What's up with "gf" in this game?

You call a good fight when it was a good fight or at least if it was a fight that ended well for you.
If you were only producing roadkill, you could either be quiet or say something more appropriate, maybe “better luck next time” or “thank you for the killmail”.

Imagine you would be starting for some run and after a few hundred meters of the many kilometers to come you slip and sprain your ankle. Now everyone standing around telling you that you did “good race”.
Or a boxer going down after a minute in the first round and people telling him what a “good fight” he fought.


Ive lost plenty of ships to well planned ambushes. They get a “gf” for their strategy, and I take the gf in return, and consider it so because I lasted more than 30 secs and tried every means at hand to escape.

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If the losing side considers it a good fight, the winning side doesn’t need to argue that. On the contrary, it would be indeed be polite to agree.

I whelped exensive ships into blops of enemies I had no chance in the first place and after I was spacedust I wrote “gf” in local. I got jumped by fleets in lowsec, nullsec and wspace because I missed someone in local or dscan or ■■■■■■ up some other way, after my ship exploded I wrote gf. Always.

Because this is a game, and no matter what happened that made you end up in a situation where you are completely outnumbered, it was probably your fault.

EVE is about more than just the fight, it is not about fair duels, it is about preparation, situational awareness, friends, allies, trickery and deception. The battle is most of the time decided before the first shot is fired. The real EVE PvP skill is to make your enemy think he has the advantage so he commits, to make him think he is save so he lets his guard down, to make him think you are his friend to turn on him the second he turns his back.

But after the fight is over, after the assets are claimed, we both take a step back and recognise that this is just a game and no matter the outcome we show some respect for each other and offer a “gf” to signalize. It’s just a game, relax, it may hurt as hell, but this is not personal, it’s a game.

I know there are people who just don’t get that. But in the end you are only hurting yourself. If you get offended by such things you have only yourself to blame for taking a game too serious.


I don’t really argue any of what you just wrote except one little thing:
I, as a winner of a ship to ship confrontation, would only give a GF if I would really consider it one and only based on what I think of the fight itself, not the preparation or any other side aspect. And if I lose, I would also give a GF only if I think it was really one. I might comment on other things I find noteworthy: “nice tackle”, “good trap” or whatever comes to my mind.
I would also not comment negatively after a fight, with the very rare exception of “tactical purposes”.


No, sorry but I completely disagree. If I win a fight a “gf” is offered as well with the above mentioned meaning. And it does not matter if the fight was 1:1 or 100:1. If you chose to be offended by that that is your problem alone.

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Except the majority of people saying gf are saying it after massively outnumbering their opponent.

Gf in EvE has turned into the GGEZ of LoL, both toxic, both trolling.


That’s probably what people coming from LOL and stuff think because they expect it to be mockery. But that is not what this is. In EVE you are expected to behave like an adult. This is not LOL

Yes because is LoL you only have to worry about 5 people ganking you.

I stick behind the fact that the majority of people will only pvp when they feel they drastically overpower their opponent and then act like saying GF actually means GF.

If you believe someone actually believes it was a good fight after 15 of you ganked him solo, then the problem isn’t his perception, its yours.


I must have missed the ‘you are expected to behave like an adult’ part of the EULA and I am certainly not the only one. You need to meet more people if you think everyone in the game is following that ‘rule’.

Or just spend 15 minutes reading Jita local. :rofl:

Also, a game is the players, the players make the game. If they are coming from LoL, WoW and all those other games that the old EVE guard look down on with such disdain, then that is the EVE playerbase.

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Man, talk about misconception.

Most adults don’t go around looking to scam, steal or destroy stuff belonging to others. Which is exactly what Eve’s reputation is all about.

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Think the issue is people looking too far into it, if we drop someone its GF, if we get dropped it’s GF no matter the numbers on either side.

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you forgot the most important part : IN A VIDEO GAME

Cause most adult don’t mind crushing, stealing, scamming in a video game.
Heck, they don’t even mind doing it in real life.

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-Gf is in a way polite way of saying thanks for the PvP engagement.

If you got jumped by a gang, its always your own foult, I dont mind saying Gf in this scenario

Basically that means you were AFK or just simply not aware enough of whats happening, that also counts towards your piloting skills.

Analyze your mistake what did you do wrong, perhaps:

You should not have been in this position
You did not watch your Dscan or Local
You did not align
You were to slow to react and bail
You egaged when you werent suppose to
You got baited


Pvp is much more then just a simple fight, its tactic planning awareness decision making.

Thank for the lesson with a Gf, analyze why it happened learn your lesson and move on.

Yeah. Same here.

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gf = get ■■■■■■ but in a nice way :slight_smile:

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This is a video game about a dystopian universe where such things happen. When I say behave like an adult then I mean exactly that they can separate the stuff happening IN GAME from the “gf” we tell each other as players who had an encounter in that game.

I know some have more problems than others to separate the game from RL, but that does not mean you have to ruin everything for the people who are mature enough to to so. OK?



–Helpful Gadget

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This is like holding the door for someone…

Most people will simply say thank you. They appreciate the small amount of extra effort you showed and the politeness intended.

Some will get bent out of shape and see it as an insult. How dare you doubt their ability to open a door or try to force them to conform to archaic notions of civility. They don’t need you to open the door they are quite capable. How dare you insult them by doubting such capability. Meanwhile, all you did was hold a door open. You poor fool. How could you be so naive, so heartless. How dare you hold that door.

Now let’s look at the time line of the OP’s scenario…

Scout reports vexor heading to gate. Most likely this is seen on dscan and unless local is small, you aren’t sure who is in the vexor. Could be one of 3 blue in locals, the one orange, or any of 6 neutrals including a newb and a known hot dropper.

Vexor lands on gate and jumps. Maybe the scout caught a name. At least its not blue. Fleet gets ready.

Vecor decloaks, fleet scrambles to attack. Long point, get scram and web! Hurry! Quick! Go! Everyone’s blood is racing as they rush to fight. Vexor pops drones (hob 1s). He’s fighting! And yes melted. (Who brought the Brutix that killed the vexor before 1/2 the fleet gets on the Killmail?) Point the pod! Point the pod!

Gfs in local the FC shouts and if you aren’t on the pod by now, your loss (or gain depending on view). Pod is dead and that pilot won’t see local unless their med clone is in system.

That’s it. Maybe a minute tops between scout, gate flash, and the player is waking up in station. EVE happens fast.

And it is that GF (which the pilot may not even see if the pod is popped that quickly), that is upsetting some here. Really? That is your social justice quest? You’ve looked all over, and GF being an insult is the best you got? Really? Nothing better? Sorry, not buying it.

And here’s the thing, the OP wasn’t even part of the fight. They saw the GF in passing and that it was maybe 1 vs a gate camp. That’s all. And instead of talking to the 1 or the gate camp, they’ve decided that all of General Discussion must hear of this great social injustice. Not buying it.

It’s not even the holding the door example. This is literally seeing someone else hold a door for a different person and then getting mad at the door holder? Really? That’s what you want to fight about? Good luck!

My vote, GF is just GF. They held the door to be polite. It ain’t all demons, dragons, and neardowells. It’s just GF.

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If that is the only possible reason for anyone ever opening a door for someone else, with no possible alternative motive, then the door analogy doesn’t work at all.