When will these Trivialturds be leaving New Eden? :psyccp:

When a invasion system is neutral the Trivialturds still attack at the gates, just not warp scram like they seem to be doing more and more now.

Not even sure that would work. In the 10 secs it takes the MWD single cycle to finish, the aggro might swap back from this alt trying to distract the trigs and then the Orca is scrammed by anchoring… now, Orcas have good drone bonuses, just sic some drones on the anchoring and maybe you can get away before your ship melts…

But probably better to have the alt just web the orca into warp much faster than the MWD can single cycle it into warp, anyway.

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Now THAT. Is dedication. If you’re seriously going to such lengths to be able to just travel. But I remember a while ago after logging in some time post Trivialturd release, it came as a shock to my system. I was actually quite perturbed that they would add something like this to Empire space. “HiSec”. I pop in time to time to see how the ventilators are working on this phuque-show of a “game”. :laughing:

I posited the idea of fitting some WCSs on a fast ship and obviously realized immediately after that was extremely limiting. Something this simple absolutely shouldn’t require you to get on your hands and knees. You’re absolutely right. But those are the “features” added by See See Pee.

Seriously though. A second Omega account for traveling? You’re freakin’ killing me. :joy:

If you think that’s bad, wait until 3 years from now.

I come from the future year of 2023, and have traveled back in time just to tell you guys that soon, you’ll be required to have an Omega account just to authenticate the sign-ins for your other Omega accounts.


You can experience the Demo version right now!


but you are doing just that… forcing YOUR play style on others…

How?..Care to explain your logic?

Let’s not forget that Scope once advised that the Blue Star systems were the systems in which the Trigturds were going for and that question was asked above.

Frostpacker proceeds to take many risks outside highsec currently.

my favourite Nereus fit uses two large t2 shield extenders, everything else is shield power relays and rechargers, purgers in the rigs. 550hp/s passive regen, it’s there to soak damage.



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These two CCP Sledgehammer quotes should be retained for posterity:

  • The issue with Caldari NPC behavior was not by design. We do feel a bit bad for the Caldari players as the result is lopsided and that is unintentional.*

  • rebalancing the Caldari AI was not really within the scope of developing the Chapter 3 Invasion content

This kind of behavior towards customers is just appalling and clear proof that without gimping one empire, Triglavian invasions would have dragged on much longer than Quadrant 3 and Trigs would still be struggling to reach 27 systems.

If you doubt me, consider the fact that 14/27 liminal systems and 17 of 28 Triglavian minor victories are in Caldari space.

CCP decided that Caldari must lose 5% of their space and split it in half with Litiura being MW for Trigs. No amount of hand-wringing and “oh, we are sorry, this is totally unintentional” bulls…t will never conceal this fact that they had to get the 27 systems for their “special snowflake new-faction”, never mind what players decided.

I for one, will never stop reminding people about this and will actively discourage people for becoming Eve subscribers because of this kind of screw up.

Shame on you CCP, except that you cannot.

Thanks for participating in this sh…ty grind, here is your T-shirt (and this is not even a joke)


Did nana send you to complain here, edenbear ?

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Most populated slum takes biggest hit from shake up.

Whod have thunk.

It doesn’t sit well thinking that is the only option here.


Getting caught at a gate by them when there are 20+ idk even if a 1000hp/s passive regen would save the ship from what I had witnessed at gates inside invaded systems.

Well the intent is CCP to have all highsec systems fall to triglavians and put the player where they belong in nullsec.

This will help long term play to eliminate the highsec from botters.

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Passive regen is useless in these situations, because Trigs will tear through your EHP before you are aligned. I haven’t tested the tank of Industrial ships, but it stands to reason Passive regen is for long, drawn out engagements with moderate, but lasting DPS against you.

Trigs hit hard and fast, you want to shorten the time spent aligning and buffer yourself up as much as possible. Their fleet sizes vary, I am not sure if a well tanked hauler can withstand the DPS of a big one. I can’t test this anymore as I’ve been shooting EDENCOM bastards a lot.

I recommend a buffer tank and warp stabs / inertia stabs if you must move through a Trig system with an Industrial. On the other hand, you’re better off getting Trig standings first. There is little sense in risking your ship / cargo when it’s so easy to flip your alignment with EDENCOM / Trigs if you don’t run their sites all the time.

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it’s there to die, while they chewing on that the moneyshot is on its way to the next gate.

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Most times the warp to zero is safe to exit the invaded 0.5+ system as players don’t tend to smart bomb high sec gates. Your ship if warping to zero won’t be attacked by the Triglavian Collective.

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True, BUT… there’s always the chance that you land juuuust short of a station / gate, allowing you to be targetted for a few ticks. This might actually kill a weaker ship. I’ve done some testing with a Corvette and a Pod, and got blown up a few times trying to dock / jump a gate after warping to 0. Using a bookmark still comes recommended, but it may be tough to actually make one… until you no longer need one due to positive Trig standings.

Are you insinuating that Triglavian Collective are faster than Faction Police?
/second thought, maybe that is not relevant to the current situation.

Warping to zero to a station or gate without a weapons timer should be instant (session change) once at zero.

I honestly wouldn’t know, because all I ever saw of any Faction Police is that message someone else hostile to the local FP has entered the system. I’ve never had to deal with them myself. I do know Trigs are fast enough to lock a Frigate aligning out, or shoot at a ship that lands just outside of docking distance. The more small ships there are on any given location, the harder their alpha strike will be. So hence I recommended buffer tanking over passive or active tanking.

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