We are comprehending it. You just refuse to acknowledge the follow-ups to your point. Fingers in ear, going „La la la“.
TLDR: you assume „cap stability“ requires the PyFa and in-Game fitting window assumption to turn everything on and walk away from the computer. This is wrong: „cap stability“ as a concept depends how you pilot your ship and it is wrong to ignore this.
Here’s a fourth explanation:
Cap stability is a derived statistic. It isn’t a primary one that modules affect. Primary attributes modules affect which then affect the derived metric, are:
- Capacitor Capacity
- Capacitor Recharge Rate
- Module Capacitor Cost
- Module Cycle time
- Pilot decision when to activate modules
Of all of these, PYFA assumes „pilot decision is turn module on and leave on auto repeat“ with no way to adjust pilot behavior. Everything else you can tinker with by fitting or skills. All of these complex things affect „capacitor stability“ of a ship which PYFA and In Game fitting window assume the pilot behavior is the bot-aspirant „turn everything on and walk away from computer“ behavior. Which is almost never the case.
Let’s change that last bullet point to mean something else instead. All other bullet points the same. The same skills same ship. Except! Pilot sits attentively at keyboard, and makes sure Armor Repairer is run at every 10s mark. This is the difference. Let’s assume Armor repairer skill is at one, and it takes 10s for it to cycle. It gives 100 HP per cycle. Let’s assume it takes 10Gj to activate. Here is their behavior:
- T=0s, activate repper, spend 10 Gj, cycle begins
- T=5s, nothing interesting happens
- T=10s, get 100HP, spend 10 GJ auto cycle.
- T=15s, nothing interesting happens
- T=20s, get 100HP, spend 10 GJ Auto cycle
And now let’s look at Armor repair V and assume it now takes 5s to cycle:
- T=0s, activate repper, spend 10 GJ, cycle begins
- T=5s, get 100HP, cycle ends (manual deactivation)
- T=10s, spend 10Gj, cycle begins
- T=15s, get 100HP, cycle ends (manual deactivation)
- T=20s, spend 10Gj, cycle begins
Do the math: Capacitor stability is equal in both cases. The latter just gets your HP sooner.
For the lazy pilots that rely on „run modules forever“ then yes their capacitor stability is impacted (all other things equal) when increasing the skill. This is not close to a universal truth, almost nobody is out flying only perma-modules-on fits.
Just because PyFa and in game fitting window spit out numbers doesn’t give you an excuse to turn brain off and go „well Pyfa and in game window say I have to keep all my modules on all the time, guess that is what I’ll do and how I will fly“.