It’s fun and it’s lucrative.
You want us on the backs of the empires?
not sure if a joke… but… well… yes, basically? i mean, it’s just logical. they want capsuleers out of their ways and they use Bread&Circus tactics to achieve it. the way to go, therefore, is showing them the finger, instead of doing what they want. i refuse to believe that most capsuleers only ever care about their wallets and entertainment.
In my experience, a lot of capsuleers say they don’t, but then manage somehow to align their actions with their urges anyway. Or spend a lot of time being noisily miserable.
Noisily miserable, indeed. i will copy this. thank you, Sir.
what are your own thoughts about it?
Ah, that’s number… eleven, I think, or twelve. Thank you.
In a word, ambivalent. Discovering most of my peers were murderous hypocrites, then realizing I’m actually no better than them was alternatively horrifying and bracing.
I’ve since come to believe that while our work is, most of the time, bloody and irrational, the cluster at large still has use for a caste of violent, hyper-aggressive, continually fighting and innovating mercenaries; we’ve been really good about reducing potential existential threats to sources of revenue.
If I load up the galnet bio search and don’t see “Sir Jevvles” on your profile, I’ll be saddened and dismayed.
i agree! so why waste all the potential in the lowsec warzone, where no one ever really achieves anything noteworthy anymore?
That has less to do with any work being done, and more with the general raising of criteria for notability. Individual pilots are still gaining valuable combat experience, and making money, as they were doing before they were “not noteworthy anymore”; even if the scale of things isn’t sexy for would-be nullsec warlords.
are you calling me a wannabe?
i was simply referring to the fact that the war can not be won, or lost. there is no victory, defeat, or any true achievement to be had. sure, on the individual level it provides practise, but that’s not what’s going on on the big scale. on the big scale, there’s a huge amount of potential fooled into a golden cage, trapped by Bread&Circus tactics. A waste of potential, of epic proportions.
What would you consider a “true” achievement?
You mean in the context of lowsec factional warfare?
Something that helps pushing the war towards a decision, in whatever form it may be. something that has a significant influence onto the warzone, again, towards a conclusion. as long as it’s open-ended, there are at best small, individual achievements, of which there exist many, literally everywhere. when there is no possible end, any and all efforts towards “winning” lead nowhere.
I think you are fundamentally missing the purpose of the Militia conflicts.
They are not supposed to be won.
Ending them would release hundreds, or even thousands, of extremely experienced and particularly bloodthirsty nationalistic capsuleers into the wider cluster.
I’m fairly sure that’s something the Empires would actually rather avoid.
I’m not missing the purpose. you’re missing the point!
They are not supposed to be won.
Exactly. They barely serve a purpose, except to keep people busy fighting themselves.
Ending them would release hundreds, or even thousands, of extremely experienced and particularly bloodthirsty nationalistic capsuleers into the wider cluster.
Maybe. In any case, it would be different from the charade that is happening now, where capsuleers waste their potentials and fall for Bread&Circus tactics. A breathe of fresh air, so to speak.
I’m fairly sure that’s something the Empires would actually rather avoid.
Correct, but not relevant at all.
Well, a couple of dozen nationalistic, bloodthirsty and experienced capsuleers. And hundreds or even thousands of warp stabbed farmers.
I’m still nationalistic, experienced, bloodthirsty and all that stuff. There’s no harm in us abandoning the pendulum pretense, in reality. All capsuleers remain far too strictly leashed by CONCORD to affect anything legally or with our vessels, other than each other.
At worst, there’d be an uptick in rhetoric on these boards.
According to the Lord Consort, I apparently owe you a beer or something, Arrendis…
Now where did you get that idea? If you’re going to buy her a drink in my name, it should be something strong enough to make her grimace and give her indigestion for a week.
wtf are you guys talking about?
Or use at a later stage…