What do you feel is a simple change that could increase our playbase?

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Yea these people are living in the past, killboards stopped mattering long ago.

New Management.

Carriers and Dreads in Highsec.

It’s D**n time.

my simple changes idea

cat girls and other cool cosmetics
revert industry
revert market
revert npcs doing player things


More taxes and fees?


It is a long time since I have been a new player, slightly less time since I started this account. From what I remember, the biggest disincentive to continuing with EVE is the training times to get meaningfully started with some of the playstyles. The best example I can give was in a wormhole corporation. We have new players that have maybe a week of playing under their belt and now they need CPU Management IV in order to use a prototype cloaking device so uh, we’ll come back when you get that sorted out on top of the other scanning skills you’ll need.

Thats the kind of barrier that makes EVE less exciting to somebody who already has a LOT to learn.


Wormholes should be a safe space for new players?


Ban Alphas from the forum.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


I suppose the big thing is that exploration as a career is a lot more involved, fun and lucrative than practicing exploration in highsec. The cloak wasnt a great example but it was something that i saw kill somebodys enthusiasm for what we were promising was a really fun way to play before they could really get into it.

To my mind, if wormholes are the meat of exploration then having the bare minimum to succeed in a fleet should be a quick process to train. If youre new and you want to explore, it shouldnt take much for wormhole corporations to be able to show you what wormholes are all about first hand.

I do notice that the game is giving away free SP like never before and maybe that solved the problem, i couldnt say

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You don’t need a cloak to do exploration.

Sounds like you gave the new player bad advice.

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Make everything available in all the markets, even if they have to be seeded by the devs, make items and skill books cheaper. 2,000,000.00 for a skillbook to unlock railguns is too expensive for new players, especially with the Omega price being so steep.
How everything costs too much can be a put off for a game. No one likes to pay too much for what something is worth and it saps any notion of fun, which should be the first attraction to a game.

shutdown of all stargates (IMMINENT) 2nd November
blackout of local chat

coming soon ™

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Simple fixes…you know out of curiousity, Why after all these years hasn’t there been a way in the agency or cluster map a way to color code security? So players can see things better and understand what is out there? I have been over the Albion, I can both look at a world map as well as mouse over sign posts and see the zone level [like our security level] and what potentially is in that map piece.

The other biggest annoyance for me is how combat anoms and mining anoms in the agency are limited to like 1-2 Jumps.

And when I started this game in August 2020, I remember my first Mining Anom [Crokite] was in Eram, ironically that system became my homebase in Minmatar space, as I learned it had multiple cloning bays. Now Scarcity and mechanic changes have happend but Eram still stays my homebase for action because its relatively short distanced from alot of activities in and around Minmatar Space.

Personally I think CCP needs to relent on the Scarcity changes, let some oddball high sec mining anoms to spawn to get the attention of highsec players to say, hey you see this? This is good, but if you go out into the wild blue yonder or a few jumps down, there is much much more. The lack of hinting at what is possible and the agencies abyssmal short range for detecting combat/mining anoms is one reason it kind of kills the games sense of wonder.

LOL terribad idea.

2 mil expensive? Do you know how easy it is to make 2 mil? ROFL.

Ain’t our fault you can’t afford $20 a month for a vidya game.

If you look up the screen to the left in the map, you will see 4 things you can click on.
Click on the second from the left and look for Geography or somesuch. That will show you all the galaxy’s security status for each system.

Sounds like you don’t know what you’re talking about…

@Armorica_Pulchra, its not as clear as lets say a block of the map is set as yellow. That is what makes alot of players confused especially the new players.

The reason I mention this, is the new Faction Warfare system has very blatant faction colors for the zone. Why can’t we have this for other areas on the map? Telling us the security areas? Might be more helpful than a tiny dot/color set.

I can understand that.

I haven’t seen that yet.

You may be right, some new players may have an easier time with it.
But now I wonder if making things too easy isn’t catering to laziness.

@Armorica_Pulchra I can understand the concern of “catering to laziness” but getting new players distraught or confused by getting losses on the first crossing the gate. Especially if you accidentally disabled pop ups isn’t really good. and its even for a player with some “experience” rather confusing as well still

Maybe some simplication might be helpful. But no free hand outs. Yeah its been quite an interesting problem that is a catch 22 for EVE Online at the moment.

Thinking on it…the old map system has a hexagonal system tracking action in nullsec. And is a bit easier to track activity and action on. The new map system is kind of quirky at the moment. The new faction warfare system seems a bit easier to read for sure.