting a planetary mission in Elite from an agent and then flying hundreds of light years to the planet. I would then land and deploy my buggy and use the scanner to find the building of the terrorist I have to assassinate. I may have to go on foot for part of the journey as I would be detected if I drove there in my buggy. I really hope I would have to hide the bodies of the security personnel I have to kill to avoid detection, it’s little touches like that which make a game epic for me.


Agreed it’s that kind of immersion that makes a great game

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As long as they fix Power Play, Engineers, Instancing, the lack of other players in a supposed MMO, transparency in processes (such as non-Power Play faction standings changes) and Mission glitches then I too look forward to standing in a corridor.


i love everything about the game!

mining, crafting, pve and ofcourse the pvp!

but another thing that makes this game so good for me is the interaction with other players
u dont find stuff like this in most other mmos anymore (besides random dungeon finder crap)

eve in my opinion is one of the best mmos ever made (together with swg :smiley: ) but im also scared that ccp will at one point repeat the mistake of all the other mmo companys that tried to rework their games and make it more ‘‘casual’’, that stuff happend to alot of mmos ive played and they are all crap now or the servers are dead (rip swg, ultima, everquest, fonline, modern wow, modern runescape etc)


Well this thread has far exceeded my expectations (I was banking on less than 50 comments)

Thank you for your time, responses and comments.
Some really good suggestions and useful insights into what players want.

Apart from various bug fixes and requests, immersion in whatever form that takes seems to be high on the agenda

Player retention seems to be more of an issue than attraction, again immersion will support that.

Eve is a great game and is far from dead, but it mustn’t stagnate either, especially when it’s completion such as Elite dangerous are introducing planetary/character interaction.

My only hope is that the conversation and constructive comments keep coming (I want the new Bro, the bittervet and everyone in between) and that a DEV picks this up even if at the very least they can confirm they’ve acknowledged and read it

Thank you again


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Having just had the game crash on me twice while I was in the middle of writing an in-game email, resulting in me losing all the text each time, might I suggest that what this particular player (who’s dyslexic too!) wants right now is an ability to save draft emails.




I was a new player 3 years ago.
What brought me to eve was the dozens of youtube videos highlighting massive war. Huge fleets, big and small ships, real change to the map.
At the time I didn’t know that could only happen in null. What almost drive me away is how far out those videos were zoomed. What’s the point of epic space battle if all you see are red and purple dots?
I don’t do well in pvp because I’m zoomed in enough to enjoy all the visual candy.

I convinced several family members and friends to play, and they quit because the storyline only goes so far, there is no real change in empire space, and you’re pretty much dragged, kicking and screaming into null.
Without alts, you can’t easily make something of yourself in highsec. The map is garbage, and even I had to learn to disable the new map system.
It takes so long to learn to fly some spaceships. Literally years for top end, which I can somewhat agree with. One can reasonably assume they have the same basic control systems on each ship.
The player videos on YouTube and the propaganda videos from ccp do not match up to the game.

It’s a very complex game. The better you get at anything, the more you have to learn as a person. That drives off 90% of new players. It’s a video game, not a 2nd job. At least, it should be a choice to go in depth in your career.
Some of that actually comes from players. T2 and t3 everything, null skirmishes are expensive and not new player friendly. You either are able to fly all their doctrine ships (because they constantly switch up, forgetting it takes months of training. They’ve had years to build enough sp to fly and shoot anything they have the urge for.) OR you’re stuck in tackle.
Don’t get me wrong, tackle is fun, but you’re the first loss in any fight.
As has been brought up before, isk is a hurdle. You either buy plex to turn into isk, or you do low income missions, or you mine.
If you mine, you catch feces from every corner of the community, even though they mine too.

My suggestions;
Release new ships and weapons. Capsuleers are the smartest people in the galaxy, and have had 17+ years of experience in production and use. Design ships that are capsuleer inventions. Maybe have a whole faction tab in the ship tree for these ships.
Encourage large ship use. Don’t keep slamming it with the nerf hammer.
It’s one of the more common things I’ve seen in rookie chat. Ermahgerd, a Titan! A carrier! A dreadnought!
Encourage smaller alliances. Make new pilots useful from day 1. In that regard, make the magic 14 already maxed.
Make frigate t1’s next to nothing to mass produce. A stiff wind blows them up anyway. Cheap ships soften the blow for new players. If we’re to treat them like ammo, it shouldn’t take hours of unrelated work to afford them. same with t1 modules, weapons, rigs and drones.
Make sure All events that show up in highsec are doable by low sp players. The gala is an example of how that isn’t happening.
In 2018? 2019? There was cerebral accelerators available every day from events, which helped me hit 20m sp. It unlocked a lot of time and gave me the ability to train into more things. I got to dabble and survive in multiple paths.
Currently, the 2 you give new players are garbage.
Raise alpha passive sp gain from 5m to 10m. I’d honestly like it as high as 20m, but I get that you don’t want a lot of incentive to remain alpha. Fairly decent drain on bandwidth and server use for zero income to the company.
However, I think it would be easier to keep players if they’re given more chance to experience higher end ability. If they enjoy the game more, they’re more likely to remain, and eventually start spending cash.
The new expertise program looks promising though. Will have to see how that plays out.
Make highsec malleable. Empires should gain and lose space. They’re in conflict still, remember? Otherwise, what is fw?
Since you won’t let caps back in highsec, unbuff concord. Let us fight them, and give us the penalties that comes from that. They aren’t even capsuleers.
A ganker with -5 -10 is pretty much already at war with concord, just no way to actually participate in that war. Just instant death.
Rework agent missions. Make new ones. The same few being rotated feels like feces.
Finish storylines. For example; what in the sam hill ever happened to dagan after the sisters got him?
Buff structures in highsec. Nothing sucks worse than playing with a few friends, finally being able to afford a structure, then getting rotflstomped by larger corp. Lower that buff by the amount of people in the corp.
Eliminate holder corps. No less than 10 individual players, with sp requirements. Besides running fuel costs and the core cost, put a monthly tax on having a structure. Higher as you have more structures.
End the scarcity phase. How do you expect to keep people playing eve if you raise the investment bar without lowering the number of hours it takes to survive?
Limit highsec to a total sp cap. If you’re over say, 50m sp, you only get to come back for trade hubs. No aggression or mining.
That will have the added benefit of populating lowsec, and repopulating nullsec. Content creation.
For nullsec, make sov more expensive or Limit total number of corps per alliance, and limit total number of positive corp contacts.


Sweet Jesus. That turned into a massive wall of text. Sorry!

I think you make some very good points @Clary_Daemon for what it’s worth, but edit in some paragraph returns and it’ll be a lot easier for people to read.


What do we want?

When do we want it?


Not sure if it has been mentioned but I’d really want the career stuff to change. From a newbie’s perspective there’s a lot wrong with it.

  • right now it’s 5 different agents which by a new player can be explained as having to make a choice, as if he has to choose a “class”, and that just adds confusion for no real reason. The whole career stuff could be done as one continuous string of missions from the same agent, especially as doing the agent missions in a different order causes more confusion.

  • the missions somehow assume we know things, while we don’t (being a newbie). The exploration one is probably very obvious but I’m going to state it anyway. It does not in any way introduce or explain probing, it just states to “go to a data site”. It’s the same for other missions where things just don’t make any sense, unless you’re NOT new and thus know. I don’t expect everything to be explained 100%, handed on a platter but the fact that we need tutorials for the tutorials is laughable and telling, only once I redid them on another character (and thus I knew more) did things become logical.

  • the missions need to be condensed, which with my first point leads to a more streamlined total. We don’t need MORE missions to explain things, we need BETTER ones.

  • make them more interesting, less tedious. Have us be part of a big fight where we see all kinds of other ships of our faction and perhaps be a support role there showcasing how the webbing and remote repair help with teamwork. Same with the combat missions, if you’re touting EVE to be a massive multiplayer game drop us into a scripted battle with big ships. Perhaps the scanning mission gives an actual prize for us to sell, like one of those Overseer thingies.

The career tutorials are dry, boring, annoying and confusing. I bet it a lot of players never get past it.