Why is everyone multiboxing so many accounts now

I don’t mind multiboxing. I play with one window only. What’s really sad, is that CCP pretty good with multiboxing, and do nothing. And today play in one window is hard. Very low chance that you’ll get normal PvP or you’ll get ISKS. That what they said high risk high reward means you play several thunderchilds on haven or dread + couple marauders in C6? Or 5-6 algoses in FW… or… or… many options.

Maybe would be nice limit on time connections, like 3 window only? I think this is ruin the game.

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I’ve been playing a grand total of 26 days.

I have seen the worth in having multiple accounts. I currently have a combat pilot and a salvage/industry guy. Both logged in at the same time and omega.

I can see the value in it but I can also see the frustration by some in having 10+ chars in a gank fleet.

However my personal feeling at this very early stage of the game is that if they are using tools to speed up the process then that’s kind of taking it to the next level/extreme.

Doesn’t put me off because my opinion at this moment in time is if I get blown up I put myself in a vulnerable position and I’ll learn from it. Whether it be a solo guy or 10.


That’s what I call a hot take!

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Probaby RMT accounts.

LOL, they not all RMT accounts. When you start eve you young young, have al the time in the world and are broke, as you get older, life gets in the way so youre eve time is less so you get alts to keep the isk coming in. You earn a salary now and instead of going out on the piss you get an alt, then another and well then you get called an RMT bot… This is the eve way

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Better to go up against a 10x multi-boxing fleet than a fleet of 10 real players. Take that as you may.

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It’s gotten a lot worse recently, yes.


What’s it matter to you how someone spends time and money?


^ this


Proof or it didn’t happen.

I had to look up the lyrics to see if I could make something work as I never knew what he was saying when the song first got popular. There is not much to work with even though it sounds like he is saying a lot. I will see what I can do but do not hold your breath :laughing:

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Not at all, this has been addressed in the thread recently. Go read instead of just seeking confirmation bias

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It’s not jealousy, imagine doing the 100m sprint and all of a sudden it becomes legal to use performance enhancing drugs.

So now you think ok I can use it to keep up with everyone else but its going to ■■■■ me up with side effects but to stay compeditive I need to do it, so you do it.

Next week there is 2 performance drugs that everyone is taking and if you only take 1 you are at a disadvantage.

3 months down the line everyone takes 12 drugs at a time they go to the mental institution on the weekends and a health practitioner every other weekend.

This is multiboxing.

The more ■■■■ is farmed the lower the value of that farm and the more you need to multibox to get what you where getting before and eventually the game enters a state where you need 50 alts to get the same value as if you where soloboxing only becuase everyone has 50 alt’s. It’s narrowminded thinking with 0 forsight and understanding littereally 90IQ’ers jumping aboard the clown train.


No it isn’t. You are talking baloney.

10 individual characters running 10 chars will always have the advantage on one person running 10 chars. You rattle on as if it was the other way round, when it isn’t.

As for people multibox ‘farming’…how quaint, given that I can mine a bunch of Walletanium in 5 minutes and spare myself having to have 10 extra accounts. But I don’t begrudge poor people having that farming option.

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Lets say there is 10 000 players

They mine and refine veldspar and sell trite it at 4isk each.

Then those 10 000 players make 4 more alts each and mine veldspar.

Now trite falls down to 0.8.

Each of those players are making the same isk as they did before but they are paying CCP 5x more subscriptions, so they are worse off than they where with a single account.


Math is so fun.

Remember lads, multiboxing means your attention is SPLIT.

Like love, attention does not multiply with the more people (alts) you have. :joy: Thankfully people do know their natural… (human) or physical limits… (PC). It seems things cap out at around 40 alts for 1 guy? (Incursion multiboxer)

Most ive seen is about 10 alts for many.


That is fallacious maths. You are comparing with a hypothetical start point where nobody multiboxed…a time that never existed or at least hasn’t for many years. And you are comparing with a hypothetical situation where practically everyone multiboxes, which again is not the case. So really your example is just hyperbole.

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Multiboxing is simply not sustainable long term. (I am obviously biased)

“Sustainable” meaning everyone is only going to get so many alts. Without actually getting in new humans to play the game. Just a gut feeling things will implode. Idk why.

Eventually the scale will shift. It always does.

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I just don’t understand using Alts. It just seems wrong to create a bunch of toons to replace a group of real people.


If no one had alts and multiple accounts, this game would have shut down 10 years ago…