What has happened to this game?

It is equally or more valid than people who simply make stuff up…like yourself, OP and @Claudia_Humpback

Pvp players also mine and do industry. I hear gankers have lots of mining alts.

Ahhh the typical ad hominem from the toxic bear.

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lol, dream on bud…

Sure i do industry as well as PvP. But it’s not sustainable to do both, sure you can do a little bit of it. But let’s be real here.

Yes, i let my frustration get the better of me. Get over it.

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Well, i’m feeling a lot more confident that bio-processing is a viable option now.


Time is life.


I made a thread about a post where @ISD_Dorrim_Barstorlode warned that multiple flagging within a thread can be target to disciplinary actions. Something that is not specified in the rules or guidelines.

Don’t do it, don’t let em chase you away, then they’ll count it as a win.

Keep in mind that you were happy to point to other people’s ‘toxicity’, but when you get called out your response is ‘get over it’. Maybe it’s my ‘low resolution’ but i enjoy a good irony.

Maybe the forums would be less toxic if you followed through on this.

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Heh, it’s basically fighting fire with fire…

Anybody who tells others to just biomass their characters and quit needs to do it themselves.


What about people who tell themselves?Repeatedly.

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Debates can be heated, but that’s not the same thing as being toxic. I can’t speak for everyone, but I get frustrated when players ask for my play style to be nerfed into the ground, or outright removed from the game because they prefer to lobby for their enemies to be nerfed, rather than learn from their mistakes and grow as players.

Of course, many players perceive ganking as being unbalanced in favor of the ganker, but in reality the inverse is true. I know I keep saying it, but people keep insisting otherwise. So, once again for the cheap seats, you can effectively neutralize the threat of ganking by utilizing best practices. Anyone who wishes to learn what these are, should check out my nerf ganking megathread, which has already been linked twice. Anyone who has further questions should not hesitate to ask. I may be a toxic ganker, but I will happily help those who actually want to learn.

Also, for anyone who disputes my assertions, here’s a screen that gives you some inkling of just how much PvE I have done in HS -and I assure you, this isn’t even the whole story. I have spent a lot of LP, did industry for my first year and a half, did a crap ton of live events, and did a non-significant amount of other stuff like mining and combat exploration. Yet, in spite of all this activity, I have not been ganked since I was about a month old. This has not been due to luck. It was because the last time I was ganked, I tried to learn everything I could about avoiding being ganked again. I’d say it worked out pretty well for me.

Moreover, I actually have experience on both sides of the blaster, and I value and am invested in both predator and prey play styles. So this isn’t just the uneducated and/or biased opinion of someone who only does one or the other. I mean, not for nothing, but I kind of know what the ■■■■ I’m talking about here. I try not to let my emotions get the better of me, and I try to be tactful, but the truth of the matter is that I do often get angry and frustrated when whiny and terrible players tell me I’m wrong as they lobby for my play style to be destroyed.

Ganking IS heavily balanced in favor of prey. The real reason why so many people die to it is because they are ignorant, lazy, impatient, and/or greedy. And they think ganking needs to be nerfed because they do not understand that it is within their power to stop being ganked. Some players allow their egos to get in the way of their growth. So, they’ll blame anyone and everyone before they take responsibility for their failures -whether that be their enemies, their allies, or even CCP. However, not everyone has an ego problem. Some players have simply made the mistake of listening to these idiots, and believed them when they said that ganking needs to be nerfed. It does not.

So, for any of you that might have been mislead, know this - It is your brains, attitude, and determination that will determine your success in Eve. Ganking does not need to be nerfed. You simply need to learn how to neutralize the threat. If you want to learn, I will teach you. And if you’d rather complain, I will do everything in my power to get you to shut the ■■■■ up. All these assholes keep talking about gankers driving newbros away. Yeah, but what about all the bittervets poisoning their morale and telling them that the deck is stacked against them? Instead of actually teaching them, or instilling in them positive, can-do attitudes, you teach them to be whiners and quitters.

So I ask you -who is really driving newbros away from the game?


There are a lot of players that aren’t one-dimensional in their play. CCP refers to them as the “professional” group (or did at one point). They mine, manufacture and pvp. A lot of the large nullsec alliances build structures that support their members doing lots of different activities and there are plenty of players in other areas of space that are capable of manufacturing and pvping.

The ability to spin alts and train them for specialist roles make it easy.


Just because they have the skills doesn’t mean they do it.

My character is highly trained in lot’s of different careers which I rarely engage in.

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Ganking redistributes wealth from the dumb and lazy to the clever and proactive. It’s incredibly good for an ecosystem like EVE.

My only regret is that CCP don’t want to educate players about ganking. And nor do most carebears it seems.

Ironically it’s usually upto the ‘griefers’ to help people understand this amazing mechanic.



Go join Goons (who are commonly blamed for highsec ganking), Test, Brave, many of the russian groups, some of the lowsec groups. They support multiple activities and a lot of members are doing many things.

Aside from that actually happening, the question asked was essentiually, what would pvpers do without industrialists. The simple answer is, they do the industry themselves.

Pvpers don’t need industrialists in order to have supply, however a healthy game with many players is better, since more people provides more targets. Can’t go just shooting alts all the time.

More targets leads to more destruction, and more demand for supply. A healthy pve game and a healthy pvp game help each other.

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And yet you just say that they are damn wrong and give no details of why people like me are wrong.

When ever I have detailed the issues with ganking most posters here attack me personally rather that what I said. You have to do better than just say that people like me are wrong, in fact are we just supposed to take your word on it because you said that? I think ganking is unbalanced in favour of the gankers, however at least bumping being changed pulled it back a bit after the multiple buffs to ganking. Shall I start listing all the buffs, because I can.

At this point the biggest issue for ganking in this game is the lack of a butterfly effect for players that have been impacted by a gank. They just cannot get back at the people that ganked them. And this is a major issue for the game where there are supposed to be consequences.

For many years I have pushed CCP to block all -10’s from docking in NPC stations in hisec, this is not because I want to be an ass, but because I want them to have to have perches and logistic places for their activities that can be attacked.

People like you will cry that I want to nerf your play style, but in fact I am trying to make conflict worthwhile for the ganked. But of course you don’t like that, so what…

Removal of -25% ROF penalty on Destroyers
Introduction of Talos and Tornado
Reduction of resistances
Increase in EHP of wrecks
Inclusion of Corp bay in DST’s enabling no consequence loot scooping
Increase damage from T2 ammo
Addition of structures with tethering enabling safe perches
Pirate Tags in lowsec to remove negative security status
Deciding to just allow hyperdunking after it had been declared an exploit previously

Just a few for you to get your teeth into, but of course you will ignore them. I will just keep adding to this post all of the buffs as I remember them.


No it has nothing to do with that. CCP even looked into it and they found an inverse correlation.

Wait, you play this game for more or less two decades in highsec and don’t know what the game mechanics of this place are?

This game is a competitive multiplayer sandbox. It’s not a hauling or mining simulator. It is not super difficult to protect yourself against ganks in highsec, if you need help with and can’t figure out how to fit and chose the right ship just ask. But this is all a pretty huge part of the game. Not sure why it took you so long to notice.

Thousands of carebears are capable of learning the minimal things you need to know to survive in highsec of all places just fine.

Have you seen my thread? The truth is, is that I get tired of saying the same things over and over again.

Admittedly, it is unfair to expect you to have read everything I’ve ever posted on the subject. But I assure you, I have most certainly laid out a strong case for my position. The problem is that forum whiners reset the conversation to zero with every new thread they make.


I don’t have to join Null Sec Alliance to know what their members do, I talk with them at Eve Meets and on Discourse.

Most players like familiarity and prefer to engage in their favorite activity. Due to real life constraints, most don’t have the time to invest in doing something they don’t like, especially when most of the career options in Eve requires a lot of time spent to engage in them.

But yeah, let’s go with your statement that all members of Null Sec Alliances engage equally in all activities…

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Your an idiot if you think that’s what I wrote. It isn’t.

Sorry, idiot probably isn’t correct. Dishonest is a better summary.

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Reply, yes I read it, and you started in 2015, you missed the two and a half years that CCP removed that ROF penalty and left the mining ships with paper thin tanks. You started playing after that at long last gave some players an option with the Skiff and Procurer.

Your first post says nothing at all about the subject, it is just hot air. You say you avoided being ganked for five years after being ganked, so what? No information no detail.

Your second heading is again incorrect because at this point there is no way for the ganked to get revenge. So much for the butterfly effect.

That study was on 15 day old accounts and is utterly meaningless

In fact I read that post and saw it as a load of hot air and meaningless waffle, which is why I never bothered even saying anything in there.

However the last section does have some pretty good detail in there, I will give you that, and is what I effectively do. So credit there for that section of your post. But nothing there says that ganking is not unbalanced.