Rubbish, I quite enjoy mining solo as does others in adjacent systems.
It might be a waste of time and isk to you, but others obviously think differently so how about you play as you wish and leave others to play as they wish?
Rubbish, I quite enjoy mining solo as does others in adjacent systems.
It might be a waste of time and isk to you, but others obviously think differently so how about you play as you wish and leave others to play as they wish?
Definitely is.
Obviously. And they’re wrong.
So how about you post as you wish and leave others to post as they wish?
Brain-dead miner.
Playing EvE is a waste of Time and Effort.
Go do something productive.
–Taskmistress Gadget
No one forces you to play it.
Of course not - you very much lack that power.
Have you thought about taking up running to cool that ego of yours?
That’s something that can done solo efficiently - besides mining.
–Gadget suggests starting with a light jog
Wasting time sometimes creates time for somebody else
My ego is beyond cool.
I do not believe this. Especially after you clarified that you were referring to its use in HS.
I do not believe this either. I do have a suspicion that neither CCP nor the vocal correspondents on this forum actively “encourage” solo play. But, it is nonetheless possible.
Options for solo play include using “locked instances” such as the abyss, that only you can enter. Or, searching out quiet systems including cul de sacs, away from travel routes. Or, choosing “quiet times” to play such as 3-6 hours before downtime, when player numbers bottom-out. Or, choosing solitary pursuits such as PI or exploration that involve both limited player competition and extensive travel.
Some of the above points also apply to mining. However, nowhere in EvE is totally safe to mine. Yet, you can mine safely anywhere, without losses. Getting your head around the difference between the two seems to be the essence of this game. “Safe” is passive. You can even be AFK as a consequence, if you really want to be. Mining safely by contrast is much more active. And what you can do safelyy one day, in one location, you might not be able to do the next. That is just the reality.
That is probably a good thing. It keeps you alert and open to the possibility of things going pear-shaped.
Nowhere. But that does not stop you from mining safely. Alternatively, you can mine “safer” eg by using a porpoise and/or covetors to make you, 1) a smaller target, 2) a much cheaper to replace target…
I would argue that if you mined 8 hours a day for 2 days you would make 1.5 to 2 Bil isk. That would pay to replace a porpoise plus two hulks. (There are some ifs, buts and maybes involved to achieve that, but that is still a real income number.)
THAT seems to be the crux of the issue for you. You will get more relaxed over time, but that’s also when you might start to drop your guard, make mistakes, and get ganked. As I said before, if you swap to a porpoise and even covetors you might not make as much but any losses will also so much less = a more relaxed play style for you 'cause you won’t care so much??
I get this. You just have to work out for yourself if orca + hulks is more fit for purpose than porpoise + covetors. And because you say elsewhere that you don’t care about (making?) isk, then “fit for purpose” should also include what ships you are literally “more relaxed” about flying.
I agree. But they are going to FPS/MOBAs, AAA single hits. MMOs were a fad in the 2000s haven’t seen anything new lately that can compare to EVE. It’s too much money with too much risk involved in creating an MMO. A studio would rather create something like Cities Skylines 2, Hogwarts Legacy, Celeste, Falling Frontier, and so much more.
Risk is lowered, no servers to maintain, the experience is going to me more/less the same across the community, and everyone is generally more content.
Like we see what CCP has done for the NPE. They defined more roles that someone can do in EVE online. They know if they build a consistent NPE people are going to stay around longer. With the average attention span/situational awareness of the 2023 gamer the length of a goldfish. They need every helping hand they can get.
This has been debunked before, but I’ll post you a link to one of the videos covering it right here →
As much as we all enjoy debasing and making ourselves feel worthless and incapable, or perhaps that’s just more a you thing, true data has it’s own opinion on the matter. You’re welcome.
On the topic at hand:
“Is Solo Mining possible??” - Of course it is.
Can you make your life a whole ton easier by just joining a group of like-minded individuals? - Of course.
Plenty of groups out there where you have no responibilities and just fleet up, mine, enjoy a degree of safety, perhaps even mine rare ores in null-sec even, and all that with minimum social interaction necessary.
You want to do this all on your own? Now every task that has been split up across a group is now squarely on your shoulders. You are responsible for yourself to keep checking D-Scan, having your warp-out points pre-aligned, monitor local and etc.
It is certainly do-able and I have done so myself - but if you’re serious about mining, just take a look around for any sort of industry corporation. There are very powerful null-sec corps out there that LOVE LOVE LOVE industry pilots and you’ll enjoy quite the luxury while being under their wing.
This is not to say that null-sec is where you need to go. You play this game the way you want to. I just want to illustrate, that there are a lot of doors and options open for you, once you decide to quit being a loner. Otherwise, I can tell you with a written signature, unless you suddenly wisen up to PvP and develop a ganking-instinct, this isn’t going to get any better.
With cataclystic regards
-James Fuchs
Everything I have spoken so far on this thread and others is based in logic. It is not unreasonable to say that people do have short attention spans. It’s why we have things like YouTube shorts and so on. It’s why we have abyssal dead space for people who only have 15-20mins to play EVE.
I am going to need a citation please. Since you want to start dropping some research on a pretty generic and agreeable point (people have short attention spans). I tell people the whole truth. I don’t sugarcoat things. Never had and never will. Indy is a rough and brutal career. Most people do it as a hobby (me included) Sometimes what I say destroys their world view but can’t deny the meta/reality in EVE online. (Especially with ganking)
I wouldn’t call a simple youtube link “research” necessarily, but going on about this will just derail the topic further. Let’s just leave it at that, if you have any further issues, gank me.
With free regards
-James Fuchs
@Dirt_Farmer you asked, “Why buy any ships to solo mine in?”
As an alpha I never did buy any ships for solo mining. My mining career consisted of a scant few Ventures I obtained doing the industrial career missions. I then mined kernite for ISK in 0.4 lowsec until I had a few hundred million banked. Mining was not all that much fun and seldom did I find it a challenge. I was mining in one of those dead end branches very few people travel through. When I did get an random they would either blow my venture up or pass on by. I was told to try mining gas in lowsec. I bought the skill and scoops. That was more ISK but not very entertaining. Spend hours out in the middle of nowhere sucking farts and get paid… big deal. I then tried my hand at PvP but found it lacked any entertainment value, you just need to find a weaker ship and you win every time. I grew tired of EVE very quickly and now I just pop on once in a great while to collect, reinvest my profits, and leave. Everyone in the market who buys my stuff is making me ISK rich. But there is no real need for ISK at all, the only “fun factor” is playing with your friends, assuming they won’t stab you in the back. This is PvP after all. Friends, corporations (aka guilds), and fair play make for good online games.
I don’t need any mining barge, I wouldn’t use it. However I believe (unless it has changed much) the 0.4 systems clustered around the Eugidi constellation in the Metropolis region are good spots to mine, I recall some belts have a better than 14 AU distance on the gates making you less detectable by dscans.
I now am ISK rich and have absolutely nothing I desire to spend it on in this fun game. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad you are finding it fun. Until we meet again, fly safe. o7
Kekw PH won’t have anything to do with my recent request!
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