What video are you watching today?

Apparently we are going to watch father brown.

Two priests were playing golf, Father Chad Frostpacker and Father Dryson Bennington
Father Benignton hit his ball into the woods on his first swing, “Damn it! That totally missed!” he cursed.

“You shouldn’t curse Father Bennington!” said Father Frostpacker “Or god might punish you!”

Father Bennington apologized and they went on playing.

On his next swing, Father Bennington hit his ball into the sand pit. “Damn it! That totally missed!” he cursed again.

Again, Father Frostpacker warned, “Do not utter such words Father Bennington, lest god punishes you for it!”

Father Bennington apologized again and they continued playing.

On his third swing, Father Bennington hit his ball into the pond. “Damn it! That totally missed!” cursed Father Bennington once again.

Before Father Frostpacker could say anything, a ominous dark cloud suddenly gathered out of the blue sky and a lightning bolt came down and struck Father Frostpacker, killing him instantly.

Father Benningon was completely stunned, before he could understand what was happening in front of him, he heard a thunderous deep voice coming from the sky - “Damn it! That totally missed!”

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The problem is it’s been marketed as “buy bitcoin double your money!!!” when the marketing should have been “Use Bitcoin to transfer value without a 3rd party, and create an unchangeable ledger!!!” - can you see how the marketing of something changes how it’s viewed? The latter would have resulted in ONLY the people who want privacy and unchangeable ledger using it.

In actual fact it’s purpose is to transfer value anywhere in the world, provide privacy on transactions and it is a ledger that can’t be changed.

At some point I think people will understand it is not an investment and it is just a simple tool.

If you need the features of Bitcoin (privacy/value transfer/unchangable ledger) then yes just buy enough needed for that transaction if you are doing retail purchases.

If you don’t need the features of Bitcoin (privacy/value transfer/unchangable ledger) then stay away from it and leave it for the people who have a valid use for it.

People need to stop buying bitcoin for investment, a lucky few may make money but the majority will get stuck waiting for the value to rise simply because it’s not an investment, it’s just being used as an investment.

Hopefully your video will help to promote this “leave Bitcoin alone” message to the normal person. I think Bitcoin is an amazing tool, but we shouldn’t have people investing all thier money in it when the actual core USER base of Bitcoin is still quite small. Hope this helps make more sense of it.

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@Aaron You make some good points and the nuances you underline are important to mention in this debate. Bitcoin isn’t the only deliberately misused or misunderstood tool, it follows in a long list of monumental errors that harm people on a global scale.
A.I is next.

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I am watching New Hope StarWars with Harrison Ford.

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In which Natalie Portman was Padme, later to become Thor in the MCU.

Today we are watching “teach your cat that your leg is not a tree to scratch “

You do have a wierd cat. Does you leg look like a tree?

Who is we? You and the dog?

I just stumbled upon this…

Just your regular Babylonian map of the world showing up and explaining that the remnants of the ark that saved mankind from the great flood are on a mountain they called The Great Wall which is beyond a city called Ururu, which is a place the Jewish people called Ararat. And we know this because a enthusiastic amateur parsing through odd bits and pieces found a little piece of clay with some cuneiform in it and turned to match perfectly into a broken map tablet. And yes, you want to see the video to learn the whole story. Since we also know the name of the father of the scribe who wrote the cuneiform, and his name was…

…watch the video!

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My favorite historical conspiracy theory is that the Homeric Epic cycle is semi-historical and that Telegonus and Telemachus are the mythological Romulus and Remus. In the lead up to the Pyrrhic War, the Romans changed the official founding myth to have Trojan origin.

Wish I wasn’t poor and could replace all my cheap merino wool and supima cotton with Linen and Cashmere

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I kind of got lost on the YT and landed on this video…


Cyclist wear merino wool, you saying cyclists are cheap?

If they had money, they would be driving around in a carro :oncoming_automobile:

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I don’t know how did this video end on my recommendations, but I liked it.

Also: you want to see the green peplos for days 27th to 30th. Mind you, all that’s holding it together and put on are those two safety pins… ancient Greek women had a lot of faith on their fibulas, didn’t them?