What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

Ok good, then I can reblock until you decide otherwise.



Rememeber that day when you were required to bring with you that fine bottle of Chanounian Wine that was handed to you so we could

Celebrate your Community Forum Day

How easy it must of been for you to forget about how you had left me standing

at the altar of *LUMEN*

that day?

What do you miss about Eve that is now gone?

I miss that bottle which is now gone for sure!

Did you know I had search New Eden for weeks to finally find the only true finest Amarrian bottle of

wine bottle available on the Hypernet


and won well ahead of time before your special day.

I miss being casual x)

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I miss being able to turn off the gravity in my Captain’s Quarters™.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Can-baiting, all the serenity of fishing, more tears.


I miss myself… oh wait, I’m still here!

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I was suprised that worked.

I’d talk to my new “friends” doing that.

I’d ask does it actually work. What is the actual ship they’d bring If I actually fell for it.

Some would be coy about it. What do you mean?

4 years of eve off of the bio…they can fly more than a can baiting tristan lol.

I miss the forum whine fests.

CAOD is jsut a mere shadow of its former tself.

Whines, trash talk…those were the days.


Dual neutocane. A really fun hurricane setup I never saw why it was taken away. Nah, I did. Still it was fun times.

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A game with less Krab scrubs …

Game designers who knew what they were doing


the original ccp direction before the sell out and micro transactions


Walking in station


The old forums. Devs that actually responded on the old forums.


Yeah. I recall CCP falcon was great for this. A long gone era.

Why are nerfing this dudes!

Falcon would put up some graphs and say well…some of you all are doing wonky as hell crap on sisi. look at this graph/table and tell me what you see?

We’d see the and go…okay yeah, point made.

:smiling_imp: :psyccp: :innocent:

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I miss the ability to pull people out of warp in the middle of nowhere by putting a warp bubble half way between 2 gates.