@Sere_O_Asis - cool, ill do this, i was hoping to fit up a stratios with a expanded probe launcher but it was not to be, so ill have to either downgrade or go T3C.
Constantly flood Eve with ridiculously named alts.
i set out tonight in a manticore, filled up on torpedoes, found a wormhole and slipped into Tama. Not the best low sec system to start in. Anyway I set a course out to the edge of the eve map which took me through cloud ring. There was a large Ivy League gang that I managed to avoid which was nice.
There were a fair number of wrecks at the gate I was at, obviously a fierce battle had taken placed here, I slow boated towards an unlooted wreck thinking that i would loot the wrekcs but a Viator jumped in and started collected the loot instead, I decloaked, put a disruptor on him and started launching torps in ernest, he was well tankedt hough and friends showed up, I managed to get away and move on.
A few more jumps down the line and I saw a chunk of moon material being pulled by an Athenor, it is the first time ive witnessed this.
lastly for tonight I managed to find some Berserker II drones, I spoke in local trying to sell them, but no one seemed conversational, I moved on…
Aside from taking regular breaks from the game (real life always trumps virtual life) you should seek to do whatever you feel like doing at that moment.
A lot of players will hit a brick wall here, as they don’t know anything other than PvE (mining or mission running) or PvP (going into lowsec/wormholes). It is at this point that creativity pays dividends and can add real value to your subscription. As an example, here are some of the activities that I will cycle through within any given month:
- Scan down and pop MTUs
- Chat with random people in local
- Project Discovery
- Come up with new experimental fits for a variety of ships
- Duel newbies and reward them with ISK
- Anchor containers near stargates and stations, telling people I was there
- Blog about my activities in-game
- Contract Exotic Dancers to random people
- Bash a POS
- Chat with corpmates and friends
- Wardec some corp at random just to see their reaction
- Buy-up all of X item in highsec and watch as everyone dumps their stocks at inflated prices
- Scan down and scoop abandoned drones
- Smegpost on the forums or an EVE blog
- Gank some random person who is AFK/on autopilot
- Buy and fit a ship and leave it in deadspace for someone to scan down and keep
- Scan down someone who is running a mission, and help them complete it
- Provide random player-missions for newbies, such as “go to system X and say X in local”
- Visit special areas such as the Avatar wreck in Safizon, or the capsuleer cemetary in Molea
- Create a link to a chat channel disguised as a killmail against someone EVE-famous, and laugh/chat with whoever joined the channel
There are many things you can do in this game that aren’t pigeon-holed into PVE/PVP, and can provide a lot of entertainment. I encourage you to seek such activities out.
With all due respect and with unconditional recognition of your inventiveness, I still must bitter admit that most of those seem like futile attempts to kill some time in game with a lack of interesting and engrossing activities except for said PvE and PvP. If it comes down to the situation like this, I would prefer to press alt+F4 and do something useful IRL, at last. Even if it’s just watching a movie, or going for a walk, or reading a book. Or play some other game where I don’t need to invent ways to get rid of boredom, with thrilling and totally engrossing gameplay. Eve rarely can provide me that
@Pix_Severus - I really like some of those ideas, It is easy to not think outside of the box and yet some of those ideas you wrote are indeed very much outside the box, thanks, I will think harder about my choices in game.
@Kyon_Rheyne - Whilst I see your point I disagree in some ways. having a larger repertoire of things to do when in game, or having someone provide a list of alternative things to do can open your mind about what to do ingame. It maybe a case of being bored with the same old tasks (as I think I am) and so seeing a list like that could inject a bit of alternative fun and maybe purpose in playing the game.
As i am growing older and older (36) i almost completely lost my passion for video games. I believe the reason for it is i cannot feel any kind of accomplishmet when achieving something in video games anymore. it’s just too trivial and irrelevant. Like getting a special piece / set of gear or killing an extra difficult enemy.
In EVE i don’t feel this achievement or competition factor i cannot relate to anymore. In EVE, as a sandbox game, i simply can relax after work. I don’t play to accumulate “danks ticks” or as much as ISK as possible. Or blow up other guys’ spaceships that are already replaced. Or take other guys’ SOV. BUT although its not my thing i like that other players are doing this all the time around me, it makes the world vital and real, busy and active. With me being some kind of hermit watching but not taking part.
i love the “scenery” of EVE. The graphics in space are beautiful AF, the music is chill, the gameplay is simple, the metagame is complex, reddit is fun. It’s a game where i feel to belong to. I fly through space, enjoy the graphics and sound, shoot some rats here and there, buy a new ship that i havent had before (Ships are NOT ammo for me, the ones i own are unique and i have some kind of emotional attachment to it).
I am chill guy. light blunt, dive into space, fly peaceful and safe, sleep well … EVE’s muh thing!
If you’re playing the right game and not suffering from burnout after overdoing the same thing for too long, then age need never be a factor.
Yes that dose make a difference.
I have 5 ready fit Ventures ready to jump into space, one for fleet boost with long lock range, one scan miner(can scan sites while i’m stuck in a belt), a salvage miner, a gas ship with scan and MWD, and a cheap fit scan miner to go into wormholes.
3 Vexors, one to tank local sites, an omni tank, and a scan Vexor for when I feel like roaming. And a thorax that only comes out for DED sites
OP highlights issues felt by many players. CCP could learn some things from Albion Online with regards to instanced PVP battles.
Gather round kids let Uncle Reaper tell you a story.
I have been in this game since 2004, in that time i have only had 1 break, in 2011 i stopped playing eve full time for 9 months due to the birth of my son. Besides that, i have basically played non stop. though atm i’m mildly bored but thats my fault.
So how did i play eve so long? I did what i enjoy. Eve is much like the real world, do what you enjoy and opportunities will come a knocking. Here is a brief history:
2004 i made a corp with some friends, this lasted a few months then we all moved to CLS. (i wanted to learn how to be a CEO)
in 2005 shortly after the release of exodus, i left CLS and founded Net 7. I was base din the Kulenen system and grew slowly.
2005 i became an eve radio DJ.
end of 2005 my corp moved to the Derelik region because a member suggested it, we joined up with an anti pirate group called the Derelik Joint Task Force, or DJTF.
2006 the DJTF decide to form an alliance, Brotherhood Of Steel was born.
2006 i took a break and got married, was gone a month
2006 came back to BoS in shambles, with the help of my at the time sister corp, we retook control of BoS and live din providence as UK allies.
2007 (ish) CVA and UK war heated up, we sided with CVA in the end.
2007 (ish) IAC and Tyraxx invited us to live in Catch. so we moved.
2007/8 Battler of 49-U between the southern coalition and the GBC, was a rather fun experience, i enjoyed blasting through MC gate camp hauling fuel.
2008(ish) FIX falls, BoS buys systems in qurious
End of 2008, BoB reclaims Qurious, BoS folds.
2009 Became one of the first corps (not the first mind you) to colonize wormhole space.
2009/10 moved to a C5 from a C3 because a member wanted to, and formed The Last Brigade with my sister corp.
2010 got an offer to move to Outter Ring and be allies with Vangaurd.
2010 After Dominion a director calmed a system in Cloud Ring.
2011 EXE is getting big in cloud ring and we have some conflict, so we moved and became Atlas. renters in wicked Creek.
2011 Atlas. falls, we Join IRC and move to drone lands
2011 i hate drone lands, pull my corp out and take a break
2011 return to eve, join the reform IAC and help claim space in Geminite
2012 New IAC folds, I rejoin TLB and put around a bit
2013 live in wh
2013 get evicted move to new wh
2014 get evicted move to new wh
2015 get evicted move to new wh
2016 not much going on
2017 Formed Cannon.Fodder (check my kill board stats and you will understand)
2017 left wh’s (was evicted) currently enjoying moon mining and stealing moon goo
For the most part, a lot of the crap i have done in eve was just sort of dropped in my lap. I am a miner by trade, its what i do, and by doing that and corp logistics it opened up the door to a crap ton of fun in my past 13 years.
My advice, pick a profession you enjoy, and just do it, have fun with it and ■■■■ will come your way.
I created a corp ages ago and set up a POS, this was really for ease of trading between my 6 characters as well as eliminating tax for them I ratted. I can list a similar list of things from all over the place (although I cannot recall many dates sadly) but it’s been a varied existence.
After all that I am at the same stage you are now - “though atm i’m mildly bored but thats my fault.”
Hi there!
I’m not a veteran by any means and i just recently re subbed and came back. What i do to keep eve intresting well i do industry as a mean of passive income. I mine occasionally when my corp needs boosts or just for the fun of it. I also have an alt with whom i roam around npc null or wh space doing data and relic sites. And every now and then ill go out to low sec roam around in some ship i fitted and expect to lose. Next thing on my list might aswell be pi or scaling up my industry for better income
Hi @Luthor_Ikkala - yeah that is pretty much what ive been doing, i think the difference is you’ve resubbed, ive been playing almost 7 years with not much of a meaningful break, I am trying other things though as suggested above
Not much I can add other than what’s been said. You know this thing can be a bore-fest from time to time. Sometimes more boring than not. And that’s not the game’s fault. In my experience, it’s mine because I get lazy and stupid. Don’t we all?
@Ranzabar - Agreed. My quest is to find that balance of effort and enjoyment. I no longer find satisfaction in the things that take a lot of effort. It’s like coming full circle really, I think I’ll end up sticking in high sec now. NOw that I’ve been out of the wormhole for a while I’ve no real desire to go back
I’ll undock a CAP ship in low-sec.
There’s often a point where EVE becomes more fun to read about than actually play. That’s when you take a break and do other things.
i don’t know about that @Tamazaki, sometimes these forums have more crap in them than prime time in Jita local.