Why do you like & play EVE?

i play it because even though everyone tells you to get ahead in the game you have to play with others i can still log in and mind my own business without having to bother a single sole and still play the game in my own way at any time day or night

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The soul purpose to New Eden is to obtain the unattainable which is the main reason I like to play Eve Online

New Eden the unachievable frozen corpse subscribe to Frostpacker’s early March release today. (limited copies issued)

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I’ve made nice profits selling corpses back in the days when I was more active in EVE.



I like to play EVE because no other videogame out there lets me be a real space pirate.




To be honest: I don’t play it that much.

I like that I don’t have to play it all that much to enjoy it when I do play it.


I have played this game since around 2013, with a few years break here and there and I have found myself recently, returning with a more comprehensive idea as to what I want from the game. I enjoy playing because it helps me focus my mind when I have the eratic days, and I can also keep it on in the background while I study or turn wood on my lathe, with the tranqual music keeping the ambience of my workshop at an almost zen like level. It is one of the only games that I know of that seems endless and complex enough to keep me entertained for hours, even days. The graphics are awesome, although the PI could use a bit of a tweak, it looks too plain and not in fitting with the scheme of the rest of the game. Aside from that, my only request to CCP would be the option to create our own paint jobs for the ships we fly. That aside, I think this game has the potential to be around for the next few decades, and I hope to be playing it when I am finally carted off to the retirement home.

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I still play eve because of how great it was up until 2017. All the time I spend playing now is just waiting for CCP to correct the mistakes they have made since then (war hqs/hs war mechanics #1 fail).

Why do I like it? For the same reason I like Anno 1404… industry planning. I ask myself these same questions every day tbh.

Eve used to be 9/10 and now its 3/10.

Forts/large structures a requirement for HQs by the end of the year.

CCP wants to sweep the entire war thing under a rug. Probably even more so than ganking.

They raised the price of war starting about 2010 until only a few people could afford it. Then they called us griefers and ended that. And now they want you to lose 15 billion for a few days of war to simply be crushed by 3 people using 12 accounts each who all work under the ONLY power structure that still exists. What do you do when you cant simply blob the enemy? Force them to be wiped out in one fight over a building… where they obviously wont show up.

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Yes, that’s intentional by design. It’s not just CCP accidentally making bad decisions.

Also, looks like the “social corporation” concept is alive and well, and is getting pushed through sooner rather than later. " EVE Online: Viridian will empower capsuleers to come together and work towards a joint purpose, set by their corporation leaders and involving many playstyles." I can’t wait!

Honestly, those aren’t even the scary things. People should be more concerned by, for example, the amount of times that a Tencent buyout was discussed/considered being more than zero.

I don’t know why you’re replying to me, but anyway, if you don’t have spare money, and you decide to spend what little money you do have on micro-transactions in a hardcore open-world PvP video game where players can destroy each other, you really need to get your house in order because your priorities are all messed up.

The stealing isn’t done by players …

Lol, them trying to introduce corporate bs into a community like this has as much chance of adding something to the game as fleas on a dog. And that’s putting it mildly. “Common goals” by more handholding and neck grabbing ? Fat chance. But as always, let’s not read too much into a devblog written in corporate lingo … yet.

It’s risk reduction.

And UI stuff, I guess.

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EVE has a good and unique control system of ship. It’s make gameplay relaxing and meditative. No need in high APM. And spce backgrounbs beautiful.

I enjoy EvE while I nap or go outside for a walk.

“Why do you like and play EVE?”

I’m still trying to work that one out.

Personal Experience
The last space MMO I played was Star Trek Online. The free to play game was just awful for a game released in 2010. Unlike Eve Online the 3D flight simulator had major flaws. You could never maneuver your ship straight up or down (z axis), instead you had to spiral along the z axis to gain or lose altitude. When I criticized this on the forum I was told it was done for “purism to the TV show and movies”. I think it was just lazy programming. I think the very best thing they had was a mission editor, where any player could create custom missions. I never returned to STO after they removed the feature some time in late 2018. The players made better stories than Cryptic Studios ever could. I understand from the Wikipedia (linked in post above) the game continues but was once again sold to Gearbox. I wish them the best of luck polishing that turd.

How I Found Eve
Last year, I was talking to someone on Black Desert how much I miss playing space MMOs and there isn’t much available to people with any amount of intellect. They recommended Eve Online and told me Pearl Abyss acquired this as one of their assets. I signed up through my Steam and started playing.

What I Like About Eve
I was impressed right away by the 3D simulation, open world PvP, and sandbox PvE aspects of this game. Eve Online has to be one of the best and so far it is the best for casual players like myself. I don’t get on every day or stress out about losing ships. When I do play, I set some personal goals, and attempt to achieve them for that day. Mostly into resource mining, hauling, advancing the careers, and skills. I don’t spend much ISK - so it tends to pile up over time.

Why I Continue to Play
Although many of you have sour dispositions, I have found people in this game to relate with and enjoy my social gaming activities. There is a minority of gankers here, who believe I should be angry or upset about ship loss. It is JUST A GAME blue haired ninja boys! Maybe they get upset when they lose because they buy the Plex? I would like to see more story quests in this game. Other than that, I come here and play when I get to missing the space sci-fi games.


As of now I dont enjoy playing the game because the only activity I enjoy is PVP and as a new players you are just straight up cannon fodder or free target for many others (You can argue all you want this is how I feel, don’t bother argue I have already seen all your arguments and they are BS). I am skilling up to be able to fully skill PVP skills but it takes so long (and I ll be honest I am not patient).

The only thing keeping me in the game is FW which is rather enjoyable.

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