What is there to do?

Times have changed. Players want to get rich, not have fun. :wink:

and them they quit
and like the old pharaohs , they riches go with them

The riches are pointless, unless you have something good to spend them on. Some guy was bragging about having 53 years worth of Plex.

Do you know how many smartbomb Abaddons that would buy?

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I’ve been giving isk to new players who ask on the forums how to better themselves rather than complain. Seems the best use of it atm.


Maybe it’s me but I don’t find it hard to find something to spend ISK on. In short, it always ends in fireworks and explosions :laughing:

It’s unfortunate. I do get it though. The most fun is fighting players, but exploding ships is expensive business.

Eve is not a job and fun should be the primary driver as it is just a game.

/I should add though Eve is a hobby that brings fun into my time.

Try to gather isk for plex for good.

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