Why Are (Most) Cosmetics Gendered?

lol, project much?

Well you called them people having “mental disorders”. It shows me that you’re weak.

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i prefer the sick to be healed. Standing around and wallowing in shared misery doesn’t seem productive to me.

Why don’t you go find a doctor then? The only one miserable is you. I don’t know if medicine can help you to grow a heart and a backbone to lead you out of this impotent rage you’re in. Hope it does.

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Again with the projection. I’m not overly concerned with someone wanting to define him- or herself as katnip-otherkin or whatever. Doesn’t mean I have to play along with their make-believe; I reserve that for little kids and their tea-parties. Except for the ones who identify as Apache Attack Helicopters. Those people have set clear and praise worthy life goals so if they ever need any help loading ammo or shelling rebel villages I’m always willing to assist.

And no one will stop you from defining yourself as a man, but other people who define themselves in the same manner, might rightfully ask themselves why they would want to share a group identity with someone they have so little in common with.

You show great weakness in your attempt to intervene in other peoples life. You make it your business to harass them. A strong person doesn’t do that.

It probably follows from all the stuff available coming from much older, more primitive days in human history. After all, real Capsuleers do not wear underwear. We go naked in our pods, and that is how it is. So when we come out, accustomed to all that liberty, nobody puts on underwear.

The slightly more detailed version is this: catheters and other such crap. Stuff goes in places nothing really should go, so when you come out you don’t want anything itching. Ergo, freedom. It’s only for marketing purposes that CCP draws on underwear.

If someone draws a circle and calls it a square, that does not obligate others to agree. If the purveyor of false geometry insists on legitimacy, opposition becomes necessary - John C. Wright


As is in evidence right here in this thread. The original question was an interesting one with regard to why certain assets are handled the way they are, but now the thread seems to have devolved.
Seems to be the case when ever gender is mentioned.

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“Citing wacko pretend-to-be-science-fiction, but really just fiction authors with some nonsense that tries to make the citing party look like they’re right, is the act of an idiot” - Captain America

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You really need to look into those anger issues of yours. Also, if you don’t like to get called out on the forum then choose your crowd more wisely. Birds of a feather etc.


She is called Michael because her parents named her that. Easy answer.


Nobody is forced to care for others.
But are tolerance and acceptance really too much to ask for?

And yes, Steven Universe is a Kids Show. But it goes so much deeper.


Two genders? Ha! You still live in 2017, don’t you.

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And what about when you learn of the wrasses, clownfish and slugs?


Fortunately, wrasses, clownfish, and slugs don’t attempt to enact legislation upon the rest of us…


Which leads to “manufacture” female gender to “visualize” women who do the job… and then , say both names:

los carpinteros y las carpinteras…

And that’s not the worst. Oh, no. Some minoritary crackpots are saying that we should use “e” to build neutral gender as to not “invisibilize” the other minorities:

los niños / las niñas / les niñes

And shall we add also use “i” for “lis idiotis” and “lis gilipollis”

I dunno, DOMA for instance…