What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

Did you know that you could put your own video files into some hidden folder and have this TV show it? It was neat.


CCP lost the goodwill of the Community a while back - and it won’t return. Upper CCP Management deserve the pat on the back for this and all subsequent criticism when the big dipper continues. Not going to reverse the rot and decline now.


I thought this thread was about what we liked and missed, not what we don’t like and don’t miss?


My is more of what I’m going to miss, null sec miners and krabbers

The year 2013


Do I need to repeat myself. Keep the rants in the rants threads. There are enough of them already.

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I don’t know if you mean that sarcastically or not because I miss 2012?



there was no rant.

That’s for others to decide. You should probably post with your main toon to have more cred.

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Hi mate

Tiller here, I’m back playing. I don’t have access to him anymore so I’ve had to start again.

Man has eve changed, my raven is no longer a solopwnmobile and I’ve already lost 4!!!.

Won’t be playing much, but gonna hang around a while



Has the misses allow you to have a new spot to play verses your last accommodations you showed us?

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I miss living the in cracks. There were a lot of little fun activities that you could do as a casual solo player that were all nerfed out of the game over the years to force group interaction. I also miss drone poop, POS standings requirements, POSes, decent salvage off of wrecks, and NPC convoys.


nah, got new missus lol

I no longer have to play under the stairs :slight_smile:

bahahaha, congratulations on both. But you did have a sharp set up however.

Eve now feels empty, used to be that you could have a convo (or see a convo) in almost every system you passed though (in high sec) - now its pretty much just tumble weed…


Old toons

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I miss the fire ant mentality of our corp when one of our spiderweb of scouts scanned down a target! :crazy_face:

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The old Aura sound recordings are on Soundcloud
As well as most of the in game music for Eve old and new.

These trailers were also voiced by Caroline Dalton (Aura)

It certainly added more “life” to the gameplay to have Aura around.

Took me ages but I found it

This is the one where you get podded but it isn’t in the list as a singular entry it’s under the aura track album only.

and you can’t download it. Most of the other ones you ca but for some reason the podding one you can’t.