What is Causing EVE to Die?

Seems reasonable, though the wall of texts you did not block, so it is worse in some other way.

Is it more painful / boring to read but at least not personally attacking you, thus still tolerable, in opposition with the wordsalads?

Am I understanding this correctly?

Or maybe you just skip the wall of text but some other posts from her are still worth reading while the wordsalad is a constant thus none of his posts are worth reading ever?


The wall of text makes my eyes bleed, but yes…Correct.


OP: I agree the primary issue with EVE is extreme age, and lack of ability on the dev’s part to add new and interesting elements.

I disagree that it’s due to abuse of profit. CCP certainly has pulled some bad marketing moves off over time, but not much worse than any other game.

Personally I’d rather read a well-reasoned full page of text than someone posting their 10,000th content-free, meaningless, 1-sentence bit of snark, mockery, or denigration.

I get that some people may be mis-representing your position or ideas, but I think kthat’s understandable because except for some points on how things shouldn’t be, I didn’t actually see you present any ideas here. What exactly are you suggesting for improvements that other posters seem to be against?

Um…8 years isn’t 15 years. Basically you haven’t been ‘a part of Eve’ for over 7 years, yet somehow consider yourself qualified to comment on the current state of the game.

Oh, and…your comment on ‘22K players’ ( amazing how it seems to get less every time some bittervet invents a figure ) also shows how long since you last logged in…

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At least I’ve undocked since the dinosaurs went extinct !

I mean, just look at all you whiners. Kezrai and Yiole have zero kb in 8 years. You aren’t even on kb at all…neither is the OP author of this thread.

Notice a trend ? The whiniest people on the forums are invariably the least active in terms any activity that involves undocking…or in some cases even logging in.

That tells anyone all they need to know. Maybe its the stench of decomposing bittervet that’s putting people off the game.


Mr Epeen might be as old as the dinosaurs, but in his defense, he is super rich and bald


In these hard and trying times I totally promise to donate at least half of these proceeds to aspiring gankers and miners alike.

Barges and T2 Navy Cats for everyone as everyone deserves a chance to experience everything eve has to offer.

My mission will be to use 42 billion to help genuine new players while simultaneously using the rest to get lost beneath a pile of Exotic Dancers, Quafe Ultra and Skill Injectors.

In an effort to promote civility and unity within the community of course!



Yep of course, they “can” have fun to their own devices, and detriment.

When i see forum posts over the years asking for better solo play, or to buff that or nerf this that can easily be interpreted as “make solo or casual play more fun”

Then that is what I mean by them still looking in…
as akin to being at 1 table in a room playing a Battletech table game by themselves, whilst at the huge table in teh middle of the room a couple of dozen or more players are playing the same the game “together”…and the solo guy isnt really having any “fun”

Edit: Oh, yeah and compared to that group of players…the solo or casual wishes and wants are insignificant to the group…hence more often than not can be ignored.


There are two types of solo play that I’m aware of; one is single account play with a choice of any one of 3 characters at a time, the other is single-player multiboxing. I’m the latter, and I certainly get my money’s worth out of the game.

I know two people who only have one account and play on one character at a time. They’re very very good at what they do and have never moaned within my hearing. My impression is that they take pleasure (and some pride, no doubt) in beating the odds.

Not everyone is like that, of course, and having insufficient means can be frustrating; but if they aim to do well that which they can do, then, hopefully, they’ll get some satisfaction out of playing. If they want to be a big player, then I suspect painful sacrifices may have to be made.

Thanks for an interesting and thought-provoking post, Max.


Chicks dig bald guys.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

But, are you a king?

correct, or if you want to take on the “Job” herding cats in EvE


I will tell you what’s killing eve just today as I cracked open my laptop while enjoying a festive mint mocha latte I was aghast in horror as I saw the state of affairs for Plex.

Bold proud sellers selling at 7 million a Plex, all uniformly across the board standing in solidarity until market plebs arrived undercutting at more then 400k.

It was disgusting and I lost my appetite no egg cheddar and spinach souffle for me thank you.

I was once proud of the market community but to settle for 6.5 million at the expense of everyone well I never.

If they wanted to throw there Plex away the buy orders are the bottom of the list along with there dignity!.

Now I must excuse myself, my feelings have been hurt and I need time to process and recooperate.

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We demand the ability to eject these villains from their stations so as to dispense swift justice


While I wish for the old days simply because I liked the challenge, I don’t feel I cry that much! :rofl:

EVE is dying because new players don’t want a challenge, and old players can’t find a challenge.

Too many dinosaurs with their paleolithic thinking (both players and devs alike). THAT is what’s killing Eve.

Of course now that I’ve said that I fully expect the CCP shill and fanboi brigade trolls to attack my killboard or the fact that I rarely bother to undock these days because Eve is so ■■■■■■■ boring…

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Solo players even multiboxing cannot compete or even come close. As a 12-year vet with 3 omegas who pushing the magical 60 in real life. I work Full time random days off and random shifts. I am a real POOR candidate for any group. The last 5 year’s EVE has decided to double and triple down on group activity. I am OK with risk and reward concept. But NO WAY in hades can I hit low sec or null for ore worth a darn. So, I quit mining. What’s left that I can do WITH OUT group help. Lame 12-year-old non changing missions. Now with scan sites in High utterly useless. Not interesting. Sure, I head out too low for some small potato items. Eve needs to understand the rouge lone player better psyche. They (I) have ENOUGH bosses at work. Not looking for bosses during my random down time. Burner and Abyssal missions just too much for me. So, I guess I continue to play 3 months. Take 3 months off. Hoping EVE quits listening to NULL GIANT CSM that push for larger and larger groups. Hope EVE re discovers the individual player again.


Public killboards are killing the game. They make people extra risk-averse so they don’t mess up their public permanent record. A lot of people say they don’t care, but they definitely wouldn’t like a page full of red either. Elite PVP-focused groups won’t take you in without a good killboard either, regardless of what they claim in recruitment ads.

The solution is to make lossmails anonymous by default, ie. the victim is anonymous unless they flip a switch in their character settings. It works for DOTA 2, for example.

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What is even the point of a public multiplayer game in which no-one knows your status ? Many people use the status to identify whether a potential target is a challenge or not. I use it often to see what fits a target may be flying…which only shows up when they’ve had a loss. It is vital in-game information.

What is ‘killing the game’ is not killboard…but precisely the entire ‘leave me alone…I want to do my own thing without interference or anyone even knowing’ mentality that you convey. Eve then ceases to be an open and public universe with lasting consequences and becomes just a backdrop for Netflix.

That is the death of Eve.