Why Are (Most) Cosmetics Gendered?

LOL I was there watching everything possible about the character creator and Incarna as it was developed and shared to the players. And at least I got that there are only two body models and all female and all male are the same exact height and clothes are in no way unisex nro could them be.

Stuff on the head, yeah, probably is a simpler matter. Maybe they only interact with parts whose size is identical in both genders and all races.

But clothes, they are gendered and for very good reason: body models also are gendered.

The concept art has a more cyberpunk/dystopian feel to it than what we presently have. IMHO, capsuleers do not, in general, look quite inhuman enough.

(And why do all my boots have to have high heels? (not that I’m going to see them with the demise of CQ))


This reminds me…

Would love to have the Intaki male long hair back, CCP…

–Gadget is just sayin’


OMFG, you act like you were the only one here when Character Customization was implemented.

By the way, Character Customization was implemented in Nov 2010 with the Incursion Expansion. The Captains Quarters and Micro Transactions via the NES was implemented with the Incarna Expansion in June 2011.

But why should CCP be the arbiter of what “neutral” means to me?

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That poor dude, he looks like he just lost his freighter or accidentally clicked a scam contract. :rofl:


Here’s my 2 cents…

Yes, there are different models. And different ways the clothing fits onto those models. But you know what? That doesn’t mean they need to separate those clothing fits into different items on our side of the interface. You notice how a shitton of ships all have the same color schemes? Black on these bits, Gold on those bits. Or some Red over here, and some Blue over there. And they always have the same name for that color scheme. Well, that’s b/c it’s all the same code, just smeared on a different hull. They could just as easily sell you a single “Amarr Faction SKIN” and let you apply that color scheme to anything you own. Or they could sell you a single “Omen Hull SKIN” and let you apply the colors to the Omen, ONI, and Zealot at the same time. But it’s more profitable to nickel and dime you with every single individual hull and every single individual color combination.

Well, this change wouldn’t even affect that. If you buy a Brown Jacket, and you want to wear it on your Dude, then equip it. If you want to wear the same look with your Chick, then you have to buy another Brown Jacket. It shouldn’t matter if you’re buying a Dude’s Brown Jacket, or a Chick’s Brown Jacket… that’s just client side flavor text for the server applying that look to that model. If the game is smart enough to figure out where to make the same Turret appear on a variety of hulls, and make the proper looking Shield effects for a variety of ships, then it can figure out that Brown Jacket looks one way on a Dude, and another way on a Chick.

As for the 64 other combinations (or are there more these days, I don’t care to count), we’ll just leave those up to the makeup artists. Pick a Chick to start, then play with the sliders and give yourself more definition and facial hair. Or pick a Dude to start, and then lay on the lipstick and eyeliner. Whatever… =)


While this may be an important topic it really seems the OP was trolling after reading some of their responses.

Forget that, they can’t understand how and why societies are shaped, because they are not confronted to the problems that shaped societies. Like vegans that can’t understand industrial slaughter houses, they have never been confronted to famine. When they have comfortable lifes, people tend to forget what happen when ■■■■ hit the fan. Same crap for gender role, if you work in an office you don’t see the point, and that’s why we don’t see much gender neutral lumberjacks.

Given the quality of some answers, looks like the OP has been trolled. Personally I’ve enjoyed discussing the technical details of the avatar models.

As far as SJW go, they should really travel abroad, outside of their western PC bubble, and see how is real people in the real world. Just ask any non westerner about other people and enjoy.

Absolutely not a troll, I just meet sarcasm with sarcasm.

I’m less of a “Social Justice Warrior” and more of a “Principled Anti-Nazi Sniper” but I’ll gladly accept your donation for my travel abroad as I am not exactly wealthy enough to enjoy the kind of vacations you apparently take for granted. But yes, I could also easily access this highly-advanced forthcoming technology, which those in the know sometimes refer to as “the Internet,” and contact millions of people all around the world without needing to even leave my chair. I’ll get back to you on what “the real world” thinks about EVE Online avatars.

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Or, if we think about it for just a second without assuming some completely delusional political scheme we could just come to the relatively simple conclusion that the 3D base models are different and that they need separate models for the apparel so it actually fits and doesn’t clip trough the character.

But I kinda agree that CCP could have solved that graphical part independently from the item. Maybe calm down a bit and make a simple suggestion in the F&I forums about it without the whole political stuff?


I don’t want to spoil this for you, but it is necessary: most people use Internet to echo their opinions by talking exclusively with people who think like them, and only engage people who think differently to attack them and their opinions.

I wonder what motivation you had for your comments, then?

To explain how apparel is gendered because avatars are gendered.

Good point. :+1:

Actually one design can be applied to both models of avatars, like in case of exploration suits. So its a mixed bag of cosmetics. Its like there is everything for everyone, just maybe not in the numbers one would like it. :thinking:

Technical reason is why they have to be separated in that way, male/female. Clothing is just an item and tied to corresponding model. There is no system that is applying one of two items/models to specific avatar. As designs are mostly separate, the technicals underlying will not be changed.

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Feelings are real. Faith is real. Believes are real. EVE is real.
And Love is Love.

Sorry, i got a bit carried away. Watched a lot of Steven Universe lately. :grin:

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Yeah… just that’s it’s not true. You have all kinds of genders in all kinds of countries.

And for calling that mental disorders… eat a broom.

There are even people who don’t identify as any gender and you know why? Think about a strong person with a big fat sausage, great physical and emotional strength, who’s smart and loving, takes responsibility and contributes to the common good. Now, why would such a person want to share a gender-group with someone like you? On the one side you have someone who brings out the best in themselves to enjoy a great life and be good to their fellow people. On the other side, there is you. Filled with insecurities and the impotent rage about not being able to hold other people down. You’re like a universe apart. There’s nothing that connects you. Nothing.