This is like holding the door for someone…
Most people will simply say thank you. They appreciate the small amount of extra effort you showed and the politeness intended.
Some will get bent out of shape and see it as an insult. How dare you doubt their ability to open a door or try to force them to conform to archaic notions of civility. They don’t need you to open the door they are quite capable. How dare you insult them by doubting such capability. Meanwhile, all you did was hold a door open. You poor fool. How could you be so naive, so heartless. How dare you hold that door.
Now let’s look at the time line of the OP’s scenario…
Scout reports vexor heading to gate. Most likely this is seen on dscan and unless local is small, you aren’t sure who is in the vexor. Could be one of 3 blue in locals, the one orange, or any of 6 neutrals including a newb and a known hot dropper.
Vexor lands on gate and jumps. Maybe the scout caught a name. At least its not blue. Fleet gets ready.
Vecor decloaks, fleet scrambles to attack. Long point, get scram and web! Hurry! Quick! Go! Everyone’s blood is racing as they rush to fight. Vexor pops drones (hob 1s). He’s fighting! And yes melted. (Who brought the Brutix that killed the vexor before 1/2 the fleet gets on the Killmail?) Point the pod! Point the pod!
Gfs in local the FC shouts and if you aren’t on the pod by now, your loss (or gain depending on view). Pod is dead and that pilot won’t see local unless their med clone is in system.
That’s it. Maybe a minute tops between scout, gate flash, and the player is waking up in station. EVE happens fast.
And it is that GF (which the pilot may not even see if the pod is popped that quickly), that is upsetting some here. Really? That is your social justice quest? You’ve looked all over, and GF being an insult is the best you got? Really? Nothing better? Sorry, not buying it.
And here’s the thing, the OP wasn’t even part of the fight. They saw the GF in passing and that it was maybe 1 vs a gate camp. That’s all. And instead of talking to the 1 or the gate camp, they’ve decided that all of General Discussion must hear of this great social injustice. Not buying it.
It’s not even the holding the door example. This is literally seeing someone else hold a door for a different person and then getting mad at the door holder? Really? That’s what you want to fight about? Good luck!
My vote, GF is just GF. They held the door to be polite. It ain’t all demons, dragons, and neardowells. It’s just GF.