Why do people dislike people who gank

For what? There are literally years worth of minerals and ships on the market.

Yeah, but it is though

Who? Rorquals are legendary from when? Its a ship like other, dies to enough dps and for sure it dies when alone.

I have been bombing them with others and they already have a way to survive long enough to be saved.


Ah this one. He lost it as he should. There is no rorq mining safely anywhere. You can only minimalize risk by keeping a standing fleet nearby, and using PANIC.

I don’t hate gankers. But I don’t like them either. The thing is… they aren’t looking for fights. I like fights. Moments of which the outcome is somewhat unsure. Situations in which NPCs are not involved.

Ganks are just a “because I can and did the math” kind of thing and do not involve much more PVP variables then EHP and DPS. Maybe resistances. It’s just not as exciting as defanging a ship one class above your own. As far as I am concerned it’s the difference between a soldier and a mathematician.

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My belief is that mining is supposed to be a conflict origin point. You put something good out in space and require that people in poorly armed ships go out and get it. Now people with better armed ships know there are soft targets out there with valuable goods. Then people who are valuable targets and get shot start to think they need protection and you have the basic recipe for escalating conflict.

Is mining strictly necessary? No, I suppose that there are other ways to solve this issue (such as ‘mining’ through PvE rewards where ships are poorly fit for PvP to efficiently run the content), but mining does make it more clear who’s the rabbit who should have their ears up to hear the coming wolves with their noses down.

More like who is the Elephant Herd in a circle with tusks pointed out and untouchable, if the Null thrread is representative of the real volume of miners.

What about gratuitous acts of senseless violence?
I thought people are good at it, dont need any conflict origin point.

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I was more aiming at a broadly applicable reason for why having mining in the game could be beneficial. I don’t think much about Null or what happens in it because I don’t care much for it.


I don’t know what point you’re trying to make here. I said mining puts targets in space with loot and that works as a conflict driver. Some people have an interest in claiming or controlling space resources, and of those some will come into conflict over what limited quantity there is. Can people shoot you for no reason? Sure. Do they? Sometimes. Is ‘no reason’ sufficient to drive a compelling PvP game with meaningful wins and losses? I don’t believe so.

I wasnt trying to make a genuine argument against it.

But it does stand that its not necessary any more.

I just feel like I have to say something in its defense because I liked mining.

Fair. I used to like it too.

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Me too…and I think that answers the thread title question.

One of the core tenets of Eve Online is that you are not safe anywhere. Far from making people ‘victims’, the risk actually adds to the excitement of the game. I have to scout, plan ahead, outwit the gankers…all of which is content and would not otherwise exist. I love outwitting gankers, either by being alert when mining or by devising some crafty hauling plan. One of these days I’ll be outsmarted…and the gankers will get ‘good fight’ from me. Without ganking, highsec would be absolutely boring.

On the other side of the coin, I have myself done ganking a few times. The first gank I did…far from being some evil psychopath I was actually nervous as hell…heart pounding. And I shot the wrong ship…d’oh ! Had several successful ganks since then. Now my ganker alt has negative security and a bunch of kill rights ( one of which I note is now owned by Safety…so ironically gankers have a kill right on my ganker. That’s karma for you ) . I also quite often donate ISK to newer gankees.

It’s all good fun…on either side. It’s a game…to be enjoyed and revelled in without the morality police weighing in.

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The existence and functionality of CONCORD is what prevents you from having actual fights with gankers. It’s not the gankers’ fault that you can’t have genuine fights with them; they aren’t trying to avoid fighting you. To say that “they aren’t looking for fights” is disingenuous because it ignores the reality of the environment in which they operate. They’re simply forced to play in this manner due to existing game mechanics. If the mechanics allowed for gankers to have genuine fights with you, and they still avoided them, then sure, you’d have a case. But that’s not the reality of the situation as it is right now.

You don’t understand, Destiny.

If CONCORD was removed, those meanie gankers would go crawling to newbie systems and prey on the weak over there! We all know they can’t handle The Real PvP, they need CONCORD there to protect their egos!

In fact, in CONCORD were removed, all the high sec folks who plan to one day unleash their inner Elite PvP Piloting Skills would do exactly that!

Don’t threaten to remove CONCORD because that’s exactly what the temporarily-indefinitely opt-out-of-PvP folks in high sec would want, and gankers couldn’t handle that!


good luck surviving a 200 cata fleet in your freighter, no amount of skill will save you

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I’m not saying anything about CONCORD being removed. I’m only saying that the reason why gankers can’t “give real fights” is because CONCORD prevents them from doing so, so this isn’t something for which gankers can be objectively judged.

As far as the mechanics themselves are concerned, there are ways to employ an NPC police force that don’t involve an automatic 5-to-25-second kill trigger. For example, CONCORD could arrive instantly, and apply a PANIC-style invulnerability effect on the target, while simultaneously only warp-disrupting the gankers, and not attacking them with damage. After 5-10 minutes, the PANIC effect would wear off, and the gankers would be able to proceed with their target’s destruction, unless stopped. This would create the opportunity for genuine battle with gankers, with the sole cost being the lack of guaranteed destruction of their Catalysts, which has such a small overall impact on personal finances and the economy as a whole that the loss of this guaranteed destruction wouldn’t matter anyway.

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If someone can coordinate 200 people to gank my freighter full of trit as I am going back and forth from Hek to Jita, I say well played to that corporation!

Edited to add, on a more serious note, if I am hauling expensive stuff in my freighter and I am nervous about a gank, I don’t just fly my freighter, but I have an alt and a corp mate with me. One to scout ahead, and one flys a battleship set up to repair and counter bump.

Would that be enough to succeed against 200 catalysts? Maybe not, but come on man! If it takes 200 other players to take me and a friend down, I am counting that as a win, even if I lose my freighter! At some point the odds are so stacked against you that the other side deserves to win.


There is an elite skill that involves checking the map for recent destroyed ships. There is another elite skill where you pay attention to see if you have been cargo scanned. There are some other elite skills that might save a freighter from a 200 cata fleet, but those first two are a good start.