Why doesnt Null invade Lowsec?

Lack of bubbles makes nullbears uncomfortable.
Also weird mechanics like gate guns, killrights and sec. status loss.

But seriously- there is some nice stuff you can do in low, but the blob is most interested in moons and owning the space (sov upgrades), you can’t truly “own” places with npc stations and there are no upgrades in low (also no jump gates), for same reasons npc null is considered garbage.

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no 'it depends" today
you admitted in another post that you don’t know anythg about null sec. Yet you post here about what null sec players do or don’t do
what you do here is showing you know nothing (and you are not John Snow)

  • you talk about null sec “not invading low sec” but 1. low sec sovs cannot be taken due to game mechanisms 2. many low sec good moons are occupied by null sec alliances 3. low sec systems often contain citadels owned by null sec alliances
  • you talk about null sec not doing pvp. There are dozens/hundreds of pvp fights (small scale/large scale) every day in null sec. Just check zkillboard
  • you talk about pvp while your zkillboard AND the numerous posts full of mistakes you already posted everywhere on this forum easily show what pvp expert you are

At least in your other posts you tried to discuss about maths, game mechanisms, tactics (weird most often but…)

Here it is pure trolling

I am disappointed


Sounds like you need to figure out what a jump drive is, and how it works.

There’s really nothing in low to protect alliance logistics from - you jump onto an upwell, dock, undock, and warp from tether to the high sec gate, never actually being targetable at any point in the process.

“bUt WhAT aBoUT tHoSe JFs THaT gEt SuPER-BlaPpED in LoW?” I can hear you thinking already.

Those aren’t alliance logi pilots, those are random line members doing their own hauling stupidly. Alliance logistics pilots are invariably out-of-alliance pilots (because major blocs are always war decced to the tits). The dead JFs are dumbdumb amateurs who get caught, typically by undocking from an NPC station and then hitting “warp” to a gate without aligning first. When the nyx lands they panic and try to dock, but because they’re panicking, they don’t think to hit ctrl+space, and can’t actually dock because they’re initiating warp.

The only thing ever threatening actual alliance haulers is hi sec suicide ganks. If they’re ever even targetable in null or low, it’s because the pilot is incompetent.

So, wrt to logistics, there’s no reason to spend more manpower than is necessary, and the necessary manpower is basically zero, apart from the JF pilots themselves. Resource-wise, there is literally nothing in low for nullsec blocs to care about. Not even goons are fully exploiting the resources available to them in null, so why would anyone travel further from home to get less of the same?


Because they’d be getting their asses kicked and because space is actually dangerous outside of nullsec player empire space.

When lowseccers visit us in NPC null we usually demolish them. They also usually have juicy pods because they aren’t used to being caught in bubbles when they lose their ships.


Yeah but we were talking about the other way round.

What would be the point? There are so many things you can’t do in low that you can do in null, got “banned in empire space”, it would be a pain in the ass.

Not too mention sec status changes that don’t happen in null.

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Please list a few.

Only conclusion is you’re an idiot.


Build titans, which is about the only thing that matters.

But even the things where a low-sec analog exists, they’re not as profitable/convenient/consistent. Low sec is a fun place to visit but living there isn’t that attractive a prospect for a superpower.


That was not a list. There are more things that matter, too. Like bombs. Not exactly an unessential part of nullsec warfare, unavailable to anyone else outside of it.

Farming carebears*

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[‘Build Titans’]

Now it’s a list.

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No, it isn’t. This isn’t Python. What it is, though, is your narrow view of what you believe to be important and your ignorance of what others might deem as important in regards to the differences between nullsec and lowsec.

Wew, humorless tool reporting for duty.

Hm. I’m sorry.

If you can’t think of several items off hand that are banned in empire space then you really have no business posting in this thread.

Treating the obvious like a point of discussion.

All you nullsec cowards will be sorry when the mighty OrcaFleets™ decimate you. Right, Alistair?


Why don’t you give us a list then?

I live in high sec, and this is truth.

The letters you’ve typed you could have spent listing a few. You apparently can’t. If you can’t respond to a simple request made because of your statement, why would you want to be considered a smart, knowledgeable and non-bitter person to converse with? You’re just like the haters you keep responding to and just like them you think you’re better, without providing any evidence. Obviously you also don’t care, just like them. I award you a medal for this amazing accomplishment. :1st_place_medal: