What is this?

I read the spam on purpose, character sales seems to be up! You never know where your going to get your info on the panic…

Edit; Humans are like lemmings…

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This is the best feature of the forums … thank you

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Interesting. I still have my title/badge. I guess they calibrated the requirements such that many users - regulars no less - lost theirs.

That, or you all have been very naughty! I’ve seen you trolling butthurt players in the resource thread, @MB_ThePhotographer

@discobot quote

EDIT: They disabled Discobot!

One way of maintaining trust level 3 is to open up the spam threads and pretend to read them. :thinking: I probably need to go on a spam reading binge… what can I find to hold down the PAGE DOWN key?

@system1 Why disabled discobot?

CCP shouldn’t be using that criteria as a basis for not giving Veteran status. The option to flag a reply is overly abused in these forums, especially since it only takes 1 player with a couple of alts to flag and hide a reply. It’s just one of the many ways to meta-game these forums into a singular viewpoint.

Well, the system can sometimes result in the removal of some relatively mild posts, so I won’t say it’s without faults, but supposedly they’re reviewed by an ISD. So, as far as I know, players alone can’t take down a post.

Of course, then again, certain stuff may be interpreted wildly different by different cultures. For example, I’m pretty sure it was you who once got on me for calling someone “dog,” but where I’m from, it’s usually used in much the same way as “dude” or “man” are.

Just for clarification, are you saying that you have to read a certain number of posts per month or something in order to maintain trust levels? How do you know this?

Also, if you have to read spam in order to maintain vet status, then it isn’t worth it.

It looks like the criteria are a secret - because they know how Eve players would game any system.

Please bring back signatures as well. And actual pages for threads.

I can’t believe they disabled the Veteran, Admired, Respected, & +8 More @discobot

RIP @discobot

I think discobot just got a temporary ban.


he was flagged for a futile reason like a normal user

Tsh… These people meta-gaming the forums into a singular viewpoint!

They are really cracking down lately.

For good reason.


From the Discourse blog:

Trust Level 3 — Regular

Regulars are the backbone of your community, the most active readers and reliable contributors over a period of months, even years. Because they’re always around, they can be further trusted to help tidy up and organize the community.

To get to trust level 3, in the last 100 days…

  • Must have visited at least 50% of days
  • Must have replied to at least 10 different non-PM topics
  • Of topics created in the last 100 days, must have viewed 25% (capped at 500)
  • Of posts created in the last 100 days, must have read 25% (capped at 20k)
  • Must have received 20 likes, and given 30 likes.*
  • Must not have received more than 5 spam or offensive flags (with unique posts and unique users for each, confirmed by a moderator)
  • Must not have been suspended or silenced

I was being a bit hyperbolic saying you’d need to read spam. IGS or OOPE will have plenty of threads to read which are not spam.

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If that’s factual I can only despair, what is the human race becoming to put up with such crap.

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