What the hell are you meant to do

There are some missions you would have to warp off in marauder, dps is so much. Of course if you could kill the scrambler in time.

Some even branch out into low sec and null. From High sec.

Penumbra is such an Epic Arc.

Indeed. Then go back in a pod that npc will leave alone ready to make a booknark. Warp back at distance, kite them. Adapt as necessary.
The null parts of penumbra are basically courier stuff that can easily be done in a cloaky, interceptor, or even yolo frigate/shuttle.

I mean, thatā€™s why so many PVE boats are missile and drone based! Or you simply choose to run that fit against factiosn that have a different kind of EWAR. Sorry it happened man I hope you donā€™t quit over it. We all lose ā– ā– ā– ā–  in stupid ways

How exactly is halving non existant speed, on an afore mentioned enemy with non existant angular velocity, going to be more effective exactly?

The only irony here is your comment being the Ms Steak

I didnt have drone sentries skilled nor even drone operation 5 and so a few of the rest of those. I also only had 25 mbit/s in the Apoca. Either way if the only way of being able to do the mission was being highly trained in drone skills with a drone specific ship, then it really was garbage. Thanks for the help still.

I was using all that, as i mentioned i had a good fit. i had the 2 50% specific hardeners, 1600mm plating and large armor rep. I was going to be upgrading to Navy Imperial 1600mm and Corpus X-type Armor Hardeners when i had the money too.

I am/was subbed.

I did that. I couldnā€™t hit anything close up - i had no chance kiting out 50km with such reduced damage because i was still Eward even out at that distance so this did not work either. I tried many different things.

So when i looked at the debuff on-screen it had said ā€œtracking disruptedā€ but it turned out it was turret ā€œrangeā€ that was disrupted, not tracking. That, is why tracking boost was not working. I eventually figured this out by accident after hovering over my weapons while Ewar stacked and seeing the (new) optimal ranges pop up. Thanks for the misleading info CCP. Even still, with up to 3 on me at the same time, i had to use +40% range microwave ammo at around 6000m (instead of the usual 40km - 50km) because that was the new optimal range with Ewar stacks on meā€¦

Still, you best believe i "approach"ed enemies at ā€œ500mā€ but in the end since i needed long range ammo, doing minimal damage when i woud actually be able to hit still, while sitting there 500m in a room so full of enemies (even with a proper fit) it was barely enough to kill the Cruisers before having to warp out, but then as mentioned i was being Eward by the Battleships also, all of a sudden.

No chance of killing a Battleship in its face with long range ammo and a couple low skilled med drones, while everything else is pumping me.

Garbage design. Garbage pilot and his skills too, but this specific design with not only Ewar spam (8+ enemies) but Ewar stacking, in a full room of elite Frigates Cruisers Battlecruisers and Battleships, more so.

NPCā€™s disrupt both range & tracking.

Also read the rest of the thread before ranting. You took on an elite mission in a ship that isnā€™t normally considered suitable to do that mission.

Of course your other option is to say, after the first attempt or so, ā€œI guess Iā€™m not ready for this mission yet.ā€

EVE isnā€™t one of the endless MMOā€™s that holds your hand, makes sure you donā€™t suffer any real pain on death, and makes all the content you can access something you can do without too much challenge.

EVE expects you to make the callā€¦ I will properly research, prepare, skill and fit for this; or I will drop it and do something else until I am ready; or I will tackle it anyway, and take the risk of losing. Thatā€™s what a ā€˜sandboxā€™ game is all about - you pays your money and you takes your chances.

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Ah thatā€™d explain why i was still missing half the shots at 500m. So ā€œtracking disruptionā€ should be called ā€œtracking and range disruptionā€ when hovering over the debuff. Still misinformation.

So not only did i have to kill elite Battleships at < 6000m, using low damage long range ammo, even with stacked tracking equipment and no angular velocity it didnā€™t guarantee hits let alone kills.

No counterplay, no outplay from the spam and stacking, no other options but to brute force through it.

And you think this is fine? That itā€™s ok because itā€™s an epic/elite mission?

I didnā€™t comment on this because i was aware of this simple fact before i even started the mission. I had already done 2 or 3 of these missions in this epic story arc.

So maybe you should read what i have to say before commenting - again, it was just the Ewar spam and stacking and from Battleships that was the problem. Not the mission, not elite enemies. The epic story arc was fine. The retarded heavy Ewar use from 8+ enemies with 1 - 3 stacks, even at long range, at any time in a single room was the problem and garbage design.

Anyway to anyone that saw the account details before they were removed, feel free to use the account, i wonā€™t be logging on nor reporting any suspicious activity or anything etc. Should still be roughly 5 days left of sub time.

Debuff? The hell is that? You mean tracking disrupted. Come on man, if you want to play the game use the proper Eve terms not some POE or other crap game terms.

Yes. The epic arcs come with lots of ewar. Itā€™s a thing. Bring an appropriate ship. Eve is about bringing appropriate tools.

Also sharing accounts is bannable and will get whoever uses your account banned as well.

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Battleship flying 101: always have at least one full flight of light drones to have some extra DPS when main guns are failing (damps, (old)ECM, TDs, small and fast targets). Thats paramount. Flying BS without drone skills is a ticket for a lot of pain and frustration.


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You picked a wrong ship, and sounds like wrong fit on it.

Try MWD + MJD. MJD to 100 away from them as soon as you land, unless theyā€™re already around that distance, turn away from them and start your MWD while they string in a nice line towards you. Kill them at max range. Rinse repeat. If you canā€™t reliably kill at 100+ km then Iā€™m sorry, you are not ready for epic arcs. these can get much tougher then plain missions.

Some of these missions will actually do quite a lot of damage to you even at 100+ km, not like regular L4s. Your ship needs to have appropriate tank to be able to with stand it long enough for you to kill them and range alone ainā€™t gonna cut it here.

O and you can forget 200-300 mil Apoc, I didnā€™t even see that part, yea, LOL you need way better skills and better ship then that.

Minimum you will need something like a Navy Raven or Navy Scorp with a bit of bling on it which will run you around 1.3-1.4 Bil and that is if you have all level 5 skills. Or a 3.5 Bil+ Loki + implants. these are not missions for new players.

And what exactly is the appropriate tool for unlimiited Ewar? I can wait. Needing to bring a specific ship, for a specific mission? Especially when your character progress dictates very specifically, what you can and canā€™t use and when it only progressed very slowly in real time? Cā€™monā€¦

I donā€™t mind if the other person doesnā€™t. Hard to link my account with the rest of theirs, especially if they play from a VPN.

Thanks but 5 light drones would have done 0 against an Elite Battleship and other Elite craft and would have been chewed up, my medium drones were getting chewed from the DPS from these enemies - as someone else said up near the top would likely happen.

I just said in my last post or 2, that i already tried kiting max range 50km and was still getting hit with Ewar from there.

People, for like the 5th time - you cannot outrange Ewar tracking disruption even at 50km, i tried and you cannot just basically get drones to clear the Ewar for you when half the room uses it it sounds great in theory but they just donā€™t do enough damage while receiving too much, without a drone boat and/or highly skilled drones at the least. The only real option from personal experience is just outgearing and bashing your face against it.

I can tank forever at range, but that doesnā€™t help with killing the enemies.

Anyway itā€™s mostly just the same answers with the same responses now.

It doesnā€™t matter anymore but at the end of the day - unlimited Ewar spam and stacking is garbage design.

imo the mission being epic/elite does not justify such garbage design with minimal counterplay/outplay options. The only solution being to brute force through it - better equipment, better ships, better and more drones, better character.

Throw in 2 or 3 Tracking Disruption with 2 or 3 Webs as well as maybe 1 Frigate/squishy warp disruptor, make it so Battleships donā€™t use it all. Add more enemies, make target prio more important.

Slapping 20 enemies with 20 Tracking Disrupt in and calling it a day? Literal garbage

For those missions in the Amarr epic arc. Anything missile based. Primary drone ships, or a Marauder.
I learnt this the hard way also with an old style armagedon going bang because of it.

Challenge; accepted - for the glory of the Empire.

Raging Sansha, Vanilla Apoc, light drones, 25kkSP character.

Bobeus Vult.

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kk is not a real thing, itā€™s M.
Also donā€™t forget to T2 fit it, at the point you are going Faction/Abyssal you are clearly over the bling point.

Not a thing? - kk

Hadnā€™t planned to bling, ty.

replace it with a second repper.

if you find the epic amarr difficult, wait for the epic gallente.
1700 DPs in your face is much harder to handle than pesky ewar. especially since they tank good, have mwdā€¦ and have friends. especially if you are stupid( /me looks at the mirror) and hit the triggers ā€¦ add 588 DPS. total 2300 DPS. if they get close to you your ship dies in 30s.

Also they neut you.

You keep repeating these things over and over, but basically you are saying ā€œI was totally fine for this mission except for the parts of it I wasnā€™t fine for, and once I figured out I wasnā€™t fine for it, I went back anyway and died. I saw what parts of the mission were giving me trouble, but rather than shift to a new method that handles those parts (ie, missiles), I just tried to smash my current build against them harder. And died. I correctly saw that Ewar was the problem, and that I couldnā€™t handle it, but I figured if I just kept smashing it would obviously get better. But it didnā€™t, and I died. Therefore obviously the mission is dumb and badly coded. The problem was not me, it was the mission!ā€

Can you see where maybe you are going wrong here?


High pitched voice way in the back :
" what about speed tanking with a drake?"

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i canā€™t do one mission on penumbra alone due to sensor EWAR

@Whiskiz_IronScrotum, As I and several others mentioned, if you want to finish completing the ARC, either get a BS or any other ship that fires MISSILES, or get someone who can fly that with you.