What is Causing EVE to Die?

I thought you were desperate to blow it up. I’m simply finding an amicable solution for both of us.

Notice how this person has no killboard…

Must have been a misunderstanding. I apologize if my post wasn’t as clear as I thought it was.

I can’t say I’ve seen an advert for EVE for years.

Fatt Albert - Your list of potential answers to your own question is indicative of divergence of attitudes players have. This so-called death has been predicted for over a decade and here we are with more or less the same numbers. CERTAIN death is just wrong unless you are talking about geological time scales. In reality, the evolution of Eve into something that is unlike the original Eve may be necessarily inevitable for it to continue. We are a long way from that.
-1 Carebears?
-2 Miners?
-3 Mission runners?
-4 Gankers?
-5 Multiboxers?
-10 Nullseccer?

  • These don’t even make sense for this question because they are all just ‘players’. Without players there is no game. All of these players are encouraged by CCP so can’t possibly be the cause of death as long as they play.

Credit where it is due. The developers get more mud thrown at them by juvenile ignoramuses than any other game I have played. Meanwhile they have kept the game alive. I don’t know the true profitability but it is an impressive feat to survive while under corporate boot heels.
Some of those changes made are positive and some are not so good. What else would anybody expect when competing interests are in play?

My experience in Eve is mixed. Some people talk about the community being a positive experience for them. Good for you. I would describe it as the second most toxic, abusive, juvenile bunch of assholes I have ever come across in gaming. The first being Fortnite but at least they have the excuse of being unparented minors.
Unfortunately much of this bad behaviour is also encouraged or approved by CCP and ‘deal with it’ is the prevailing theme… Ok I am.

I have many ideas on how improve Eve, many of which would have direct and obvious financial benefits. I have reached out to CCP many times and effectively been ignored. Although I have seen a couple of variations of my ideas implemented. Not at all the way I would do it. I would not dare claim responsibility either.

One obvious broken things to me…

  • Nullsec being unnamed makes no sense at all. Nowhere, at any time or place since language started have humans failed to name the places they go. The current xyz-321 farce is so lazy and illogical that it has to be the number thing to fix. It is so easy to fix but I have an idea that would generate revenue at minimal cost… Many players would like to name the star system they control. Let them… 1500 plex to change the name with a 50 plex /month upkeep. We can then all admire the creativity of each others naming skills when we pass through a star system called ‘FUCKCCP’ or ‘David is a dick’ or other such intellectual highlights we expect from the Eve community. Seriously though it could be moderated however they choose, to keep the smut/abuse out. It would be instantly popular with a significant boost to revenue through PLEX.

Your premise is false Eve is not dying. You care enough to ask the question. I care enough to answer it.


You don’t need to advertise when there is google.

If you want to find an MMO to play or a space game, you do a search on google.

EVE is one of the top 10 in both categories

No need for an in-depth investigation @Fatt_Albert EVE is dying because its community is the worst one in all of the online game communities in the entire world.

Do stop talking rubbish

If you don’t like our humor - pick a window and leave.

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There’s no window in this damn place.

I do not think it is the case. Maybe the forum is a little harsh but the players in the game are 98% cool. Have to allow for the usual 2% douchebags but that’s everywhere, even at the supermarket.


Great point. People tend to forget this. With 25,000 accounts logged in, there’s probably 24,500 reasonable ones and 500 total dickheads (2%). But 500 is plenty enough to make it seem like the game is full of a-holes sometimes.

Forums are similar. We might have a couple hundred people checking the forums at any given time, but it only takes a half-dozen of those to make the forums feel ‘toxic’. (That’s also a reminder not to confuse forum/social media posters with “the community”, because again they’re only like 3% of the player base.)

Just remember folks, the loudest and most annoying people aren’t the only people. Or even a significant fraction of them.


I miss those players! The feeling of accomplishment after defeating such a player or group is what the game is all about. EVE is still simply Everyone vs everyone. No one should be nice to anyone you don’t want to be nice to! :laughing: Skill lvls aside of course…

Any noob can come into a game and make friends, be nice and try to get along. Try to do the opposite and you will quickly find out the difference between being a mock and being one of the best. Only the best can be the villain. Its a thankless job and the pinnacle of accomplishment.

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Thats what we did, and I still uphold. What part did I not convey correctly?

Oh, i was just speaking to the public with that statement about anyone can hold hands and sing songs. I understand you are not a nub or hold hands with nubs. My hope is that new players read it and start with a proper attitude, one of a killer.

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I would not go so far as to say you have to start the game as a killer, although it is a big head start on how not to get killed later! :laughing:

Having the correct attitude and understanding that combat is possible at any given moment would go further, I think. You don’t have to fight as a miner, just understand how to avoid a fight. When I experimented with mining, there was no better feeling as a hunter when I could flip off other hunters while my mining ships were warping off as they were still landing on grid. I don’t mind rubbing salt into the wound in local… :smirk:

I watched an EVE ad on YouTube today all the way through this time just because I wanted to see what BS they were selling these days. It was not like the ad that stated, “Your not ready for this game.” Instead, it implied that you could go anywhere and do anything you want.

Gosh. I get probably 3 or 4 adverts a day for Eve on Youtube. As I often listen to Youtube music while I play, I even get adverts for Eve while I am playing Eve.

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Have any of you people ever looked into an ad-blocker?

I get no ads for anything. Ever.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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I like the Eve adverts. Plus you don’t need an ad blocker…Youtube has its own function where you can state you want to see less of a certain type of advert, which I do with all those ’ rebel scientist discovers amazing new way of levitating through brick walls ’ type adverts. You can even block individual channels, which I also do with any channel that has the word ‘Terrifying’ in its headers.

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Do you like

I sure don’t like my music interrupted every five minutes for three minutes of ads.

But, whatever. You do you, boo.

My question has been answered. You are one of those people who are afraid the ad police will raid your home if you dared to block ads.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses: