Now make an equal comparison. Out of all the mmo’s, many needing money a lot more than CCP and with way less cash shop begging, only EvE went up. So no, blaming inflation doesn’t cut it in this scenario.

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I seriously don’t understand why people keep arguing this, like EVE is some necessity of life or something.

For some people, yes, they had to make some choices between family, friends, baseball, fishing or golf. And they probably weren’t happy about the thing they gave up.

Over the past decade, more and more players have looked at EVE and at the rest of their life, and said “Yep, I guess EVE is the thing that’s gotta go.” A price increase after 2+ years of actively driving players away, and 10+ years of next to no content, simply makes it easier than ever to say “Yep, EVE is the thing that’s gotta go”.

Personally it’s no skin off my back, I’ve got years worth of Plex and haven’t subbed in ages. For me the primary issue is simply that once again, CCP chose the stupidest, laziest path to suck more cash out of players to spend on yet another set of wasted initiatives.

And the worst part is, it won’t even make them more money. It will cost them players and subs, and as other games have noted in the past: “when players cancel in anger, you won’t get them back”. Even if the inflation excuse wasn’t total BS, “making less money with fewer players” isn’t the way to solve it.


Then why did all those players go then?

What happened?

  • It’s summer

  • They raised their rates a bit and some people cancelled.

  • There is a global recession and a lot of people are struggling.

  • They promised the biggest update in history, but delivered basically nothing. A lot of people are seriously angry about this absurd and silly lie.

Numbers might be down a bit. Whatever. The game isn’t going anywhere.


Price increase again to 39.95 in aug is why.

Lost ark and wot :wink:

Muh ‘price of a coffee’, how original. Read my post again. It’s about value, not total cost, although for some that will be a factor. And deciding that a game is not good value anymore does not constitute a rage quit.

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Well just as a side note, when coffee shops started charging too much for a decent cup of coffee, lots of people stopped getting them there and switched to other options.

Now imagine if they started charging more, but providing only stale, old lukewarm coffee, and you’ve got the EVE subscriber situation.


I’m old enough to know that throughout the decades very few things that have lasted as long as EVE has in such a competitive market just goes and dies.

There is ups and downs, changes made that will be good or bad, but old things usually endures because at it’s core foundation there is something solid.

Kind regards

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You do have a valid point with the High Sec Abyssal sites.

The higher tier Abyssal sites that yield high end module should accessible on in .5 systems with a 50/50 chance of exiting the Abyssal site in .4 to 0.0 system that is close by.

Having the exit to a Tier 4 or 5 site in Low Sec will ensure gankers dont have an easy pay day along with the Abyssal runner not having an easy pay day either.

Triglavian jump filaments in and out Triglavian space to Null or High + a cloaking device, would become standard on all high tier abyssal sites, thus requiring a brand new series of ships to train for in order to maximize DPS and cloaked while flying.

Has anyone actually given you their stuff from posting this btw? lol

I once got a Raitaru from doing that

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I mean when I left the first time I gave everything I had to someone I respected in the game not some random person that asked xD? So thought it might be the same for others but thats pretty sick getting a Raitaru.

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Yeah, for a while it was the start of a very profitable Real Estate Agent career I had. I think I owned up to 6 at any one time.

Then Cores came and ruined that fun

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I mean you could always hire protection. Just don’t pull a Carthage and all should be fine xD

Its nothing to do with protecting anything, its the fact it was a pain in the dick that the prices went up by half a bill and no longer was it as feasible to anchor and unanchour the wretched things.

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There’s also the point that more than one former citadel owner told me, which was “CCP nerfed citadels, nerfed defense, nerfed timers and maybe I was going to deal with all that. But I’ll be damned if I’ll spend ISK for nothing but a juicy guaranteed drop forcing me to pay the people who blow my nerfed citadel up.”

I can see their point, that is literally adding insult to injury. Another amazing feature brought to you by the genius designers at CCP.


If that’s the coffee shop where I meet my friends, I don’t care much about the coffee.

Of the several responses I received, no one made a reference to friends. So yeah, I see your point now. You can’t buy love for a couple bucks a week.

I suggest you buy a metal detector and sweep the local parks and schools. Who knows maybe you can “PLEX” your new hobby by finding nickels and dimes.

It’s not the leaving per se, its the drama.

Cranky people own computers and credit cards. Then they turnover control of their emotions and dignity to CCP and the drama ensues.

There’s and old expression (that perhaps doesn’t fit in the virtual world ): Let your feet do the talkin’

And by extension - not your mouth.

Not sure how you wandered off the point of “Is EVE delivering comparable value to other games?”

Or how that turned into “running your mouth when you leave”.

Or what those things have to do with looking for nickels and dimes in parks.

The OPs question is about what’s happening with EVE, not an “I’m leaving” post. Other people’s posts are about the relative value of EVE to other games, especially with the extreme lack of content and development over the past decade.

You do understand that people also have friends in other games, right? Like, hopefully EVE isn’t the only place you’ve ever been able to make friends? And you know, if the coffee shop where I met my friends had stale old coffee at high prices, I’d probably just meet them at the cafe down the street.

You seem to have very few options in your friendships. Maybe get out a little, look around. Who knows what you might find?