What would you change in Eve if you could


As in ruin all previous good work and replace it with Garys Mod. Genius.

Im sure they are on it as we speak

They use it to build detailed simulations, which is not the case for Eve, like, at all. Eve’s mechanics are rather simple one. Don’t get it wrong, the whole ship fitting framework is very rich and complex. The actual fighting is not, though, it’s rather plain and quite boring in case of big fleets. After ship is fitted, I believe it just turns into a spherical body with certain properties calculated from the whole set of pieces’ properties (rigs, modules, skills). I.e. it doesn’t use all the complex superposition of modules in its calculations constantly, but rather calculate the final summary in form of long list of properties (HPs, speed, signature, resistances, inertia etc) and uses it from now on.

The real problem is calculations of all the inputs players generate, and that’s about all. Though the fact that each missile and drone is treated as a separate entity may cause a huge impact, on a double thought.


Remove PLEX and remove NPC factions. Let players rule everything.

Yet all those simulations are are a large number of variables being calculated. Exactly the way, not only just player inputs, but also all ship stats, ranges, eve formulas, implants, modules, etc are all factored and calculated. Each time someone shoots someone else in a fleet fight all these, and several I havent mentioned, all need to be calculated against everyone else on grid or in system. Every movement, warp, effect. Its a huge number of calculations just like a simulation in question.

This one is just open ended in that players control themselves rather than it being an AI program with inputted variables running until run time completion and spitting out, usually a probability statistical set.

As more players join fights the greater these calculations become, not by multiplication but by exponential realities. Making the calculations more complex and harder to run. hence TiDi we know and love so well to slow down the need to calculate large numbers so quickly. A rather ingenious solution to large number math and limited computing power.


I would make gates emit signatures. These signatures would change if weapons were used in the proximity of gates. This may reduce gate camping and move the PVP more in to the system.

Like the “Ships/Pods destroyed in last x mins” setting in the map?

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What I would change, if I could: I’d make space much darker on average. At present, I find it’s way too bright much too much of the time - at every turn there’s an incandescent technicolor nebula staring me in the face, and am half-expecting fairies to spring out to play. With all the brightness, it doesn’t feel much like “space” to me. (Also, I’d get rid of the absurd full-screen-width horizontal “lens flares” cast by stars.)

Oh, and I’d make the probe scanner formation preview start at the player’s location, instead of at the system’s star.

EDIT: Additionally, the light intensity across a system is much too uniform. Signal intensity (for example, the intensity of radiant light from a source), is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the source and the point of measurement, ie. it attenuates proportionally to the square of the distance. That means, double the distance, one-quarter the brightness. So the ambient light should be brightest (perhaps uncomfortably so), close to the star, and very faint indeed out past ~5AU (assuming a Sol-type yellow dwarf star - adjust according to star present in system.) I think this would greatly enhance the sense of translocation within a star system, as well as the sense of distances - at the moment, any illusion of distance is totally masked.


That’s what I was going to say as well. Too many things in the game give a player using multi chars an advantage over one using only one char.


Then don’t limit yourself to just one character. Everyone can have three per account, even alphas.

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More like something specifically for gates.

There’s ALWAYS a need for argument… assuming the classic sense of the word.

–Philosopher Gadget

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The moment you get killed the first time, you’re no longer Caldari - you’re an Egger.

Space Immortals have no need for borders… unless they’re mine. :sunglasses:

–Immortal Gadget

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Why? Its not just gates that make you vulnerable

Give Alphas some kind of cloak that only works with frigates.
Do keep all the boring PvE crap they keep adding since many enjoy that kind of thing, but fix nulsec.
Declare the Goons the winners of EVE and do a server wipe every New Year’s EVE of every leap year.

P.S. Get rid of the bot trading in NAGAs at the Amarr trade hub.

Most gankers are at gates. When I manage to get into system nobody bothers me anymore.

EvE Heritage Server!

Party like it’s 2003!

–Rose-Goggled Gadget

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It was that way for quite a while.
I actually like the color, but I do agree that they could tone it down a notch or three.

Or have the text/icons have a dark outline when passing over the bright spots.

It’s sometimes hard to see what i need to on occasion.

–Pastel Goth Gadget


I’d like to see NPCs spawn destructible citadels that allow players to dock.

There are apparently Gurista fleets staging out of Motsu, so it makes sense to me that Serpentis would establish some facilities in the low security sectors of Placid.


That would be cool. Then have WiS stuff inside and if someone blows up the citadel with people inside they all get podded and their ships destroyed and drop loot.:heart_eyes: