What is CCP adding next year? (speculative)

I am so beyond that, noob.

I hope CCP adds a subsection on the forums only for Alpha players, so they can stay locked up in there instead of being let loose across the whole forums.


I would actually pay extra for the option to have a real player forum and an Alpha forum somewhere in the far corners of Eve, which I would never have to read.

Fun fact, you can do this right now, THIS VERY INSTANT! The secret is that you don’t have to read anything!

And wow, wait for it, boomer, you don’t have to post ANYTHING

The only argument you’ve won is with yourself. :roll_eyes:

But I must admit, your a cheap troll to feed. A couple of lines of kibble and you’ll troll for days! Merry Christmas

Took you a while

The holidays…


I don’t see arguments as weapon or tool for “winning” something. That’s not how discussions work either. You being fixated on being right is not my problem. Your argument is foul, from top to bottom and it needed to be addressed. If you refuse to learn something, then that is your problem and not mine. The only trolls here are those insisting on ignoring legitimate complaints about your so called argument.

Could I have worded that post better? Probably. Does that change anything? Not really.

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Correction: they carefully plan with the senior PVP fanbois of EVE.

CSM members doesnt have any vote on anything what PA Korea wants to push onto playerbase.

CSM cant spill the beans. They are mute here outside CCP office and without any power inside CCP office. Because I have trouble believing the consulting is even considered if high priority is CCP with PA reaching for players money. Sure, they can listen to the fears CSM may have. Thats all.

Maybe reason why so many CSM members quit playing after their CSM. Disappointment?

Im not arguing and you are not discussing anything. Your simply stuffing your idea of what you believe down peoples throats. More kibble for the troll…

Well thats true. You brought nothing to this apart from how fictional drugs, in your view are the same as actual gambling.

If you cant troll any better than that, just get out.

And you have not brought an intelligent argument either. Stomping your feet and insisting your right, unfortunately does not make you right.

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This is not an argument, just another example of a scammer trying to troll.

Thats you, btw.

What an outstanding display of the collossal arrogance of ignorance. You deserve a medal for that. :3rd_place_medal: I can, at least, guarantee you that I’m not the one who lacks both words and understanding required to converse about this topic. As far as everyone can see, that’s you.

If even that does not make you think about what is going on right now and if you might actually be mistaken, then so be it.


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