Why is everyone multiboxing so many accounts now

I watched yesterday as a guy logged in more than 400 SP farmers. Eight at a time. All with the same name.

And there are plenty more like him out there.

It’s a crazy ol’ world we live in.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Jeez did they morgage the house for the startup capital?

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What I really don’t understand is why anyone cares. I mean…so what ? The multiboxers have never had any impact whatever on my Eve. Some of them are simply miners, others are doing Homefront or other PvE stuff. Very few are like Kusion in Uedama and doing ganking…and like I said earlier, the real gank danger is from people that you don’t know are working together and not from people called Ganker_1, Ganker_2, and so on. So as Geo says…why does any of it even matter ?

Ofc they have an impact on eve, multiboxers have lowered Faction warfare lp value by absolute tons for a decade first with fw missions and now with the 5man plex’s.

And they are impossible to stop as a solo pilot and they run away with insta warp ships from any group, they are like cockroaches cleaning out your kitchen of any food.

They do not add to the pvp they treat it as pve and just decimate the environment.

More reasons to create more alts. Become a multiboxer. Embrace EVE.

And then someone multiboxes to stop me, and someone multiboxes to stop them, eventually everyone is running 10 accounts and are bored out of their mind as its more of a job than actually fun anymore.

Forward thinking.

It’s like telling everyone in the game just make 40 PI alts as they will be rich, 95% will quit within the first 2 months of doing it.

Multiboxers have an advantage over a group of individual players: trust. They can’t be infiltrated, they can’t have one of their members persuaded to turn against them. They are essentially immune from some of the classic tactics of EVE.


Well sure, multiboxers have a number of advantages. Trust, coordination, timing, mutually supporting builds, knowing how they’re all going to react in advance, yadda yadda. Although, a group of players could have much the same thing. And they have the disadvantage of one person trying to control and coordinate multiple screens/ships/actions.

The thing is, multiboxing is here, it’s staying, it’s not going away. I have a fair number of accounts, I’ve never multi’d any of them. It’s just not interesting to me. That said, if I fly somewhere and see a stack of 20 same-name ships doing whatever, I don’t care. Either they don’t interfere with my current actions, in which case who cares, or they do interfere, in which case I need to find a way through or around them and/or do something else.

Which is pretty much exactly what I’d do if I flew somewhere and saw a stack of ships of different names.

I agree that having EVE designed in a way that encourages and enables and economically requires multi-boxed players paying for multiple subs is a bad idea. It’s bad design, it’s bad content, and it’s a bad business risk (every time you lose an m-boxer, you lose multiple subs).

But it is the way it is, it effectively can’t be removed at this point, in fact even if CCP officially decided to remove it, it wouldn’t work because people would just find ways around it.

So accept it as part of the landscape and deal with it. Or ■■■■■ about it forever. Whatever floats your boat I guess.


Only BBC can pull off a joke where literal understanding of a word can be interpreted as something else and be funny. You have tried and failed. Sorry.

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Having played since 2003 Id say this was an issue throughout Eve. Those who adapt well, singularly or multiboxers, will always do things extremely efficiently. Whether thats fight, run or blob, or whatever. Devaluation of LP has happened since the beginning as well be it regular missions or FW or pirate FW. As everyone optimizes and tells their friends, single pilots min/max things more. When you or I find an “opportunity” in Eve how often do you keep it a secret? How often do you tell your friends, if you have friends? How fast till they tell THEIR friends and so on and so forth until the markets, niche, etc is saturated as everyones doing it because its easy or profitable? This then gets changed, nerfed or buffed, in some way to change the meta and on we go.

Notice this fact; once the majority of people know of a loophole, niche, etc and its become mainstream CCP WILL and HAS to change it to maintain a stable game. So whether thats singular players or multiboxers it is the SAME issue. A figures out an niche, either tells B ( or B figures it out for themselves), and they tell C, D and E. This is simply the new flavor of the month and CCP has simply said hey heres content for multiboxers now, those people who pay for multiple accounts.

I used to mine Ice in gallente space when goons were doing their interdictions many moons ago and made a bundle of isk using 12 toons. I dont do much mining these days, but the idea of affording more than one account after playing for 20 years is something that anyone can do given the time, investment and will. When I first started playing I had absolutely no concept of using, or having more than one account. Let alone more than one character on my account. People grow and evolve and that is something that yes CCP created but also that people will monopolize and can exploit for personal reasons.

Just a bit of food for thought.


could not agree more, its a balance after all.

i don;t think anyone choose not to multibox or have multiple accounts for that matter is at a disadvantage, as the gameplay is just very different for those groups.

i do multibox homefront when i have nothing better to do, but the fleet is also always open for new-bro’s that want to join, then i just drop out one of my own to make room.
i find this is a pretty good way to get new players into the whole social thing. which Eve is all about.


I would say that you can really profit from multiboxing 3-4 accounts in this game. Just using 1-2 accounts is like hindering your development.

In the novel EVE: The Empyrean Age you can learn about “the Broker” and his ability to take over many different clones at once and/or to take over multiple bodies at different times.

The authors already made an example of an extreme multiboxer in 2008 when they released the novel.


You have multiboxing Gods in places like Uedama not only ganking with 30 accounts, but scouting, looting, and giving orders to fleet when dunking stuff with other players. All at the same time.

It is the most extreme way of playing EVE, props to them. Why should CCP penalize his hardcore players. They already operate on the borderline of playability.

I wouldn’t call them gods lol its just a different play style, hydra guys are way more talented.

Haha ! You thought I was joking ? You really need to brush up on British humour.

And then today:

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


CCP has to keep the daily login numbers high, right? :rofl:


tell me what is the difference between if you die against one person with 5 accounts or to 5 different people?

Because they can.

But if they’d operate them individually I see no problem with it. But on occasion I’ve been watching them doing their thing… The timings of their actions are all very tight and consistant. Which means its likely some marco or automate parts of their inputs. And if so. That deserves nothing less then a life time ban imo.

It doesn’t kill the game. Here we still are many a year later. But it does diminish what it could be.

Up to CCP to swing that hammer down.

has been explained a 100times already: it is a lot more effort to bring in 5 guys into a fleet than just logging in 5 alts, because those 5 guys need to have the same online time, the same skills to actually do the content in question and the same interest to actually do that content right now.

Thus the chance to even meet these 5 guys interfering with you is a lot lower. You can have a very clear example here: Without multiboxing, barely any freighter would die in HighSec to ganking, because the times per month the gankers could really get 40 real people into their fleet could proably be counted on one hand. With multiboxing they can do it every day, for hours. Because they only need a handful of real people coordinating.

So, for the actual target it absolutely doesn’t matter if the two dozen catalysts are controlled by a single person or two dozen players, but the chance to get attacked at all is like a 100times lower without multiboxing.