@Dirt_Farmer Why buy any ship to solo mine in? It’s a waste of time and isk. Solo mining should be done with free Ventures that the career agents give.
Mining shouldn’t be done solo but in a fleet, with mining support and PvP protection.
If you mine solo and get ganked or destroyed it’s no use to ■■■■■, it’s your own fault.
Go to ingame map.
Filter by kills, players in space, etc. Also look at where regions are located. Caldari Space is pretty much the center of HS so you can pretty much scratch that off the list.
You will easily see dead systems with little to no activity.
Cross check with zkillbord and Boom! you found your new home.
Also general rule of thumb. Further you go AWAY from Jita, Trade routes, and trade hubs the LESS likely you will get killed ganking.
Best of luck!
And yes, sometimes mining in a mackinaw slowly building up your ore kind of like an Ant/hoarder is a really nice hobby.
I don’t mine anymore but I did mine in multiple accounts for years, I can say with absolute certainty you are not putting enough thought into where in high sec you are mining. No, I don’t mean you need to mine in 1.0.
Renters Revolt ?
Do it, you are likely to get support.
You lost your Orca in low sec.
If we are gonna talk about ganking, lets mention the elephant in the room. You can have as FREE OMEGA accounts as your computer can handle and all you need to fly are bombers, catalysts or thrashers. This is not an issue with each pilot having 5m SP max. If ccp wanted to get a real clue about ganking they should speak to the persons doing the majority of it and figure out whats best for the game. I support ganking but I do not support CCP letting us have any many accounts as can log for no valid reason other than fake player counts. It seems totally fair if you lost your orca to a group of people flying actual ships. but what we have now is simply not that. And also remember that CCP created this problem. Not the players who take advantage of it and apparently enjoy it.
We have people doing this now who can gank max tank Obelisks and anything else as they please. I suggested the idea of an assault style damage control for active piloting of Freighters and Orcas (and other ships) to break the ability to be ganked for 10 seconds only if you are not AFK.
I live in fear. I have been careful and lucky. I once again apologize for opening this post. I will refrain from being afraid in public. I did enjoy the rush of getting popped in Low Sec. but that was a risk I took fully expecting to have troubles. I play solo so it was never going to leave that station if I did not try.
I once loved this game and played for years. I just have to realize times change and so does Eve.
Thank you everyone for your comments.
The best thing I ever did was sell my mining ships. The second best thing was leaving hi sec.
Yes CCP created this problem by catering to the gank-hating crowd and nerfing ganking (directly or indirectly like EHP buff to mining/pve ships) in the first place.
The more you nerf ganking, the more accounts we need to multibox because it is harder and harder to get actual players into this with all those ganking nerfs and restrictions and false advertisement of this game, and because we need to drill through more HP than before.
I am going to assume you mean in EvE.
Here is how I got over it.
Get a bunch of pvp frigates together. Head to low sec. And find people to shoot at.
Exactly or even go as far as fitting a bunch of battle barges and visiting Tama.
If you care less about ISK/h and a bit more about “relaxing” ; put all 4 characters in a retriever and split them over the empires.
They die fast IF attacked, but not all at once. They’re also very affordable.
This sounds like a logistical nightmare.
Procurer - or Skiff if you’re feelin’ fancy.
Use the right tool for the job.
–Gadget discourages Macks
I have Skiffy McSkiff face
Friend, this is, at the core of its gameplay, a PVP game.
EvE actually stands for Everyone vs Everyone
When you undock your ship, or ships, you consent to anyone outside with you, to engage you, and destroy you if they so wish.
Your job is to outsmart them, consistently, and THEN mine in peace like you want.
Otherwise, don’t sign up to something you will regret afterwards.
PLEX tanked Naughty People
I did that for the op to say don’t be afraid to lose a ship in New Eden.