What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

CCP didn’t give much warning, they released a Dev Blog on July 12, 2017 stating that the Captains Quarters would be removed in August.

They basically listed a whole bunch of lame reasons for doing it. Anyway, due to that news, a thread was created for players to post Captains Quarters screenshots.


Gotcha, without the 125m3 drone bandwidth it’s not the same beast…

That’s too bad. I was among the minority of players who appreciated the captain’s quarters.

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Yeah I agree with you, I think quite a lot of players actually liked the whole concept. The main problem was that CCP dropped the ball and fumbled on it’s implementation, no meaningful game play content was associated with it. That’s the reason for the lack of usage.


I think they gave up on it because a very vocal demographic of the player base complained they were dedicating resources to something not related to ships.


Thinking back I miss the effort the game needed, you had to train hard to scan, then it took a bit of time to find sites, now you know there in system without ever scanning, researching BPO’s some had silly numbers, I think a few of mine were around 50me ish the time it took to gain a few more savings was not worth the time to find a slot to put the print in.

Some people searched me out, my prints weren’t super researched, but they did save some time and minerals and the price was good, now everyones the same. No looking out someone because the little extra saving.

Datacores, I miss the effort it took to train the science skills, then grind the standing, going round collecting the cores felt like a reward for the time and effort, giving them out in FW killed it stone dead.

I remember when drone alloy’s gave minerals not found in high sec, other than from the alloys, all the special things that made the game different, training that went on while you were not subb’d.

The games changed and I am not sure if it will keep me interested, the pandering to F2P seems to be heading the wrong way, The new Invasions may be part of “their” plan to keep people playing but for me I cannot see how.


That and it’s hard enough for some people to find the undock button. give them a reason to stay in station and they will.

  • When meta loot and T1 salvage were actually valuable.
  • Pre-T3 destroyers. The power gap between newbies and veterans was closer in low sec. Nowadays, T3Ds just smashes everything T1.

“What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?” … The players!


Yes indeed - full reply deleted. No point sharing it anymore.

  • Original voice of Aurora.
  • Wars that were based on wearing down the opposition to take territory (meaning they had to farm for more ISK / resources, gather more players or retreat) - now you can just buy ISK and buy as many replacement ships as you want.
  • Wars that meant something and weren’t staged.
  • Fun.


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I miss the old intro, it created a unique atmosphere that all others who have come afterwards failed to replicate.


Still miss the jukebox and especially the ingame browser - linking in help channels has become a lot slower without it and there’s only so much you can do up front with the ingame notepad.

Also miss the old Aura voice with the undertones of *sigh, you should know better, capsuleer.

And I still miss the set of colored icons in the neocom. Grey is grey, unappealing and less ‘informative’ than colored ones.

Out of game, but linked to the changes in the API system, most of all I miss the EveHQ application and sites like eve-central (not to mention battleclinic) . The new ESI system was a deathblow to many 3rd party tools and it takes years before similar initiatives mature, if they do. The new ESI system also reduced the choices, possibilities and insight we as players and as ceo’s have (background checks to name one).

Most of all, I miss the many friends who disappeared from Eve, although new friends are made. Eve is about people and the stories we make together.


What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

-mines… God i loved mines
-the old tristan.
-Friends both ingame and departed
-static 1/10s for guaranteed and balanced/semi fair frigate PVP
-indiscriminate AOE DDs
-the Torpedo explosion ring and its AOE damage



Also the old Strip Miner sounds, back from like 2009.


-Catalyst drone bay
-8 rlml Navy Drake
-Road maps that went out 1 1/2 - 2 years so you knew what was going on
-The days when AI wasn’t botting PVP and destroying us and our assets everywhere(Before the AI bots stole our JERBS!!!)
-When you could go to belts and find asteroids not mined out by NPC Mining Fleets(They stole our JERBS!!!)(Has CCP thought of Universal Basic Income to stave off the AI impact OF STEALING OUR JERBS!!!)
-Special ships… which are now just skins.
-When the Primae was an actually useful ship not outclassed by a ship 1/15th the cost
-Learning Skills; who didn’t like getting skill points even fasterer??
-Old POS mechanics and day tripping to anywhere with a blops, blockade runner and a small pos with compression array and make a killing and being pretty safe… also the easy tear down compared to how consortium structures work.
-Mobile syphon units… ah free goo
-That Synth Juke-Box

P.S. The Mining Navitas… It was rumored to have more stripper poles.



When the Primae was first released, it was intended to be used for Planetary Interaction and it’s the only ship that doesn’t require any skills to fly.

Nowadays, it’s just a collector’s item and is rarely seen undocked.

This is what it always was, just like every other free special edition ship that isn’t SOCT. Even the vaguely useful ones are predominantly novelty items.

And the primae never really fell into the “vaguely useful” set, anyway. There was never a point in its existence when it wasn’t outperformed as a PI hauler by any T1 industrial ship.