What do you do to keep EvE interesting/Fun

@Lulu_Lunette ill try that hedway thing, I wont be in game until tomorrow but will see what it is about.

What is your blog address too, i’d be interested in havign a read, I do have blogs (semi active) but they are about other stuff other than eve.

I am currently near Jita and whilst I know most people say stay away (Although I sometimes think that they do that so they can keep it to themselves), but i prefer to sell more often at less profit.

Luckily most of my assets are now with me in the same area so it will be easy to out the things I dont need. I think I am going to give this minimalist nomadic thing a try, i can even still do it whilst staying in my WH corp as we are pretty free to do what we want

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Was looking for a way to DM on here but it looks like I’ll have to send it with Eve Mail. Is Giddy McFee the name to send that to?

Yeah, he is my alpha toon in game, i log onto him to do my 24hr skill queue :slight_smile:

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I guess I have to log into Eve to send a mail! Janky companion app and Eve Gate shutdown :disappointed:

Yeah. That is a bummer by CCP. Perhaps they wanted to fire the staff that looked after it.

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$40 SKINS lagged up the game thanks to WiS so dump that and only 1% of people still use it in a post Citadel game

:crying_cat_face: I digress.

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I like to do graphics too, made some posters recently and even some piece in paint.


Beautiful work!!

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This is one of the most rewarding things you can do in game, helping new players (and returning players) ease into the game.

Plus, I also travel, :star_struck:. My first corp was a tourist organization. I got used to picking a destination, setting up a travel plan (ship, gates, sites to see along the way), and then trying to follow that plan (dealing with all the “content” that cropped up). It was more fun than I have words to describe, and the sense of accomplishment when I pulled off/concluded one of these zany adventures was incredible.

The memories of circumnavigating New Eden, visiting the EVE Gate, seeing the battlefield monument of B-RBRB, and dozens of others will remain with me forever.

The conversations, chance encounters, the great escapes, and the inevitable disasters have enriched my game, and kept me here.

To this day, if my day to day EVE activities start to pale, I sit down and plan a trip, :grinning:



@Sere_O_Asis -

I have done a little bit of travelling too EvE gate, B-RB too, but not much, I know there was a website that someone set up who was travelling around to “see the sights” within eve, I’ve forgotten the name now though.

I think I will do this though, even if it is just for a little while just to get away from the slump that I am feeling ingame at the moment, and I may blog about the travels too which will make it a bit different. I will try and think up a blog name at work today.

I am going to let the 2nd account lapse to alpha, and I thought my first expedition would be to travel the outer edges of the eve universe. I assume the best kind of ship for this would be a Stratios?

How do you plan your trip, apart from sight seeing what kinds of things do you consider.

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This site might be what you are looking for: https://evetravel.wordpress.com/

That’s the one. Thanks @Tzar_Sinak

I basically just cycle what I do.

Sometimes I do exploration and wormhole dives.
Sometimes I do trading.
Sometimes I do invention and manufacturing.
Sometimes I get killed in FW.
Sometimes I mine (but generally only on corp ops… as mining solo bores me to death)
Sometimes I run anoms.
Sometimes I run missions.
Sometimes I try to hunt reds in null (usually meeting with failure)
Sometimes I run DED sites
Sometimes I do invention and fail at manufacturing stuff for a profit.
Sometimes I help structure bash or repair structures.
sometimes I run event sites.

Basically, I change up what I’m doing when I get bored of what I’m currently doing. For me Eve has enough various ways to play that I always have something different to do, and my 'breaks" are from an activity, not the game.

Throughout I do low maintenance PI that nets me over a billion per account per month… that’s pretty much the one thing I keep going regardless. That is the “work” piece of my Eve play… but it’s generally less than an hour per account per month in maintenance time to keep that PI isk flowing.

Now setting up PI is time consuming an annoying as hell… but that’s a one time thing.


I’m in the middle of a 2 month hiatus right now. Kinda got bored due to the constant wardec that was happening and being a mostly mining toon I’m not having a lot of fun in Null tbh. What’s the point of owing an ORCA if I can’t fly it whenever I want. Well I could but I’m not about to add one of those to my killboard.

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Not the biggest mining guy… but in null it always seemed to be either porpoise or rorq for mining boosts. Just don’t see the Orca used much. Not enough added benefit to make it worth the added risk when compared to the porpoise.

Dude, if you’re not enjoying the game maybe you should try something different to occupy your time. Maybe go outside and get fresh air, fall in love (tis the season), maybe start a new hobby, or better yet, throw your computer out the window and show it who’s the boss.

Tons of great games out there.

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@Lena_Crews that PI sounds lucrative, I was making about 1b over 2 accounts in a WH, but that was about 1 to 2 hours per week maintenance, I think you have that part sussed.

Oh well, so much for putting a expanded probe launcher on a Stratios, I may have to go T3c

Just launch and cloak for a few months.
Things’ll be fresher when you come back.

–Helpful Gadget

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First, I pick where I want to go, usually based on the name.

My inaugural trip was to Curse, and I picked it specifically because of its name.

I set a system in that region/location as my destination, and let the game handle the initial route.

Then I examine who owns sovereignty in the area I plan on visiting, and along the route getting there. I evaluate how difficult crossing their territory may be, and adjust accordingly. (This can lead to really wild route planning, if you decide you don’t want to cross a particular territory.)

I check evetravel and see if there are any interesting sites in the area, and make further adjustments to my route.

Finally, I’ll select my ship. Remember I started doing this as a newbie, so my ship choices expanded as I progressed in experience.

If I feel like doing exploration sites, data and relic, I’ll take a helios (personal preference). If I’m just cruising around? An interceptor with a cloak. Want to mix some pvp in? Whatever ship that catches my fancy at the moment. But, all of them have to have a cloak of some sort; again, that’s personal preference.

And then, each day, while on my journey, I’ll check the ingame map for potential hotspots along my route; and then the common EVE news sources. Sometimes a big fight is being reported on, that I either wish to witness or avoid. :slight_smile:

And, I know it’s common advice to avoid talking in local; but out in the “boonies” people sometimes get chatty, so a simple o/ in local may start you off on an adventure you never anticipated.
