Why do this CCP?

Not sure how to respond to that one.

The sad thing is OP will never realize how good he has it as a new player starting out in 2021. Many people took years to get their first battleship. Now you have newbies multiboxing carriers within a few months.

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You have no idea what its like to be a new player in 2021 or how meaningful things are. Most people took years to get things when CCP didn’t cheapen their game to this point.

Your attempt to sit in a grandfather’s rocking chair and harp about back in the day fell slightly short.

signed an actual grumpy old man.

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OP seems to have biomassed. Damn shame.

He’s actually right. When I was a new player the game was far harsher than it is now. You all are lucky. You show us all how entitled you are when you complain.

Carebear whining brought you the shitty Eve you have now. So when carebears come to the forums and complain prepare to get shut down.

PS: CCP doesn’t actually need new players anymore. CCP has plenty of BOTS to pay their bills and BOTS do not require pandering to.

haha maybe you and the other four people left on these forums will get a boost from your outdated thinking.

Get off my lawn.

Wait, the power to do what?

Sure I do.

When I started EVE, there were still learning skills in the game. Each individual scanner probe had to be positioned, and you didn’t know if there was any sigs in system until you scanned. You also had to keep your clone upgraded or getting podded cost you SP (I lost AWU5 once).

There was no Agency holding your hand and telling you where to go and what to do.

The game didn’t tell you how to fit your ships.

There was no “ALPHA READY Abyssal Gila, 400m/hour” nonsense.

Complaining that you can’t afford a battleship after only playing for 3 months is peak entitlement and summer child syndrome.


Bro you’re nothing but a Nullbear. You’re knowledge of this game = 0. Your entire killboard is nothing but f1 monkey ■■■■■■■■ or you being a dumbass and losing a PvE ship. You’re stating opinions from a position of ignorance. You do not know enough about other forms of play to comment on ANYTHING regarding balance AND you are one of the most coddled kinds of players in the game.

It’s actually my lawn kid.


Haha, holy ■■■■, it’s like watching a baby getting devoured by two pit bulls.

I guess Rekindle will be biomassing next. What’s left of him, anyway.



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It’s like watching a bunch of people that know the ISD isn’t going to do dick about them blatantly using personal attacks on fellow forum posters.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

my god man - that was then this is now. I loved the old game but its gone now. You do understand that right? Comparing our experiences with Eve from 15 years ago just doesnt equate to the modern experience. I don’t even play eve on a modem any more - do you? You can have your nostalgia , I have mine but pull your head out of you know where and understand the younger generation isnt the problem - poor game design is.

<3 I’m like some necromantic diplomat from a byegone era that should have left this universe a long time ago but yet here I am.

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“That was then this is now” is not a valid argument. Not all change is good and beneficial. Some changes are actually bad and detrimental. And pretty much every change that CCP has made in the past 8 years trying to pander to the younger generation has caused major, foundational problems in the game. CCP disagrees with you and they’re currently doing things to bring the old game back. They will probably be spending the next few years cleaning up the mess that pandering to entitled newbabies has caused.

I barely understand WTF you are talking about.

You’re one of those gotta have the last word type of guys …so go on then, prove me wrong.

The door for personal attacks was opened by the OP. You can’t complain when other forum users decide to walk through it.

Not much left to do here other than lock the thread.

Let’s be realistic here: they’ve sampled that sweet casual gamer micro-transaction nectar, and at this point it’s highly unlikely they’ll ever go back to the old model. It might look like they’re making changes that are making the game more difficult again, but those changes only make it more difficult from a grinding perspective, in order to push more players to subscribe and/or buy PLEX. The fundamental difficulty that’s player-driven isn’t going up, as can be evidenced from more and more players becoming PvP-immune on a daily basis due to anything ranging from war nerfs to an increasing amount of ships being immune to tackle, et cetera.

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That much is very clear.

Totally feel you bro.

Raven is not the best ship for the job, but it gets the job done.

You probably better going Null Sec and learning more about the game, trust me. Even if you want the cash to PLEX.

BTW welcome to EVE.
