What will it take to remove attributes and remaps from EVE Online? Are training speed multipliers the harbinger of their destruction?

Nah, like I said in a previous post, I typically min/max character builds in every RPG I play, spending insane numbers of hours in planning. I have an EVEmon plan with remaps set up and follow it. It’s just not rewarding to do. There’s no sense of accomplishment or uniqueness in following this plan. It’s shallow.

You dont have to do it if its not rewarding.

Its true EVE players will complain about everything. :joy:

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I started being very concerned about skill points. I was one of those guys who trained all the learning skills up to lvl 5 before training ANYTHING else because I wanted to be efficient (back when learning skills were still a thing). I was careful about implants and was super cautious about doing anything that could cause me to lose them so avoided danger at all costs. It was all about skills.

I quit around 2009. When I came back I simply decided to not care about skill points and just play the game. I’ve had a lot more fun with that approach.

Now the fact I already had a lot of skill points made it easier. I could already fly a lot of stuff and had a few million to spread on new things thanks to the learning skills going away. But I do attribute a decent amount of my increased enjoyment of the game to the fact I no longer cared as much about being killed. I can see there being benefit to taking away the worry of implant loss for learning skills in terms of actually making the game more enjoyable for the player. I’m not sure it would work the same for others so I’m not pushing for it… but I wouldn’t be surprised if it actually did have a noticeable positive impact for the game.

You could just PvP with the clones that dont have those implants installed. :thinking:

I suppose if attributes would be removed, they would give learning bonuses to implants, so you will still dont want to lose those, so nothing will change.

While now, you can compensate lack of implants by changing attributes values, its compensation to some degree.

They could make remaps more available, that is all.


But that would be awesome. And you know what?


I guess I should say I’m more for removing learning boosts from implants entirely.

All in all though, I’m not really sure it matters. I have clones in high-sec with lvl 3’s and possibly 4’s in them… but I don’t jump back to them. It’s simply more fun not to worry about it and just play. I simply don’t care about how quickly I get new skills as I kind of have all I need at the moment.

That thought process has made the game more enjoyable for me. Perhaps others are caught in the same trap I was where they were worrying too much about loss. Perhaps it was just me.

As far as the economy side… I suppose you could allow players to unplug any implant that is a learning based one… and let them trade those implants into a LP store for a LP/ISK refund equal to what they cost before. It would be a disruption but it wouldn’t leave anyone disasterously out of pocket.

Something else would need to replace them in the loot tables and LP stores though.

Actually you have so much skills it doesnt matter for you now. It mattered in beginning tho, so its subjective.

Without fear of lagging with SP, without fear of others being there ahead of you, without implants in your head there would be no risk, not losing anything is so trendy. That is why people still consider this game niche, it have some consequences, but it also have options. And you can mitigate those bad things. Its how you play matters.

Its rather a change to how you view the game. System doesnt have to hold you back, It can give you opportunity to exploit it. Glass is half empty, half full.

I guess the point is it didn’t really matter in the beginning either. I thought it did… but in retrospect I was wrong. I probably wouldn’t have stopped playing 8-9 years ago if I had been playing then the way I started playing when I came back… with the exact same number of skills.

I spent months playing with the starting set of skills because I wanted to train up learning skills and maximize my training. I even trained learning skills in the right order. I considered starting over with a new Achura toon when they were introduced when I found out their attributes were better for skill training (back when your attributes were tied to your starting race).

In retrospect… I missed out on a ton of gameplay because I was so concerned about trying to “close the gap” with older players (keep in mind this was when Eve was only 3-4 years old… that’s an insignificant difference now).

Hopefully that’s just a “me” problem and others didn’t fall down the same hole. But I suspect some number did. If I had kept playing but ignored skill point acquisition, I’d have had more fun… and have more skills now because I wouldn’t have quit for years at a time.

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About closing the gap, it was the point of Skil Injectors, so CCP can say they already gave everyone better thing than SP accelerators, still people use those accelerators, and learning implants to close the gap in all ways possible.

You closed the gap sooner than you thought. With a proper mindset, its possible even with 5 Mil SP. I have meet few alphas who play just like that. One of them said he had fun even when he was blown up in low sec.

I play FW with a sub 5m clone and enjoy it immensely. Started doing FW with that toon in an alpha state. The whole “I gotta catch up with skills” mentality is a real block to enjoying the game I think… and having items that are lost upon death that slow that “catch up” could be a barrier for some new players to begin enjoying the game.

I can’t speak from experience anymore… because there were a lot more barriers when I started (clone states and learning skills and no remaps and race based skill distribution for example). Feels like skill implants might be a similar block though.

You know what I think? EVE without skills. :thinking:

Like avatar gameplay without skils. :relaxed:

Partially, we were all forced to go down this route to some extent just by the existence of those learning skills and the benefit they offered. That’s also the reason why it’s good that they are gone.

Attribute based skill learning and the use of remaps is somehow similar as it encourages you to plan your skills efficiently, instead of just learning the skill that seems to be most beneficial to your game play next.
If this effect is big enough to justify a complete rework of the system and if this is even wanted to be removed or rather kept as a tactical element to skill training, I don’t know.

One of the options I offered a few years back - was that the longer you skilled into a attribute set, the more SP you got up to max.
More of an on the fly remap - attribute points would be hidden - implants could get swapped over to support faster adjustment between.

CCP could also add in more $$$$$$$ grabbing hog shat if they feel that they need to milk more cream from the one eyed . . .

Mr. Chance Ravinne, I can’t agree with you. The attributes in EVE aren’t broken or bugged and they don’t require some kind of reengineering. They was implemented in this game by default, like other MMORPG characters parameters for some future purposes. They are well designed and implemented around in game criteria like: boosters, events, implants, attribute remapping, market, PVP and PVE stuff. Moreover, in my opinion, they have some sense related to capsuleers like Intellect, Memory. A humanoid should have Intellect, Memory, Willpower. A humanoid should not be described by simple training speed attribute. Only a router should be defined by quality parameter like processing/transfer/training speed attribute.

Firstly, It will be great to make the remapping available each 6 months to fix this stuff. I don’t understand why the first 4 implant slots are available for different respective attributes. It makes no sense, considering the remap architecture and SP training concept - we need only two attributes to boost the specific set of skills like Intellect + Memory or Perception + Willpower. So, if we going for a remap program, the other two attribute implant slots are useless. My suggestion is to unlock first four implant slots and redesign implants or introduce new types to stack one or two preferred attribute/s with all first four slots. Players, which will not use remap technique, will play badly this game and this will sort good players from casual. Time ago I did some calculations around remapping and implant attributes and, under well planned training program, it will save us few months of training in long time perspective compared to default parameters plus no implants. The simplicity into stats and talents will turn skilled players away. Check the WoW history while they moved from Wotlk talents to simply MoP talents. Players complained about unavailability to craft a character under personal playstyle aka more damage and speed (for skilled) or more defense (for less skilled). A huge damage to Diablo 3 popularity was simplicity to talents and skills, compared to Diablo 2.

Secondly, I’m offering not to remove attributes, but to ad some addition buffs linked to them. We can buff many things, excluding only Damage due to hard balancing problems. The Perception can be used to improve tracking speed, like yellow glasses increasing our sight sharpness, and/or ship Agility. So, in a case of WH bomber, the Perception stacked buffs will be great stats with signed risk/price penalty while podded. The Willpower can be used to improve the defense like Repairing or Resistances. The Charisma can be used to reduce market taxes by 0.25% per point and to improve the mission agent rewards and so on.


  • make remap available each 6 months;
  • make first four implant slots attributes stackable;
  • redesign attributes to buff some passive stats.

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