What do?

Why take him out when he is docked? No risk if he can’t bump.

single ship can’t bump two ships at the same time. bring friend or alt.

Another solution if the structure has really no defense other than a bumping machariel:
Use a hecate. It should be able to out run the machariel easily and still have enough dps to stop the rep timer.
(Hoping that the game makes you never miss a ■■■■■■■ big structure in optimal range while flying at 2+km/s)

You can blow up structures with a single hecate? I’m not sure how I feel about that.

You are correct, it’s a class 3. I haven’t lost a Sentry in ages - if you find you have to ‘Abandon’ them the NPC’s seem to lose interest in them, and they’re usually still there to be picked up after the fight.

I thought a Sentry couldn’t shoot a target that was beyond your ship’s Control Range ? I’ll have to try the experiment (on something easy :slight_smile: ).

I have the one gun fitted, but that doesn’t seem to do much damage - I have very high drone skills, but I’d need to do a lot of training to get to the same level on any other weapon-system.

Correct on my fitting ‘philosophy’. I usually go in with a cloaked Astero first, and bookmark +200, +400 and -200 km from the sig BM, so I can (theoretically) ‘shoot&scoot’ by warping around, without ever coming within NPC-range. The MJD is for those occasions when I cock it up…

And the same to you - o7

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Gonna go out on a limb and presume this did not work? https://zkillboard.com/kill/88098484/

The wardrobe coordination of his opponents is extraordinary.

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That’s some serious starfleet stuff right there.

Ok… 1. He’s actually paying attention, and effort. It’s hard to bump (I’ve tried it for fun, in a ship less suitable for bumping but still) (also, he’s not just bumping you off align, but bumping you off the structure, that’s SKILL)
2. To answer your question, you can use MJDs and hop around, he couldn’t outrun your MJD. (you do lose your drones when you MJD, but just reconnect to lost drones and engage target)
(this will prove tricky if he has tactical bookmarks, which he probably does. you may need someone to hold the repair timer)
3. Or you can hire someone else to keep the timer alive. A newbro in a velator sounds like a good choice, pay him 10mil isk/h. Or you can get an alt.
4. Counter-bump him. I have no idea how but you might be able to do it.
5. As above, use a Hecate or something that is faster than a Mach. Nothing can outrun a Hecate and bump it at the same time (don’t think so at least).

I am willing to help, I’ll make an alt and join your corp and AFK shoot the structure for 30mil per timer if in my timezone and I don’t want to do my other isk making activities that require more effort.

Really? I have never tried this, but it seems strange. You don’t lose target lock after using a MJD.

You do, just lock again.

Docked or thethered? If thethered y can bump him out of thethered range I saw it happen once.

You don’t lose lock if you exit still in range of the targets.

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Also, he has to go out of tether range to bump you, as the distance from the structure is calculated from the docking ring. He might be tanked though, and no one can solo gank a BS.

I have a Catalyst I can use to help. 560 DPS for 20m/timer. Or a tanky Thrasher (350DPS) if you’d prefer that. Can also fly T2 autocannon cruisers if you want. 20m/timer plus 80% reimbursement of ship if lost and you’ve got a deal. Message Flara Pediati in game.

But yah just hit approach with a BC, BS, or Leshak and go watch YouTube after turning on your hardeners. You’ll be fine. Better yet, make a bookmark near the center of the structure and approach that to remain inside docking ring.

Edit: Maybe could even fly Hurricane since it has medium autos, but never flown anything that big before. I am a frig pvp dude.

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