Who of you want the forever war to end?

Then why did you attack the Federation when they were living peaceful lives on Caldari Prime?

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No, they want a stop-gap measure to keep the opposing side in check while they continue armaments build up reduced by over a century of tenuous peace under the CONCORD apparatus. Conflicts such as CEWMPA have always carried with them a degree of ambiguity. While it may approach correctness to describe them as not “real” wars due to the lack of full military involvement that does not mean they come with zero consequences or strategic and political implications.

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It’s a game to them, nothing more.

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You really that ignorant to forget what was happening on Caldari Prime just nine years ago before it was liberated by Tibus Heth?

Your whole question contains lie, troll. If you want your questions to be answered, don’t put your inane assumptions into them.

Clearly, it was an internal Federation matter. Isn’t that what you keep saying about our enslaved kin?


Caldari Prime always was and is Caldari planet, even while it was completely, or just like now partially occupied by gallente invaders.

And our people are and always have been Matari. So what makes a ball of dirt more valuable than people? Is Caldari Prime more important than 1/3 of the Caldari people?

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Funny I found myself thinking the same thing.

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The politics of what is deemed to be in the national interest often is, yes.

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Gee, that’s a lot to read…

I do not want the war to end.

It is the source of many of my fondest memories, and I hope one day will be the source of many more.

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so you’d be in favour of escalation?

Not particularly.

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i see. so… keeping he status quo as sheep of the empires, who just want you and the others out of their sight.

i must say, the mental gymnastics in this thread are remarkable. people rather be puppets, willfully ignoring that everything about this war only serves the empires and no one else. remarkable!

CONCORD and the Empires have the largest strategic reserves of QE He-4 that permit Omega grade implant functionality. Wanting to be of a more libertarian persuasion as a capsuleer is all well and good, but choosing a side does confer its own advantages if in the future freelance eggers are put up against the metaphorical wall.

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your point being? and why would you call me a libertarian?

Your rhetoric.

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heh. okay, i see why you’d think that.

I don’t think I’ve offered any “gymnastics”. I am not a puppet either. I am not even a part of the Militia wars any more, in fact I live in wormhole space.

I am certainly aware that the war serves the Empires, I just don’t see anything wrong with that.

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why do you see nothing wrong in capsuleers putting themselves in a fake war that never ends, with the only purpose being that it keeps them off of the back of the empires?