What's up with "gf" in this game?

There is no point in this. You are talking to yourself.

And yet you are encouraging people to consider “gf” in local can be a troll attitude, by directly saying “it is also said many times to humiliate and troll”.

You don’t know what people think. How can you even affirm “it is also said many times to humiliate and troll” ?

I would actually type gf if it’s actually a Good Fight.
It loses value on any other way.


Always eyeroll worthy when someone obliterates a ship that had little chance of defeating them and then gets salty when the victim doesn’t thank them for it.


I am doing no such thing. Stop talking nonsense.

If I say what I think and other people want to copy me that’s up to them. Suggesting I can’t think what I think because of the devastating impact it’s going to have on the thought processes of the rest of the EVE community is hilarious. Stop being a clown.

Because experience, and because I am not a walking dictionary definition of the word ‘naive’ unlike your good self.


“I Said so, it must be true”. That is naive.

Stop acting like a toddler.


A single “gf” is a lot better and more graceful than sperging local with salt.

Lost your ship? Take it gracefully, land on your feet and keep trucking.


I am only a 1+ year old EVE player but as far as I can tell it is like “gg” in StarCraft where the majority uses it in a positive manner regardless how easily they or their opponent was defeated and is not meant to be humiliating either case and by default both parties say it, just like “gl” in the beginning of the match, while as far as I can tell only a small minority may use it in a trolling manner but that is rather the exception than anything and in general it is meant to be a respectful expression.


Even in this case, the early GG could have been the guy giving up and accepting defeat early, instead of the early celebration of victory it was assumed to be.

I have been in enough losing teams being smashed / farmed / spawn camped to know that an early GG isn’t always a celebration of victory and can just as easily be an admission of utter defeat as the losing side / player gives up all hope of a win.

These things never have one universal meaning.

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Having spent a bit experiencing the pirate low sec gate camping life style lately…

I very much doubt the 10 person fleet even look at the age of the enemy before killing him. He jumped gate, they attacked, and said gf after. The gf is a polite habit.

That said, if you think a 2 month old toon is easy prey, you haven’t been paying attention. 2 months is more than enough time to make a cyno bait ship. Most pirates don’t scan first to see if there is a cyno on the enemy ship, check toon age, or the like.

There is also Hanlon’s razor. It really may not be meant as malice but simple habit. The number of times my current corp has yelled at me because I said blue in the gate instead of red are far too hard to count. Still, spend enough time in Red Fed (best fed!) And all your enemies look like Smurf.


i do consider “GF” being a troll behavior since, in EVE, there is good fight only 3% of the fights while the 97% left are unfair fights. (i know there is no such thing as unfair in EVE, but ofr politeness purpose…)

If they really wanted to be polite they would say:
after a really good fight (3% of the time): "GF"
after a not so good fight (97% of the time): “TYFOFIO” - Thank you for the oppotunuity, fight is over -

That would be considered as being polite!!


I agree, except I abbreviate TYFOFIO, to GF to save on key strokes.

I GF every fight wether it’s me ganking a noctis or me being blobbed by 20 hecates. Sometimes I’m the F1 monkey Hecate. (I’m never in the noctis) it’s the nature of the game.

If your on the winning end it’s polite, if your on the receiving end it’s “well played, I’ll try and return the favour in the near future”

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It’s hard to know someones intent without more to go on than what was described here. GF could be anything from a polite comment after winning to a troll in an instance where there wasn’t a good fight. Or, it could just be some players patting themselves on the back. Hard to say really.


In that case more appropriate would be “gg”(goodgank).

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If it was a legitimate fight I’ll use GF. If they manage to catch me dead to Rights it’s GG

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I agree 100%.

And it’s more likely to be the latter due to the overall fixation of accumulating killmails and extracting salt in this game.

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Ok, in EVE, everyone is expected to behave like an adult. So no matter if the fight was extremely one-sided or not, everyone is good sports at the end of the fight and congratulates each other with a “gf”, which means more or less just “it was nice to have played some internet spaceship with you, no hard feelings, it is only a game”.

It’s just what mature people do when they play a game together. I know there are some people who get offended by everything, but seriously if you get mad because someone says “gf” at the end of a space battle, then you have some serious issues which are probably not related to the game.


Its just a obvious symptom of a greater systemic problem of most pvprs only pvping at a gatecamp, near a cyno, or in a blob.

This problem is further multiplied by CCP’s genius move of making the killboard more important than the fun itself, thereby anyone who isn’t good or enjoys this particular style quits. Don’t get me wrong this style is needed, to a point, but its sure not needed as often as it is happening now.

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