Why is everyone multiboxing so many accounts now



Because the player count dropped from 40k online at once to what it is today. We need people filling roles in corps and alliance doing things to make it function. Real players are far and in between because most of the “new players” who join get pushed out due to the toxicity towards newer players. As a way to fill that void people make alts and multi box. Training takes so long the most logical thing to do is create a new character and fill the void in a specific training you need so you arent taking away from training on your other character.

That and PC’s have come a very long way since release. A lot more people have computers now that can handle multiple accounts at the same time.

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For my play style, multiboxing is necessary. While it’s true that a single Catalyst is inexpensive, the only thing you could reasonably bag in Highsec with it is a Venture (or other frigate/destroyer).

To tackle miner-prey, I need a warp-in/looter/scout, multiple Catalysts with T2 Guns and Mag Stabs - each Ganker representing one subscribed account. It is my choice, of course, but if I wish pursue this activity, I must multibox.

CCP provides the content; it’s up to me to allocate the resources.

I pick things up

and I put them down

/On a more relaxed note, how do we change the colour of the fleet drones?

I would like to have a different colour for the drones please.

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I think you have to change your fleet color in overview


Thats nonsense coming from a super salty player who once got ganked and since then is trying to be an antiganker and all he does is that he whores on already dead tornados and thrashers at Jita which he pretargets and spam F1 every second :smiley: .

It is true that there is less players than before, but ganking is not at fault. Without ganking the game would turn into EVE Echoes and would have died.

Problem is that instead of CCP acknowledging that with less players the content designed for multiple players should be toned down. At least some of it, they are making it harder if anything and every new content is harder and harder.

I remember the old days aroun 2018 when the events were easy enough so a year old noob like me could do them in a t1 Thorax. And there were plenty of sites and plenty of players. Nowadays the event sites are scarce, they often needs to be probed down and the difficulty requires assault frigate with good skills at minimum, npcs are using all kinds of ewars typically with warp disrupt and web. No wonder that I don’t see many newbies on them.

But you know what? You wanted this, the old easy sites were criticized on forum I remember that, you wanted a challenge and difficulty. (And without going into low/null/wh lol). So you got what you wanted. Don’t complain now.


Why are so many people multi-boxing? Because ganker alts can be used to gank High Sec freighters and make a lot of ISK in a small amount of time. A ganker in High Sec can make approx. 10 billion in about five hours.

The ISK is then rolled over into new ganker alts.

Why would gankers need ISK when @Aiko_Danuja lives rent free in your head?

:thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :popcorn:

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You dont really need so many alts tho:


That’s rookie numbers, @Felix_Frostpacker sends more ISK to Aiko in a week. :smiling_imp: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:

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Please post a link to your popular and entertaining live-stream - so that you can demonstrate exactly how this is done, Dryson. I’ll Like and Subscribe; I promise!

Failing that, talk to me about a situation in which any player who can afford to do so may multi-box to his/her heart’s content, and make oodles of dosh in the process.

Seems to me that what’s good for the goose must be good for the gander, no?

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What a load of conflated nonsense. Most people ( including myself ) multibox because it confers some benefits to themselves…not because there’s some mythical ‘void’ being filled.

I think you confuse private and personal. Something can be personal and still be public, like this example when the person himself reveal the info publicly, on a regular basis.

Not even room for speculation, it is all there for everyone to see.

You mean his posting history which is an auto generated and public aspect of his public forum activity? :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush:

Maybe, maybe not, we can not know because if there are they do it in private. So without comparison there is no way to know for sure. When it comes to public figures however you seem to be one of the top supporters if not the top one.

Is this about regretting your past support for such activities or something? Or as you wrote in another post recently just got a bit too much to drink and need some time to get back to normal.

It’s okay, I know it is difficult to let go of things but worrying too much and getting stressed really won’t solve any problems. You have a better chance of solving anything with a clear state of mind. How one can reach that differs for each person so don’t know what to recommend specifically but maybe your doctor can help out again.

Though as talked about it in the past in another thread, doing exercises might also help relieving stress in a healthy way.

Anyway this is getting away from the thread topic so maybe Frostpacker can share what his reason for multiboxing is and what conclusion he draws from his personal experience regarding the question in the thread title.

Also regarding such: is “everyone” (the majority) really multibox (or do so so many accounts) compared to the past or is it just a false impression based on a few exaggerated examples?


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If Frosty wants to enjoy a personal relationship with me, I should expect something nice for me, right? I think it’s reasonable to expect a billion isk, not for some apology or a mining permit or to manipulate something out of me, but just as a nice gift for me, which I shouldn’t even have to ask for. I shouldn’t have to engage in some long complicated forum interaction, when I should just be able to log into EvE Online and see that someone is supportive and kind and generous. The money should just be there, for me and for my eternal happiness. Right? That’s true wisdom.


Very true. I think it is beneath you to even have to explain this. However it is good to show example so people can’t have the excuse of not knowing better. Now they have no excuse whatsoever, legitimate or otherwise.

Besides a truly selfless relationship is (and should be) about that, being supportive without expecting anything in return.

Hard to come by these days. I think the Frostpacker owes you a couple dozen bils just for this single post. It contains more wisdom than entire books combined.


Yah, and he could quit insulting me!


Now there’s an idea!



Simply put: Its too easy and too beneficial now.

In the past there was one major thing that restricted multiboxing: Time. Oppertunity cost is a major barrier to multiboxing. This oppertunity cost was destroyed when they introduced skill injectors into the game.

To a lesser extent people figured out how to automate their gameplay easier: auto missiles were buffed, vexor/ishtar ratting has become the norm, every player is better off having a throwaway logi alt boosting your tracking and healing your buffer, before multiboxing was really activities you would do when you needed an alt to do something for you like light a cyno, or activities like mining where the APM is less than 1

As well, the logistics of running multiple accounts became less punishing when they removed skill loss on pod death, so before you would lose money/SP per pod death, now throwaway alts are free when they die in a pod. This means that there is no disadvantage to running multiple alts if you can afford it, and usually the activities that you can unlock for yourself and the consistency of ISK making goes up meaning you can usually pay for all those alts as well.

And CCP encourages it, they have since the “power of two” multiboxing promotions back in the day. I don’t think CCP could, nor should directly ban multiboxing, however I do think they should try to make it harder to box, but this would also hurt CCP in the wallet.


It doesn’t even need to be harder, just less lucrative. Acitvities should be designed in a way that you can either do them very convenient (aka less decision making, less input activity required, easy to multibox) or higly focused and active (aka many decisons forcet upon the player in short intervals, high reaction time required, extremely hard to multibox). If you chose the convenient way, the acitivity should return mediocre results, always to be outperformed greatly by the player who choses to really focus on the activity.

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I agree, it’s lame a.f

They need to play with so many characters at the same time because they suck at the game. Take away multiboxing and they are done for :smile:

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Oh I see. Yeah I know the feeling, I have less time for EVE in general as well, and since years. Unfortunate but nothing can be done, we have a certain amount of time each day and have to decide what to spend it on.

I guess this applies to multiboxing as well, some can handle it with ease thus can multiply their activities by running multiple operations parallel (while other cases they multibox the same fleet instead of different ops), while others can’t handle it and stick with solo (maybe with a scout alt) (while others simply prefer solo even if can and sometimes do multibox).